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View Full Version : Nearly lost my fish before I even got him in QT!!

05-08-2006, 09:05 PM
So I thought I would share this story with you guys lol... I bought some new fish yesterday. 6 danios, 3 gold rams and 3 schistura poculi loaches (I dont know what the common name is) anyways.. I was putting them into a bucket to get my drip acclimation started on them. The rams were in the bucket and I was adding the loaches. I *swear* I saw all three loaches in the bucket so I dumped the remainder of the water into the sink. Well.. apparantly there was still a loach in the bag! He jumped out and landed on top of the DRAIN!!!! I grabbed a spoon (cause it would have been to hard to just grab him with my fingers) and tried to scoop him up before he wiggled! But when I touched him, he wiggled and went down the drain!!!!! I flipped! I thought he was a goner! I was totally about to cry when I remembered that there is a U-bend in the piping under the sink, and since I had not run the water... he should still be in there!!! I called hubby to come quick and we got a bucket and he pulled the U-bend off and sure enough! Out comes this little loach totally unscathed!
And today he is just fine. Like it never happened! lol doing great in QT with all the rest.

Just wanted to share lol

05-08-2006, 09:26 PM
I learned a long time ago, always stopper the drain when I am doing anything in the sink! I have lost my contacts, my wedding ring, and more food I am rinsing.

Very happy tho you got him out and he is fine!!!!

05-08-2006, 09:50 PM
Oh my gosh!! He is a resilliant little sucker isn't he! I bought a couple clown loaches a few months ago and when the lady at the lfs bagged them she just DUMPED them in, they were dead before we got home...I still put them in the tank to see if they were faking it....but no, they were gone. I was mad! Glad to hear yours made it!!
