View Full Version : Discus HUNT

04-07-2006, 05:08 PM
I have a 80 Gal. with 10 Discus. Two around 4 inchs and all remaining below. The smaller is around 2 inchs.

I remarque that since a weeks or so they become very territorial passing the almost all day hunting each other. Event the big can't guet rest because the small are running at them! There are doing it from wakeup to sleep. Sometine they are doing it in a domino style. Biggest hunt the smaller one that revenge on the next smaller one...

Is this a normal behaviour?

Bare Bottom empty tank.
My tank temp is 84F.
I feed them with blood worm, Mysis, Color bit and Brine Shrimp 4 to 6 times a day. I throw between 2 to 3 grams of food for each meal. The are eating fast and quickly. Feeding time never last more then 2 minutes with no food left.

04-07-2006, 05:51 PM
This is typical behavior for discus. As they start to mature sexualy they will become more aggresive towards each other and develope a pecking order. Thats one of the reasons they do so much better in larger groups. The infighting is spread out among the group so the least dominent one(s) aren't harrased to death, which can happen. They're sizing each other up for pairings and to establish territories etc.
Keep an eye on things so no one gets hurt, otherwise let them work it out.
