View Full Version : Our Member Names

03-13-2006, 05:33 PM
I thougtht an interesting point of discussion might be the origins of some of our member names. This occurred to me as mine is amazingly dull: my name is Bob and I keep Discus, hence the clever name "DiscusBob". I remember when I registered, just wanting to hurry up and be done with it so that
I could post a question; I really put no thought into it at all.

However, I'll bet there are more interesting stories behind names like Wolfbane, Moon, Cosmo, Hexed, etc...

What about yuou, Brewmaster? Are you an actual brewmaster, a home brewer or just really really really like beer?

03-13-2006, 05:52 PM
Well, mine came pre-discus with a gold nugget pleco called Scooby. The t is just my first initial. It is bad luck to the pleco if you spell out "pleco" so that is why it is tpl*co. Well, Scooby is no longer with me, I followed the advice of a LFS once in checking where some stray water around the tank was coming from and turned off my HOB to check if it was the cause. We thought that the canister filter on the tank would be sufficent and I foolishly did this before I went to bed. Well, the HOB was the one doing the major oxygenating (I had my spray bar too close to the water surface) and it was too late to save Scooby from a lack of oxygen in the tank the next morning :(. Found out later that the water around the tank was from me sticking my dang arms and messing with the tank!

OH well, the legend is gone but the name remains. LOL. Lot wiser now and keeping discus.


White Worm
03-13-2006, 05:52 PM
Look in faces to names in community. Alot have introduced themselves there. We also had a thread a little time back where we spelled out what our names meant. Dont know where that one is. Maybe someone can post it for ya. Mike PS....Mine is pretty simple. My wife and kids say I'm half human, half discus. LMAO.

03-13-2006, 06:04 PM
Well Bob,
Since you asked... Yes I am a home brewer ..been one for years...ales, meads and recently dabbling in wines.:)

Where the brewmaster15 comes from? well it actually goes back to a time long ago..when dial up was just becoming competitive and free unlimited internet ( ISP services) like JUNO were cropping up ...I was pretty broke at the time and between jobs...so I signed on.... well Free Isp didn't last..pretty soon it was pay or limit the time per month... so... I just signed up with a different screen name for several months as I used up my "free" alotments.. I got to brewmaster15 pretty quickly:) but by then I was in a new job and Free wasn't necessary anymore.:) :)

so there you have it Brewmaster15... a relic of my youth:)


03-13-2006, 06:06 PM
Mine actually came from Andrew(hubby) and Angela, we shared the name on posting threads just signed which ever was posting. I became a moderator and kept the name and Andrew choose a different name.

It is interesting to see why people use the names they do.

03-13-2006, 06:14 PM
Oh, I thought you were a sober discus keeper, "AA"discus.;)


White Worm
03-13-2006, 06:25 PM
Still having discus withdrawls though.

03-13-2006, 06:31 PM
Well to be perfectly honest my real first name is George...but after using it for 52 yrs lol..it got a bit old so to speak..kinda like me I guess. Have no idea how I came up with Jarrod cause mainly I don't eat at Subway...lol...but I used to one time and it sorta stuck.

03-13-2006, 06:34 PM
Very Funny Mr SHinShin...what about your forum name ?? :)

" http://forum.simplydiscus.com//images/icons/icon12.gif Re: Our Member Names
Oh, I thought you were a sober discus keeper, "AA"discus.;)


03-13-2006, 06:40 PM
Semi-humorous as it may be, when I went to college there were like 20 guys named Scott. So, there was Scooter, Skeeter, Slipper, etc. Myself being the last Scott to arrive and all the cool nicknames handed out already, an unsober and uncoherent roomate strategically attached an "ie" to my last name. And no, I am not secretly and Irish hitman. You may come out of hiding now Paul!

03-13-2006, 06:55 PM
The name CAGE RATTLER came from when i 1st joined an online Nascar Racing League years ago (which i still participate in).

I was trying to find a good racing handle and i was and still am a huge Dale Earnhardt fan. I always loved his comments after a race ..... particularly after a wreck. Well one of his not so fond memories of a race was an incident at Bristol when he spun Terry Labonte out near the end of the race and went on to win.

After the race his comment was "I didnt mean to wreck Him ........ Just meant to RATTLE HIS CAGE" .......... lol.

So i came up with CAGE RATTLER.
I liked it and it fit in with racing perfectly with different meanings.
Not only the Dale Sr. reference but the roll bars in race cars are often refferred to as a cage as well.

Ive used it everywhere on the internet ever since .......... in forums and other sports leagues i belong to.

I was actually a little leary about using it in fish forums since an aquarium is also considered a glass cage ..... lol ........ and didnt want to give the wrong impression ..... lol.

Ive also been told people think im a trouble maker with that handle cause they think im only there to try to rattle peoples cages ..... lol ...... but nothing could be farther from the truth.

And it sure beats my 1st screen name i started using when i 1st got on AOL & Yahoo which was "aliuqet69" ...... lol. I'll let you figure that one out.

A pic of my RAVENS Truck i painted and race in.

03-13-2006, 06:57 PM
I just go by my first name and last initial. I either don't have any imagination or I never took the time to come up with a creative name. :(

On other boards I go by "Ryan the Hutt". As I used to moderate a Star Wars collectible website as well.

03-13-2006, 07:06 PM
Cosmo was my Great Dane that died about 5 years ago just before his 11th birthday :cry: (See avatar).

I always used his name as my handle when I'd play computer war games, so when I signed up for Simply it just kinda made sense to use it here too :)

I tell people he "saved my life" cause he was the one that was always there for me during some really dark and difficult years. His memory is very special to me and I like to keep it alive as I can :)


03-13-2006, 08:32 PM
That is a long time for a Great Dane ~ You must have taken excellent care of him ~

Kindred came from a television show here in Cali, based in San Francisco ~ It was about vampires! Once bitten you were of Kindredspirit ~ It was pretty popular but than the main character was killed in a car accident so the series only lasted 6 weeks ~ you can rent all six weeks tho, on video!!

Way K00L!


03-13-2006, 08:34 PM
Wow...very interesting stories! I wanna change my name to something else! I liked the idea of keeping Cosmo's name alive especially...so mine would have been Muggsy after a Shar Pei I had for 11 years..of couse, I cannot forget about a little Lhasa Apso as well..very tough dog depite the breed: Rudy. So maybe MugRud? RudMug?

Moot point.

I'm sure this topic has come up before, but I put the hobby and my participation on the board on the back burner afer the twins arrived and then another 14 months later (all boys). I'm just now 'getting back into it' which is why I was gearing up to make my first mail order purchase soon. I only just came back about a month or two ago...it's amazing how much I forgot, but it's slowly coming back to me.


03-13-2006, 08:36 PM
Kindredspirit: is your avatar the character on the show? It looks kind of anime....

03-13-2006, 08:48 PM
I use BobB, Bob is my first name and B is the first letter of my last name. If I forget them I am really messed up! LOL

03-13-2006, 09:19 PM
well my real name is Drago but me and my father have the same name so for some reason I have no clue why when I was a baby my family began calling me Chago. I grew up and it was not only my immediate family but all family, relatives, friends and so on all started calling me that. Honestly in my life I have probably been called Chago rather then Drago about 95% of the time. Almost as if Drago is not my real name LOL. The only people who call me Drago are when telemarketers call and they read my real name lol. The 9 is just for my soccer number I play CPSL soccer and have had that number since I was a kid. Well now you know the man behind the mask lol good discussion by the way LOL

Doug A
03-13-2006, 09:22 PM
It's interesting to read what everybody's screen name means. Clownfish20 is because I have saltwater clownfish in a 20 gallon. I'd like to change my screen name on here, but don't think it's possible.

03-13-2006, 09:55 PM
This is a very interesting thread and I'll join in now...Back in school days, all my good friends used to call me Robocop (the Hollywood movie). I tried registering my name (long or short) in SD but all were taken. Since I'm no cop, I use Robo....You may call me Rob ;)

Rob Tan

03-13-2006, 10:01 PM
ShinShin was a street name an old Sicilian bar owner hung on me way back in a time when it was best if alot of people didn't know who certain people really were. The streets were mean and it is only one of many I was known by. ;)

But, that was a long time ago...


stiver james
03-13-2006, 10:31 PM
Bob, I too hurried through the application and put in my email address name which is very boring. Everyone in my life has either called me stretch or stive. The reason they call me stretch is cause of my long reach. I only stand six foot two inches and when playing basketball (many years ago) I could get over several people that were in the six foot six to seven foot range. Very skinney and a great vertical jump in my day. Hence stretch. I really don't know how stive got into play it's just a short version of my last name. I like it better than someone calling me stiver. Anyway now that you mention it I think I will change my name (if I can) to stretch or stive. Jim

03-13-2006, 10:35 PM
Hey Bob.... CONGRATS on the Twins :angel: :angel:

I can see how that may put a crimp on Discus keeping.... for awhile :)

Once bitten though... can't stay away :D


03-14-2006, 01:43 PM
It's interesting to read what everybody's screen name means. Clownfish20 is because I have saltwater clownfish in a 20 gallon. I'd like to change my screen name on here, but don't think it's possible.
Doug...ask and ye shall receive!!!;) :)


03-14-2006, 02:10 PM
You asked about "Moon". I am originally from Sri Lanka and my parents used to call me Chandran ( just a pet name). Translated to English it is Moon.
My family still call me by that name, whereas my real name is Joseph. Only my school treacher called me Joseph. Now I go as Joe.

03-14-2006, 02:13 PM
Well when I ran a Star Trek fan club I had the oppertunity to meet a lot of SciFi actors. The one that I was mostly close to was Claudia Christain of Babylon5. She made a movie called Hexed! That's where I got the name :) Whenever I asked her for something she always came through for me unless she had to work. I have always used the name as a tribute to her. A lot of people ask me why I use a name for a disease and I laugh everytime :)
Frank :angel:

03-14-2006, 04:01 PM
My name is actually pretty straight-forward. "Goheel" because I go to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The University's nickname is Tar Heels.

03-14-2006, 06:08 PM
My screen name is pretty darn simple, in fact I use it in a number of different forums.
It basically consist of my first and last name initial's and of course my profession/thing I do best...mmmm, well...the thing I do best would be x-rated and not allowed to be posted....

White Worm
03-14-2006, 06:16 PM
Nothing like a little Self Love huh? LMAO ;) :D

03-14-2006, 06:36 PM
Mine is a screen name I've used since I was a teenager. It is a combination of 2 of my favourite songs at the time: Kween Kat by Blinker the Star and King Shaker by Red Autumn Fall. I stuck with it for some reason and use it pretty much everywhere - I guess mainly because it is never taken!!! :D

03-14-2006, 06:39 PM
Nothing like a little Self Love huh? LMAO ;) :D

Yup...that's why I'm blind today.....

03-14-2006, 08:29 PM
There used to be a cartoon show called Heckle & Jeckle. My discus aren't Heckels so I thought they might be Jeckels. Funny, huh?

(Tough audience.)


03-14-2006, 08:49 PM
:sun: Wow, some neat reasoning going on here!! Mine is also pretty straightforward.. Korbi is my present black doberman companion, can't believe she'll be 8 this May; & since I'm a veterinarian (now retired) the "doc" fits; voila: korbi_doc.....don't know what I'll do when the new baby dobie comes into play this summer, but the name will not change I think.......Dottie ;)

Hey Hexed: I've been a "closet trekkie" for yrs, but now everyone knows; think I've seen'm all, & loved'm all, lol

03-14-2006, 09:06 PM
Wolfbane. The old werewolf movies used to fascinate me, Lon Chaney jr. and all. Wolfbane is a plant that's like werewolf repellent, it must work, no werewolves here!


"Even a man who's pure of heart, and says his prayers by night,
can become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms, and the moon is full and bright.."

03-15-2006, 05:58 AM
well, wheeler was given to me when i was playing competetive paintball. a few people thought that i was a quick runner and a bit quick on the trigger. through the years it has stuck because i was was a long haul truck driver (yep, all 18 wheels)!!! now i just use it as my handle on various web sites that i go to.
