View Full Version : My fish spawned

stiver james
03-22-2006, 09:08 PM
Hello everyone. Just got out of heart surgery on Tuesday and started to feel better today. Went down in the fish room and the fish that I put all back together to re-pair one of them spawned. It seems the green ss that I thought was a male is a female. She laid a large clutch of eggs and I thought I watched the male blue diamond fertilize the eggs. Well I know that the eggs really don't have a chance to hatch so I changed part of the water. After I did that the male immediatley ate all the eggs. Anyway they seem to becoming closer to being good parents as I seen the male fertilize the eggs this time. I have two other fish in there. Do you guys think I should move the female green ss and the male bd into their own tank? I will do this just as soon as I am able physically. Doc said I must take it easy for awhile. I did manage to change some of the water in my tanks. Not all that I wanted to though. Bye the way they put three more stents in me. Seems my by-pass failed. They said they got them all clear now so that is a good sign. I didn't come on here to belly ache about my health. I just wanted to let everyone know that my fished spawned. This is a big thing to me cause I have been having problems doing this. It seems they are (the pair) progressing too. Maybe the discus god is looking out for me right now. Gotta go. Jim

03-22-2006, 09:22 PM
Congrats Jim on the spawn!! Wont be long now and you will have fry swimming!!!

Glad to hear your surgery went well. You should feel buckets better now!!!
Take it easy. Your fish are healthy and pampered. They will wait this week for their turn at WC.

Good to see you back!

Doug A
03-22-2006, 09:27 PM
Congrats on the spawning Jim!!!

I would move the pair to their own tank when you are able to. Once they get settled in a seperate tank you'll have little babies swimming around.

Glad to hear that your surgery went well and hope you feel better soon.

stiver james
03-22-2006, 10:13 PM
Thanks you guys, I think this time they got it right. I can feel it. I will back off on taking care of my fish for a few days. That is if I can stand it. I will vac. everything off the bottom everyday until I feel better. Then it will be back to work, enjoy, work and enjoy again. Jim

03-23-2006, 12:51 AM
You should take it easy for just a couple of days, but, as you may have heard, exercise of the right kind and in the right amounts is your best medicine. That and lipitor or some other anti-lipid drug.

If you don't have one, get a good physical therapist to help you build up some flexibility and stamina.

Oh, yeah, and congrats on the spawning pair. Get them into their own tank as soon as you can, and hope for the best. Sometimes takes several spawns for them not to eat the eggs, sometime they get it right the first time. Sometimes they never get it down. Sometimes you can remove the egg eater, sometimes its both.

Good luck and have very much fun with it!

Al Light