View Full Version : Ideal setup for a 75 gallon

03-18-2006, 05:26 PM
Not new to discus but new to filtration. Need some advice on how to convert a 75 gallon ug filter to a bb. What is the best setup I can give these beautiful fish? Any input would be great. To all on this site you are much read and greatly appreciated. Thanks

03-18-2006, 07:41 PM
Aquaclear 100 with foam and ceramic , two hydro IV sponge filters and a 250 good quality heater will do just fine.
Good Luck with your setup.


03-18-2006, 07:58 PM
I like wet/drys and sponge filter

03-19-2006, 09:57 AM
I would use two sponge filters, two heaters (in case one sticks or goes out). That is really all you need. Make sure you get good air flow on your sponge(s). You could always use a back filter but it is not necessary.

03-19-2006, 10:23 AM
I like wet/drys and sponge filter

:D That's my plan for Tn, 2 or 3 75's with the wet/dry & sev'l sponge filters... right now, my 125g & 110g have the AC 500 with 3 sponge filters, that way there's always an extra couple cycled sponges in case of emergency or new tank.....think if I were you, I'd get the AC 300 or 500 for that 75, although with frequent W/Cs you could get away without it....JMO, Dottie ;)

03-19-2006, 10:33 AM
I tried to eliminate the aquaclear 110's from the four 75 gallon tanks I have setup but I found the amount of fine debris scattered all over the tank making it hard to vaccum in the evenings so I started them back up. If you use only hydros and feed beefheart they might get a slime thin coating which you should eliminate before cleaning the sponges so it does not penetrate the sponge. I was told a high pressure hose just skimming the surface will take the coating off , then clean the sponge in tank water(of course , outside the tank :) )
There was nothing I would have liked best than to removed my 110's for energy , noise and extra maintenance but now they are all running with the hydros.
just my opinion on what little I have learned in my first year.


03-19-2006, 10:56 AM

For my 75's I use AC 500/110 and at least 2 hydroV (up to 4 hydroV in some tanks) along with 250W heater...this should give you plenty of mechanical, and biological filtration.

Would love to get rid of my AC someday.

HTH, Lester

03-19-2006, 12:45 PM
:D Why Roberto & Lester???? I like the ACs, easy to clean, sponge interior for lotsa bacterial colonization, mine are quiet, easy to prime to start up.....etc.....so why guys?? What is it you don't like?? Just wondering, lol Dottie ;)

Dood Lee
03-19-2006, 03:58 PM
Efficiency is one reason I don't like HOB filters. Their filtration capacity is too small, especially when the tanks get into the 50+ gallon territory. Canisters and Wet/Drys (sumps) are more efficient at filtering water in larger sized tanks. Also, both canisters and wet drys have the ability to hold more filter media, which is a plus since you can pretty much stuff them with whatever you feel like using.

As an aside, sponges are pretty sucky when it comes to hosting bacterial colonies. I pretty much use sponges mainly for mechanical filtration now. Stuff like lava rock or sintered glass hold more bacteria per square inch than sponges can, and don't have to be cleaned off as much as sponges do.

03-19-2006, 05:06 PM
Dottie, my desire to get rid of the aquaclear 100s was not that I was not pleased with them , I think they are Great filters, (maybe the best in my opinion) . Is the extra time on cleaning them every two weeks , I have four 75 tanks and soon more and it takes time to clean the aquaclears well. Plus I would use less electricity. The way it is right now I am using them and I am please. I guess the main use I get out of them is mechanical filtration.


03-19-2006, 05:10 PM
I'm a sponge fan, but I've added a HOT Magnum to the 75's for mechanical filtration. With the micron cartridge, they keep the water crystal clear.


Dood Lee
03-19-2006, 06:12 PM
The HOT Magnums are excellent filters. The micron filters are reuseable (just clean with a bleach/water solution), and if you don't want to use the micron filter, you can switch it out with the media container filled with whatever media you felt like stuffing it with.

03-19-2006, 06:23 PM
Willie, I think when I get my 125 tank I will use maybe three Hydro V sponges and a canister filter. Knowing me I might go with an Eheim. I always spend the extra for the quality. I know there are Magnums and Fluvals that are very good too.


03-19-2006, 06:29 PM

Would it make more sense to replace the sponges (or at least one of them) in the Aquaclear with lave rock? And what is sintered glass?

Where can I get either?

What you say makes sense as there's more sufrace area on these compact pourous rock for the bacteria to colonize...


Dood Lee
03-19-2006, 09:26 PM
Actually, Hagen (the makers of AquaClear line of products) have a product that goes into their AC filters that is made of sintered glass. It's called biomax, and they come in these mesh bags. Since they are made by Hagen, they are properly sized to fit your model filter.

03-19-2006, 09:28 PM

Would it make more sense to replace the sponges (or at least one of them) in the Aquaclear with lave rock? And what is sintered glass?

Where can I get either?

What you say makes sense as there's more sufrace area on these compact pourous rock for the bacteria to colonize...


:D SIPORAX!! Hear it's the best for surface area!!!!

Dood, yes those HOT Mags are terrific, I have 2 of'm....Dottie :p

Dood Lee
03-19-2006, 09:29 PM
Willie, I think when I get my 125 tank I will use maybe three Hydro V sponges and a canister filter. Knowing me I might go with an Eheim. I always spend the extra for the quality. I know there are Magnums and Fluvals that are very good too.


I use an Eheim ProII 2026 on my tank. I agree that eheims are expensive, but the quality of construction is the best I've ever seen on piece of aquarium equipment.

03-19-2006, 10:13 PM
Dudley, is that eheim for your 40 gallon tank ? WHich one would you recommend for a 125 ?

Dood Lee
03-19-2006, 11:41 PM
Dudley, is that eheim for your 40 gallon tank ? WHich one would you recommend for a 125 ?

Yes, it's for my 40 gallon. The box says you can use it for up to a 92 gallon tank. For a 125, I guess you would need to step up to the ProII 2028. Personally, for a tank that big, I would get a sump. Or, you could get two ProII 2026s (which would really be expensive). For big tanks, I always feel safer if there is more than one method of filtration.

03-20-2006, 02:09 AM
I purchaed a couple of Biomax boxes for the 110 on eBay...they should work better than the sponges.

I saw in the instructions that one should replace 50% of them every six months. Is there a biological reason for this, or is it just so they can sell more product?


Dood Lee
03-20-2006, 02:10 PM
I purchaed a couple of Biomax boxes for the 110 on eBay...they should work better than the sponges.

I saw in the instructions that one should replace 50% of them every six months. Is there a biological reason for this, or is it just so they can sell more product?


It's a bit of 'sell more product' and efficiency purposes. Eventually, the microscopic pores of the sintered glass will get clogged. However, I have had my eheim bio media for a year now without replacement and the water flow is still pretty optimal. I would imagine if you noticed reduced flow, and it isn't due to a clogged impeller or sponge, then the bio has clogged and needs to be changed.

Just as an FYI, there is a new product that is similar to the plastic bio media that is found in Wet/Dry filters. However, they are 1/2" in diameter. I will be testing them soon (when I get cash) to see if they are a suitible replacement for sintered glass. They probably won't hold the same capacity as sintered glass, but the plastic media can be rinsed clean of debris, so they may not ever need changing.

Here is a reference link: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=13960&N=2004+113804

This is the stuff I currently have in my filter: http://www.drsfostersmith.com/Product/Prod_Display.cfm?pcatid=8983&N=2004+113804