View Full Version : cant get them to lay?

04-30-2006, 12:10 AM
i have a pair of red turks. they do the normal dance(head flicking,dry runs)but they wont lay.i did a 40% water change half ro half tap and lowered temp to 84 deg's.but no eggs.i have them in a 125 gal sectioned off in three parts. is this to much for them?any input is well taking. as i am new. thanks all

04-30-2006, 12:08 PM
Lowered to 84F? There is no reason ever to go above 84F except for treating a few diseases with certain medications. Are you sure they're a male/female pair?

Drop the temp 2 more degrees. This sometimes triggers them. Do it via a large water change.

You need to supply more info here. pH and other water parameters. New pair? Established pair? Age, etc..


04-30-2006, 12:46 PM
Feed, clean and make frequent large water changes. Despite what people say, you cannot "get" discus to lay. They spawn when they are ready. Once your pair spawns regularly, some of these tricks can be used to stimulate spawning. But if they are not ready, none of these tricks will work.

Be patient and they'll reward you.


04-30-2006, 01:57 PM
I am not so sure I would call these things "tricks". Conditions have to be correct for the discus to spawn, and different discus will spawn under slightly different conditions. You can have a pair of perfectly healthy discus in hard alkaline 88F water from now until forever and they may never spawn. Put that same pair of discus in soft acid 83F water and things will most likely be different. I know this to be true from my own experience while living in a region of the country that is famous for its limestone spring waters. My discus would not breed in that water. I had to use reconstituted DI water before they finally laid. Now, in the Pacific Northwest's soft acid water, my discus spawn in the tap water with no needed "tricks". This is not just true of discus. Many of the dwarf cichlids that would not breed in the waters where I used to live, breed with ease here.
