View Full Version : Liquid Prime does not ship well.

03-27-2006, 09:35 PM
Got my order today. My son picked up the box at the post office and commented when he arrived home with it, that "something sure smells". Sure enough, the box was wrapped in plastic, someone wrote on the box "smell me" and you could see the discoloration of the box. I took pics.

My silk plants in there also reek of Prime. Can they be put in the tank if I rinse them well (better to ask a stupid question than not and have the fish pay)? I have two Stealth heaters which I have not opened up yet. They do not look like they have any warping of their paper which is encased in the hard plastic so they should be fine?

I phoned That Pet Place, their Order Service number, told them the problem and have to phone Customer Service tomorrow as they were gone for the day.

So, there ya go. Ordering liquid and having it shipped, you run the risk of getting a really smelly box. I wondered why this order was so long arriving...:p

03-27-2006, 09:54 PM
Oh Barb! Bet the delivery guys thought there was a dead skunk in that box! Seriously, I never had a prob with Prime being shipped to me, got it from ThatPetPlace also, 2L bottles, maybe just a clumsy accident happened. Is much missing? Hope they will replace it for you.

03-27-2006, 09:56 PM
that kinda stinks i went to that fish place and that pet place when i was coming back from maryland they had some really nice tanks and fish in there and there prices were outstandingly low (except discus which was like 500 a fish)