View Full Version : Nostrils

05-14-2006, 10:25 PM
I am fairly new to the hobby and have purchased up a 90 gallon tank with 13 discus of various sizes and colors. I keep things at 90f, ph of 6.5, everything else undetectable. I have just noticed on my blue diamond's face I see some small little areas which may be holes? They do not seem to be getting larger and he eats very well and seems fine. Except sometimes his eyes turns dark and then bright amber. Any how do they have nostrils? Or is it normal to see these little pits. In any case I've been using jungle parasite clear for a mild fluke outbreak which also contaings metro so I guess that would have helped. Or does metro do nothing unless ingested? Let me know guys

05-15-2006, 09:10 AM
The little pits in the nose area is normal as long as they aren't growing in size. As long as they are eating normally and no white feces you should have nothing to worry about.

05-15-2006, 11:58 AM
i would drop your temperature to 86 for juveniles...and 84 for adults. i was just reading your response on the other thread about how many fish..and you were saying your hoping they will pair up. well...alot of people raise the temp to stop them from pairing. to induce pairing..usually most breeders keep it at 84 and if they think they are ready to lay...we do a wc with a few degrees colder water...down to 82 and then they get laying.
90 is ok for new arrivals..or to get them eating...but a bit high for maintenance. also....it helps bacteria grow at a faster rate.
if your fish only have two holes..as in two nostrils..all good. i wouldnt worry unless you start seeing more...