View Full Version : My 1st Successful PB Fry

03-22-2006, 09:55 PM
Hi All,
Finally got to experience the joy of a successful spawn. The pair has a brood of about 20+ fry - now in the 10th day free swimming. Their growth rate is amazing, about 1.5cm in total length today. I've removed Dad 2 days ago - He seemed to attack one particular fry for unknown reason:confused: The lone fry unfortunately didn't survive another day. I've been feeding bbs and trying to get them get used to frozen bbs, Hikari First Bites and finely-grind beefheart. I need someone here to advise me if I should give them a 12-hr formalin bath tonight. Mom has been skirttish on occasions and I've seen a couple of fry running their bellies against the glass wall. I've read that live bbs harbour parasite known as Oodinium, which at early stage, infestation can go undetected. Fry would show little symptoms until they reach a critical stage. As a preventive measure, should i perform a formalin bath now? If so, how long and what's the dosage? I'm confused as the book says 1ml/100 litres but the prescription reads 5ml/40 litres (10gal). Such is the great disparity!
This is the pair's 5th spawn. I feel that Mom is getting a little impatient occasionally. When can the fry be on their own? I hope to leave mom with them for at least they are 3-week old.;)


03-22-2006, 10:03 PM
Here's another pic. Enjoy:)

03-23-2006, 12:45 AM
I don't believe and parasite from bbs can infect freshwater fish. You may be seeing a reaction to gill flukes, however. The treatment for that can be Praziquantel.

03-24-2006, 07:58 AM
I've witnessed a couple of fry rubbing their little bellies against the wall or on mom's body. Is there anything wrong? Any immediate action to be taken? I'm so scared of losing even a single one!


04-02-2006, 09:02 PM
Pics of 3-week old fry. Mum's still with them cos there are a couple of smaller ones around still. How long more should i leave Mum with them? All the fry seems to stick on with Mum every night. I've tried switching off the night light and in darkness, they seem to be at a loss, scattering around everywhere :confused:

I need advice on the feeding part - I've seen fry swallowing in a long piece of FBW which they picked on - would this cause constipation on them?

04-02-2006, 09:04 PM
Here's the close-up pic of my fry..:D

04-02-2006, 09:13 PM
Another pic with Mum..:)

Doug A
04-02-2006, 10:07 PM
Congrats on the fry!! They're looking good. I separated the parents from the fry 3 weeks after they went free swimming. Before separation the fry were eating bbs and ground up dry food. Some people keep the fry with the parents for 4-5 weeks.

04-03-2006, 10:02 AM

Mum looks to be in good shape so if she is still patient with them leave them a little longer. You should be weaning them onto bbs (fresh and live is best) and onto very small flake/granule. Also grate bh finely and use that.

As for them rubbing, its not from live bbs, don't believe there are any parasites that can transfer from salt to fresh water. Most likely is flukes. Praziquantel or formalin will do the trick. Prazi is safer for the fish and for you.

04-03-2006, 12:03 PM
Congratulations on the new fry!!!

I would leave them with mom a little bit longer. You want to make sure they are eating a variety of foods. The bloodworm's will not give them constipation but could be to long for them to eat. Try cutting them up. This goes the same if you feed cbw. What is your wc routine on them?

04-03-2006, 02:27 PM
I'm with Paul and Alight, rubbing most likely is gill flukes but to be sure check water parameters as well. nitrite can also make the fry itchy.

I'm going against general concensus here and recommend you remove the fry much earlier next time. 3 weeks is way more than nessasary, actually i am of the opinion that fry are more prone to parasite problems the longer they are with the parents and could explain the countless posts on Simply on fry wipeouts after the 4th week. I normally leave the fry with the parents for 6/8 days free swimming, once they are eating bbs then time to move them imo. Less stress to the pair as well. :)


04-03-2006, 02:41 PM
SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go man go

04-03-2006, 02:56 PM
great job by the way

04-03-2006, 08:59 PM
Thank you all for the kind advice and encouragement! The daily routine for the little ones are as follow:
Morning: fine frozen BH and FBW (actually for mom), followed by 50% WC an hour later
Noon: live BBS and tetra bits/granules (actually for mom)
Late Afternoon: live & frozen BBS and granules, followed by 20-50% WC an hour later
Evening: frozen BBS, fine bits/granules, sometimes FBW, 50% WC before sleep.

I still keep the lamp light on overnight. I still observe a couple of fry rubbing on the floor - I've got formalin but no sure if it's safe to dose like 1ml per 10 gal. Paul, is Prazi really safer to dose than formalin? Do i have to remove sponge filter and oxygenate more?
Rod, yeah i too think main suspect are gill flukes - Funny i wipe off walls and floor daily and there could still be worms and eggs growing in there:confused:
Don't think it's nitrite as everything is zero (nitrate,nitrite,ammonia). If what you said is true, i better make plans soon to remove mom. Just afraid fry would not get constant food as they stick to mom's body still whenever there's no food around.

Like to share a particular odd behaviour from mom - everytime i go near, particularly to the left side of tank, mom would 'attack' (dunno should use this word to describe) me wildly. I couldn't think of any reason - she is calm most of the time, even during WC. Perhaps the only explanation..well, I've my cans of granules and tetra bits on the left beside the tank - She couldn't possible know that, does she??:lickin:

04-04-2006, 08:18 AM
Came home and found 1 fry gone :(. Tempted to dose formalin @ 1ml per 10 gal overnight. Anyone out there to advise? I don't wish to lose more fry - Seems that 1 fry dead every 2-3 days which is depressing. Got 16 fry left.