View Full Version : Whats in the water (tap)

05-17-2006, 08:13 PM
When I do my regular water changes I have noticed some of my discus especially my blue diamond have tons of stringy hangy mucuous. I think something may be highly toxic in my tap water but don't have a clue what. They seem stressed and eyes darken and everything but soon enough all are fine. I just hate seeing this mucus coming from them I don't think they like it either. I have a python for my water changes so about half way I adjust the hot and cold and get the temp into within reason and then reverse the flow back into my tank immediately adding the correct amount of water conditoner which is a newer one that automatically adjusts the ph to 6.5 too. Anyhow any tips for me to prevent the massive mucus festival after my water changes please.

05-17-2006, 08:25 PM
Are you putting in really cold water, then switching to completely hot water? That could be bad as they would be getting 2 different extremes of temperature before it evened out.

05-17-2006, 08:26 PM
When I do my water change with my python i take out my digital thermometer and leave the python on drain then I adjust the water coming out of the drain hole to the exact temperature the tank was at when I started the water change, then I turn the nozzle to fill.

05-17-2006, 08:35 PM
I answered you on tghe other thread.