View Full Version : What other cichlids do you keep?

03-16-2006, 07:59 AM
Hi all,
Just curious ...I know alot of you must keep other than discus..
What other cichlids you keep or are interested in Keeping?

Okay, I'll admit upfront I am asking this for 2 reasons ..one is I really am curious..The other is I want to introduce you or re-introduce you to our sister site..

SimplyCichlids.com (http://www.simplycichlids.com)

Simplycichlids is a great place to go an talk about these fish in an atmosphere similar to here in many ways.. Its also a site that Ryan and I will be developing quite a bit more in the coming months.. WE have added new software there.. ( same paid for software as here) and its like a new forum.. So if you are looking for a place to grow with in the hobbies...then take a look over there....maybe you will find another home on the web for cichlids in general as you have for discus here.

Hope to see some of you there!

oh yeah as for what I keep...
Uaru - 2pair
Blue rams
wild scalare angels
domestic angels
and of course... discus :)

03-16-2006, 09:18 AM
Sc is a great site as I have been there for a little while now~

I have one Angel ~ Ms. Splotches and 12 new baby German Blue Rams, from Kenny ~ actually 6 belong to Candy~

Marie~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

03-16-2006, 09:19 AM
I dont have any other cichlids right now... but I have had german blue rams (I was breeding them and sold the fry in Wa before we moved here.) And I had an oscar for a bit.

I would like to have frontosas one day. I think they are so pretty. I wanted to do frontosas when we moved here and I got my 125, but my pH was really low and my water really soft.. perfect for discus lol so I went with the discus.


03-16-2006, 10:07 AM
One of our Moderators at Sc...Mark Is a Frontosa fanatic.. he also runs his own forum dedicated to Frontosas!!

whoops...too much coffee ...had to edit :)

03-16-2006, 10:15 AM
One of our Moderators at Sc...Mark Is a Frontosa fanatic.. he also runs his own forum dedicated to Frontosas!!

whoops...too much coffee ...had to edit :)

lol drink some more for me! I need it! (We've got a stomach virus.. mostly the kids but I think I'm getting it too. :( Its been a long couple of nights with sick kids.)
Thats cool! I saw his avatar so I was wondering. I'll have to check out his forum!

03-16-2006, 10:46 AM
there's other cichlids?

03-16-2006, 11:07 AM
there's other cichlids?

Yes Timbo, there are other cichlids.
In fact there's a whole huge world outside your little corner of Canada.
It's an amazing thing.

03-16-2006, 11:13 AM
Hey Captain Pike! That avatar is awesome....:)


03-16-2006, 11:16 AM
so, next i suppose you're gonna tell me there's other discus boards too! lol, ya right

03-16-2006, 11:30 AM
OK, in my OTHER non-discus tank I have a baby calvus and some pseudotrophis saulosi (sp?). I also have some Blue Rams also :).

I would love to have some firefin calvus though (that is my OTHER favorite cichlid, LOL, not enough to get one of the large tanks from the discus though).


03-16-2006, 11:34 AM
Yes Timbo, there are other cichlids.
In fact there's a whole huge world outside your little corner of Canada.
It's an amazing thing.


03-16-2006, 02:10 PM
The only other cichlids i have right now are 4 german blue rams in my discus tank (125g). Thinking of getting some apistos soon.

03-16-2006, 03:14 PM
I kinda miss my chocolate cichlids, they had lots of personality too! My daughter is keeping them now, maybe they will spawn for her.

03-16-2006, 03:30 PM
I've got my rams and my albino kribensis. I love them all. I'd really like some severums again but right now I don't have the space for them. Oh, and of course, I always have my angels.


03-16-2006, 04:24 PM
kribensis, rams (golden), and hope to get some lake malawi cichlids

03-16-2006, 06:10 PM
there's other cichlids?

Tim, don't believe them - its a conspiracy:D

03-16-2006, 06:55 PM
so, next i suppose you're gonna tell me there's other discus boards too! lol, ya right

Timbo, be brave, expand your mind, there's lots to explore online.
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations

Remember, a closed mind is the first to be forgotten.

Oh, by the way, besides Discus, I have an assortment of angelfish, which are Cichlids, closely related to Discus!!!
I also just started a small planted tank with a collection of tetras (not related to cichlids), to which I want to add some fresh water shrimp eventually, it's sort of my fun tank.

Doug A
03-16-2006, 07:07 PM
Well curently besides discus I have some small angels growin out and a pair of Apistos that I hope to breed soon.

In the past I've had Discus, oscars, angels, rams, apistos, firemouth, convicts. I've always wanted kribs and jewel cichlids. For some reason I never got em'. I need a fish room.

03-16-2006, 07:23 PM
I started with discus last after dismantling my saltwater tank, then I got some angels and now some blue rams. The boys in the house here think I've lost it. Myself, I don't think so.;)

I love them all. They all have different personalities considering they are cousins in the cichlid family.

03-16-2006, 09:11 PM
Come and see my big oscars:D
they laid eggs recently and hopefully soon they will lay again, they ate the first ones. but one of these days I will have oscar fry:)

I also have a jewel cichlid, there is a pic over there of that too
maybe this weekend I might get him a female or 2:)
I have some cichlasoma meeki, they are over at www.simplycichlids (http://www.simplycichlids) too.

I want to get some german blue rams, but they had ich at the lfs, but maybe soon??

Yes check it out. Nice place:)

03-20-2006, 06:39 AM
Ardan has awesome oscars on there and they are definately worth the visit.
I worked alot with some great people on Simply Cichlids and it is a GREAT site to visit if you want info on cichlids in general.

The african section hosts some real experienced people and the site is real easy to navigate cause tis the same as on here.. I strongly recommend atleast one visit on there cause you'll see that you can learn alot on various cichlids and even diseases in general...

I give it a good 5 stars...
