View Full Version : Which Is More Important To You?

04-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Hey Guys ~

What is more important to you when you are considering purchasing your next discus? I wanna say adult discus only ~ I think ~

How do you prioritize the following: (Or ~ Do You?)

Strain ~ Shape ~ Color ~ Source ~ Cost ~

And if anyone has any other suggestions to add that wld be great! I want to say If I was to purchase an adult ~ I would try to find the most awesome shape discus I could find ~ Shape is all that to me ~ IF I was to purchase an adult ~ then go from there to a reliable source and so forth ~ Is this the norm?

Mario has a perfectly round discus IMO ~ as does Jack and in Andrew's book I saw a few I fell in love with ~

Pancake round ~ ya gotta love it!

So whatcha think, guys? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/4/4_12_13.gif

Marie ~

04-04-2006, 10:38 PM
Thanks, Ryan! ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

04-04-2006, 10:47 PM
Well you can't really put strain in there. The strain is not a characteristic of a fish, same with source.

Color-Health-shape-size-Temperment-etc. I think would fall into that category.

Personally I would have a strain in mind and pick a fish that exhibits the best traits in all categories (if an adult) or find the best ((shape & color) or (shape & size)) from any source as long as it was healthy.

04-05-2006, 08:54 AM
Once I know which strain I'm interested in then I would pick a reliable source and hopefully handpick the discus with round shape, small and equal eyes(red), no fin damage, good overall appearance and attitude(not hiding)

04-05-2006, 09:51 AM
I'm like most I think...I consider what strain or strains I like initially. And then look at them on the various breeders/suppliers websites online...this being because of the fact that there are none in my area on a large scale basis. So being able to "handpick" my own stock is really out of the question...therefore I have to go with finding a reputable supplier and ordering from them and hoping for the best based on email or phone conversations. The factors are all imprtant to be sure...but the main criteria for myself is that they are healthy and have good shapes ie: round and not stunted. I must say I have been fortunate so far in my online purchases in that repect. I'm of course speaking of juvies too..If I was in the market for adults I would be even more leery given the costs involved. As the old saying goes...you pays your money and you takes your chances...

04-05-2006, 11:46 AM
hmmm, definitely health, I would look at the fish I'm considering (again the shape, color, temperment, health thing others mentioned) but then I take it a step further and look at the fish in other tanks too to see their health also. At a LFS I've refrained from buying anything for a long time since they have a centeralized system and if something is sick in another tank it is a matter of time before everythings sick (or they may be carrying something). It was such a heartbreaker and took a lot of will power to pass up some young heckels because I didn't like the looks of the health of the other fish in the next tank but it would have been worse if I brought something home to my fish even with quarantine. Of course the younger the fish the more shape and health comes to the for front and less on color since that changes the older the fish gets. I definitely like to hand pick my fish now too.

I'm starting to look more into strains now too since I've finally dwindled down to a particular color family I like in discus :).


04-05-2006, 01:25 PM
It goes with the time. I first discard shy fish and skinny fish. I prefer to select the dominant one. They are very active in the tank and make ther own place. Then I try to have a lot of different brand. This is why I love Discus, there is so many beautifull color and shape. Color and shape then come. I will prefer a fish with beautifull color more then a perfect shape with dull color. I'm trading/saling/buying them as I top my tank capacity for fish that I think are more beautifull. I start with a 55, then a 80 and now moving to 150gal.
Here is what I have right now:
1 Marleboro
1 Brown wild heckel
2 Blue diamond
1 Green ocean
2 Red Turquoise
1 Super Red melon
1 Pigeon blood (look like leopard patern)
1 Brillant turquoise
Most are comming from LFS except the green ocean and blue diamond comming from Barb. I can tell you there is a big difference in quality... Barb have some very nice fish :)
Friday I will exchange 1 R-T for a blue cobalt, buy a blue pigeon blood and maybe a Full color Turquoise.

04-05-2006, 04:23 PM
Strain ~ Shape ~ Color ~ Source ~ Cost ~

For me I try and keep an open mind, might be buying a pair soon I didn't even know I liked the strain of (if that makes any sense??).

Firtsly the most important to me is the health of the fish, shape and proportions are next, closely followed by colour and fins, which I'd put equal. I always ask lots of questions and one of them is their approximate age.

As I will not buy from a questionable source, source becomes unimportant.

As for the cost, well its best not to think about it:D

White Worm
04-05-2006, 04:52 PM
I have blue fish coming out of my ears so my first thing would be strain or color I am interested in. Research price for sizes at a few trusted sources (try local first so I could hand pick for looks, health and overall appearance.) Wife is more concerned with price so I have to keep it in mind.
I dont care how perfect a fish is right now, if its blue, I dont want it.
I would look for health (size / age / shape) and then price once I chose what strain or strains I was interested in.

04-05-2006, 05:51 PM
It would depend on what I am trying to accomplish with my purchase. For a breeding program, shape would take priority over color or strain. It is easier to breed for color than for shape. Once the shape has been attained that one is aiming for, select the best fry for color desired.


Greg Richardson
04-05-2006, 05:54 PM
Mat. That makes lot of sense. Good thought process!

04-05-2006, 06:36 PM
For me, the absolute most important thing is the health of the fish and how it was raised.
Has it been dewormed?
Has it been through a rigid quarantine at the sellers before I get it?
Is the seller knowledgeable and able and willing to help me if I have questions or problems.
To me if all of the health issues have been addressed to the best of the sellers ability, then my enjoyment will be greater than if I am constantly treating with meds, spending time and money on meds......
so I guess its source:)

04-05-2006, 11:43 PM

Got that advise from Wattley.


Health wasn't a choice. ;) I think health would be a given for this topic, don't you think?


04-06-2006, 10:05 PM
Yeah...I kinda figured the direction wld go towards health ~ and that is okay, Ardan!! You can talk/add about anything you want, babe, in my threads!

Mat ~ I understand what you are saying, but if you were not buying for your breeding program but for simply personal reasons....shape would still be your first priority?

Great responses, guys! Thank you very much!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

04-06-2006, 10:15 PM
Shape and size.

04-06-2006, 10:23 PM

Then I'd buy the best looking of the color I liked.

04-07-2006, 05:44 AM

so I guess its source

What is more important to you when you are considering purchasing your next discus? I wanna say adult discus only ~ I think ~

Guess I misunderstood.
