View Full Version : Stocking meds few q's please

05-23-2006, 02:16 PM
I am preparing myself for another large purchase of discus. I have everything I need accept a few things. I have some questions so please help me out to understand them more clearly.

What is meant by gram negative?

Will Nitrofurazone work against dropsy?(active ingredient in Jungles Labs fungas clear tabs.)

Is Rid Ich safe for biological filtration?

If fish won't eat will Metro still work just in the water?

What to use to treat Gill desease? (bacterial right?) I have plenty of things for flukes already.

05-23-2006, 07:06 PM
Gram negative bacteria are those that are not stained by a dye used in the "Gram" staining process. Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria have structural differences in their cell walls. Some medications only work on one type of bacteria but not the other.

I don't think any medication works very well against dropsy.

I've never used Rid Ich.

Yes, if the fish won't eat and you suspect hexamita use metro in the water at 93 degrees F. Once the fish begins eating you can finish the treatment with medicated food for good measure.

For bacterial gill disease use an antibiotic from the pet store. I don't know which one is the best.

Unless you live in a place where you have trouble getting meds, I'd suggest not stocking them until/unless you need them. They have a limited shelf life, and I'd hope you wouldn't need many of them!
