View Full Version : How to recalibrate ebo jager heaters?

03-20-2006, 04:55 PM
Hello, its been awhile since i have posted but i hope everyone has been doing great. I know someone has posted a How-to thread on recalibrating ebo jager heaters but i caint find it. I have 2 250w ebo jager heaters but one of them started to stay on constantly so i unplugged it and the other one is starting to become unreliable because it is not keeping my tank at 88f. so i was wandering if anyone caould tell me how to recalibrate the heaters or should i just get new ones? If i should get new ones should i switch back to visitherms?

03-20-2006, 05:01 PM
There is a button right at the top of the heater next to where the power cord comes out. You need to pull that up, probably with a flat head screwdriver. Once it's pulled up. Set the heater to the temperature in the tank. Push the buttom back down and adjust the temperature control to where you want it.

It should now be calibrated. However, in my experience, if it's one of the new Eheim Jagers that you feel needs to be calibrated, it's more likely that the thermostat is shot. These haven't done well for me.


03-21-2006, 11:18 AM
I guess recalibrate while you wait for Stealth heaters from Drs. Foster and Smith; $17 for the 250 watt model.
I had too much trouble with Ebos this year. They are gone from my list of names to trust.
Not sure how long Stealth will be lasting, but so far they are good.

03-21-2006, 05:13 PM
Thanks 4 the help. I think i might just go ahead n buy 2 new heaters. I had visi therms before the ebos but i forgot to unplugg them while doing my w/c n they broke so i figured it would be a good time to try the ebo's.

03-24-2006, 03:52 PM
I asked this ? in another post, but don't believe it was ever answered.

Do you leave the Ebo plugged in during the calibration process, or unplug it during the process? I always leave it plugged in while calibrating, but it does make me nervous!:confused:


03-24-2006, 07:20 PM

I leave mine plugged in too. Problem is, it never seems to solve the problem :( I've found the ony way I can get them to keep the temp I want is to keep keep moving the dial until the thermometer tells me the waters at the temp I want... totally unacceptable :mad:

I've given up and plugged them into an external controller.
