View Full Version : slime coat

03-26-2006, 12:34 PM
I am new to the game and my five wilds are doing well after a couple of weeks, but noticed very small detritus adhering in several places on the fish's slime coat. I do weekly 33% WC in a planted tank. Am I over-analyzing because they eat and act well?

Any advice appreciated.


03-26-2006, 01:04 PM
I would test the ammonia/ nitrite and nitrate.
there should be 0 ammonia and nitrite, but in a tank with new additions, the biofilter will have to adjust. Nitrates should be kept under 10 imo
You may need to increase those wc's to a few times a wk. I think this may help.


Dood Lee
03-26-2006, 01:51 PM
Are you saying that stuff sticks onto the sides of your discus? Sometimes a dead leaf sticks to the sides of some of my discus. When they swim around they eventually fall off.

03-26-2006, 11:59 PM
The nitorgen cycle is working perfectly. O Ammonia/Nitrites and Nitrates at 15 ppm. They do swim in amongst the lotus plants and annubias roots and probably pick up detritus then. They seem to act normal, but being new want to make sure I am not seeing anything unusual.