View Full Version : I had to...

04-07-2006, 08:12 PM
Well I was at the LFS today, just browsing I swear, and I came across two wild discus. They were in the corner of the tank hidding. My first thought is why? Well they were on a community sump system in a nasty tank at about 70-75 degrees. Now I know I didn't need any more discus but what would you have done? So I bought them both. One is about 4 in. and the other is about 3. I also picked up some Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX for internal parasites and some formalin for external. The only extra tank I have is a 10 gal. It is going to have to work for a quarentine tank. It !WAS! semi planted, with a tiger bard for fauna. Well they made the trip home and into the Q-tank. I immediatly did a water change and added some salt. I also bumped up the heat to 85. You should have seem them they went straight to the heater. Poor guys. Well I had to go to work so I hope they are doing alright.

I need some help with this quarentine thing. The first and only Discus that I have bought came from Ken(fishfarm), so they were in good shape for my 75. I plan on adding them to my 75, but want to make damn sure they are healthy first. Any suggestions?

04-07-2006, 09:29 PM
frist of all, good luck with your new purchase!!! good luck!!! i'm sure that some of the gurus will be along shortly to help you shortly. there was a thread recently about QT. good read and tips.

i don't wanna rain on your parade, but, you realise that you have just proven to your LFS that there is a market for those fish and now they will have to replace them!!!! i understand that it is difficult to just turn around and turn your back to these wonderful fish, but you have to sometimes. if the LFS gets in some fish and they do not sell, they will not buy more. if the LFS won't or can't take care of them, they shouldn't have them. i have instructed an LFS on better treatment and care of discus because i know they will not stop buying and selling them.

but like i said earlier, good luck with these two and i hope they become a couple of your favourites!!!!! i don't want to hurt your feelings because i am also guilty of doing this!

Greg Richardson
04-07-2006, 09:32 PM
Any suggestions?

Never do that again. LOL!

But since u have u best be doing wc's twice a day in that small a tank.
Any chance of obtaining at least a 20 gallon?

I personally wouldn't add them.


If u must after a few months u add one of your least desired from Ken's fish. Wait another month and see if it gets sick.

If not u good to go but risk still high because even though he might have been smallest fish added to tank he might be stronger than the others and u still have problems.

LFS discus unless the owners treat them right with separate water etc. imo are huge risk.

Here is another factor. When u start adding up the cost of meds u could have bought from Ken or someone else and know u getting fish from a dedicated breeder not a retail box.

04-08-2006, 12:34 AM
Man you both made a jaw-dropping point. I fell like a dumbass. I really don't want to cull them so I have to at least try. As far as meds go do you think, Gel-Tek Ultra Cure PX for internal parasites and some formalin for external, will work. I came home tonight and they were swimming around fine. I will start on the meds tommorow. Well you'll please stay intuch. I am going to need all the help I can get.:o

04-08-2006, 06:29 AM
Sorry, but why med them when you don't even know if that is what they need?

If it ain't broke, then don't try to fix it!

Check on them frequently. Salt and warmer temps do help a lot and most times is sufficient.

I've purchased rescued discus (plenty times from LFS). And found them to be worth rescuing.

Just continue what you're doing: high temps (82-84 Fahrenheit), a little salt and daily small water changes to remove poo.

If they eat well and poo well, there's no need for the meds.

Good luck and congrats for your rescue operation! ;)


04-08-2006, 08:04 AM
I have to agree with Angie. If they are eating fine and not showing any sign of illness DON'T TREAT THEM.
Quarantine for 6 weeks and if there is nothing wrong with them then I would put them in the 75. That is what I would do if I was in your shoe.
In future leave the sick or suspect fish alone to save yourself a whole lot of problem.



Greg Richardson
04-08-2006, 10:32 AM
Go to that link. http://www.discusnada.org/ Click on newsletter.
Go to page 12 to learn how to use PP for external.

For internal many options but I would use either Levamisole or Piperazine.

Here is a good thread about those two meds.......

I disagree about the use of meds.
If u intend to stick these with your other fish u should clean them up.

The above meds are good to have on hand anyways so good investment.

If u can mix the meds in some BH. Better fed then placed in water.