View Full Version : breeding and male eating eggs

matt morgan
05-24-2006, 01:12 PM
hi i have 3 red turks 2 of them in their own breeding tank as soon as the female lays a row of eggs the male eats them. this is the first time they have spawned is it a matter of them getting used to it. they are about 5.5 inches
cheers Matt

05-24-2006, 01:46 PM
My expierence is limited to 4 pairs, but I have never seen that particular behavior. Inexperienced pairs do odd things though, and it usually takes 3, or oftentimes more, tries before they "get it right". Hopefully someone else with more experience than me will reply, there are those on this site that are true experts.


matt morgan
05-24-2006, 01:55 PM
would it be a good idea to introduce the third red turk into the breeding tank to try and make the couple stronger???
cheers Matt

05-24-2006, 02:13 PM
since it's the first time they've spawned, i wouldn't worry about it.. That's normal.. How old are the fish?? The male is probably to young and isn't ready.. Just give them time, he'll figure it out..


matt morgan
05-24-2006, 02:32 PM
they are between 9 -13 months. Im so glad they have finally decided to breed even tho the male wasnt co-operating lol will i be expecting the next spawn in a weeks time or sooner???? cheers Matt

Green Country Discus
05-24-2006, 09:32 PM
Matt, patience is the name of the Discus breeding game. They should spawn again in 7-14 days. Males do take longer in most cases than females to mature and want to be a parent.. Some never get it right but most do ;) . Keep them healthy and well fed in the right water and make sure you know how to hatch bbs :D . Keep smiling,