View Full Version : Please help for my red white

Winson Lau
04-14-2006, 05:49 AM
Hai all,

Need your advise.
I have a pair red white discus and 1st time they lay egg, I get about 40pcs of fry and now is about 2" already.
Now I face problem is my pair can lay egg and already more than 4 time but all egg turn to white color.
Any good idea help to solve this problem?

04-14-2006, 08:08 AM
Check your water parameters, it might be to hard for the male to fertilize. Also you might want to give them a break in a community tank or separate them for a couple weeks. Some pairs will tire out after a spawn and raising all those little ones.

04-14-2006, 09:22 AM
Either your water is too hard or the male isn't fertilizing them. It could even be fungus, have you tried methylene blue or formalin?

04-14-2006, 05:07 PM
Also you might want to give them a break in a community tank or separate them for a couple weeks. Some pairs will tire out after a spawn and raising all those little ones.

I have tried it before, but they continue their spawning in the community tank!!!!


Winson Lau
04-14-2006, 07:43 PM
Either your water is too hard or the male isn't fertilizing them. It could even be fungus, have you tried methylene blue or formalin?

I'm agree may be the water parameter too hard.because I saw the male have fertiling.
And I never check for water hardness. it may one of the root cause. Let me try again.