View Full Version : discus doing well then sick

05-23-2006, 10:19 AM
hi i woke up this morning seeing one of my discus swimming to the top of the tank and looks liek he is trying to get air. right when i saw this i put in salt. i also realized that he was bloated, probably from last nights meal. so i put in epson salt (a lot of it) my water temp is 88.

bottomless tank. umm... i dont know what else i should add to help you guys help me

i dont see how bloated stomach will cause them to want to get more o2

oh and i have two hydro sponge filter III and a fluval 304
both giving off bubbles

the rest of the fish looks fine
what to do?

Greg Richardson
05-23-2006, 10:43 AM
What is your wc schedule?

05-23-2006, 10:58 AM
Given that you really should have a lot of surface movement from your filters it's hard to say what could be wrong. Like Greg I think it may be your water parameters that are off. Also 88F is a pretty high temp and it may be that there is simply not enough O2 in your water (high temps mean less O2) the very first thing I would try is lowering the temp to 84F.


05-25-2006, 06:05 AM
ok thanks... well the fish died when i got back from work. but the rest of my fishes r fine and shows no sign of sickness

thank you