View Full Version : Round and Round we go

03-30-2006, 11:15 PM
So we had a great day playing outside today (there are pics) but Megan just seemed "off" today. Well... tonight just before bed, we had a blow out diahrrea diaper, then at about 9:30, after falling asleep and waking several times... she threw up. Stupid flu is back! Perfect timing huh.. my mother in law and grandmother in law are coming on Sat. So here I sit, after a bath and some laundry and matress/carpet scrubbing and pacifier boiling waiting for her to wake again. I still have to do a w/c on my metro tank. :( GREAT. Hopefully it doesn't re-infect EVERYONE again. Poor little Megan tho! This really sucks. Anyways.. here are some pictures from playing outside today
"I got kisses!"
The girls just got this little tykes gym thing the other day
just a cute "waddle" pic
Haming it up
The dog follows Megan around all over when we are outside "babysitting" her. When Megan falls, Tasha goes in to make sure shes ok lol. Its too cute
Megan was ok so Tashas attention went to the neighbors Rottie that started barking
Last one... Making some music :)
Thanks for looking.

Doug A
03-30-2006, 11:18 PM
Cute kids Amber. Bet they had fun playing outside.

03-31-2006, 01:25 AM
You definately have a beautiful family Amber.

Hope megan is feeling better soon.

03-31-2006, 09:12 AM
Great Pics, Amber! Your colors are so vivid ~ what settings are you using?

Better water that grass, woman!


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

03-31-2006, 09:21 AM
THey are gorgeous girls. I always wanted a daughter. Didnt get one until my son got married. Was worth the wait!

Enjoy every day with them, Amber! THey grow so fast! Hope they all get well soon.

03-31-2006, 10:48 AM
Thanks you guys. Megan cant hold anything down right now :( I had to give in and give her a little milk this morning, although I knew it would not be good. She threw it all back up almost immediately. She was throwing a fit though because she wanted it so I thought maybe a small amount would be ok.. like not even 4 oz's. :( No go. Shes more sick this time than she was last time! :(

Marie.. the dead lawn was what we got when we started renting this place. And I've never seen a lawn as dead as this one! We bought a timer and the sprinklers come on every morning at 6 for 15 min. There is actually a lot more green there NOW than before. The people before us didn't take care of. We are gonna get some turf builder too along with some other stuff and try to get it looking nice. I dont like to put chemicals on the lawn tho because the dog and the kids. We are always out on the lawn. And Megan still likes to eat dirt and put leaves/grass in her mouth... :p Working on that one lol.

As for settings.. nothing special. I just had it on auto for those pics.


03-31-2006, 11:02 AM
Amber..great pics!:) :) Megan is a doll!! Hope she gets better soon too...no fun being sick!:( Tasha looks like she'd be one heck of a babysitter lol..Gotta love those doggy kisses LOL Thanks for sharing Amber!