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View Full Version : Plant trimmers?

05-24-2006, 11:56 PM
Hey fellow planters,

If you have plants which grow well and you have to trim them from time to time, you may have a problem of extra plants on your hands. In case you are that person and dont know what to do with these plants, do not fear. I will buy them from you for a reasonable price because the pet stores in my area have an extremely poor selection. My current setup has 160 watts of 1/2 6500 1/2 5000k light on a 55 gallon tank. I have plastic plants in there and am ready to set up a DIY CO2 into a powerhead system. Any plants will do since I do not have any live plants in there. (tank has 3 clown loaches in it)

05-25-2006, 12:36 AM
If you end up wanting to order plants from someone, I can recommend http://www.freshwateraquariumplants.com very highly. They've been really helpful, and will discuss your setup with you and what is best in it.

05-25-2006, 04:28 AM
Hey fellow planters,

If you have plants which grow well and you have to trim them from time to time, you may have a problem of extra plants on your hands. In case you are that person and dont know what to do with these plants, do not fear. I will buy them from you for a reasonable price because the pet stores in my area have an extremely poor selection. My current setup has 160 watts of 1/2 6500 1/2 5000k light on a 55 gallon tank. I have plastic plants in there and am ready to set up a DIY CO2 into a powerhead system. Any plants will do since I do not have any live plants in there. (tank has 3 clown loaches in it)

Do you have a non credit card paypal? If so, PM me, I'll send you the cuttings when I mow my 12 tanks this weekend for the price of shipping....DC

05-25-2006, 11:43 AM

just go to the section labeled Buy/sell or whatever and you can buy bascailly any plant you coudl dream of and you can buy driftwood. I know I've bought plants from some of the people on there and haven't been dissapointed yet! :)

matt morgan
05-25-2006, 01:08 PM
hi i order my plants from www.java-plants.com they do all sorts of selections and single plants that are very cheap, good quality and easy to deal with.i bought 55 plants for my discus setup and it was £13 delivered, check out the site it is all good. This is as long as you live in the uk. Im surprised no one has mentioned java plants yet they in all practical fish keepig magazines

05-26-2006, 08:25 AM
Hey fellow planters,

If you have plants which grow well and you have to trim them from time to time, you may have a problem of extra plants on your hands. In case you are that person and dont know what to do with these plants, do not fear. I will buy them from you for a reasonable price because the pet stores in my area have an extremely poor selection. My current setup has 160 watts of 1/2 6500 1/2 5000k light on a 55 gallon tank. I have plastic plants in there and am ready to set up a DIY CO2 into a powerhead system. Any plants will do since I do not have any live plants in there. (tank has 3 clown loaches in it)


Here are some of the plants I will be sending (look the names up with a search engine for better pictures, I suck at photography):


Myriophyllum Matogrossensse


Eichhornia Diversifolia


Myriophyllum Heterophyllum


Hygrophilia Polysperma Sunset


Limnophila Indica

I was going to send some Riccia but you said in your PM that you are going to use pots so I will not send any. These will not be the only plants, some I do not have pics of and some more may get trimmed, the ones above get mowed weekly. The plants will be coming out of my Discus tanks so they will be accustomed to warm water.....DC