View Full Version : my discus are so Crazy!

05-25-2006, 10:20 PM
Omg, my poor apple snails, I think my discus think they are ESCARGOT, They keep biting their poor tentacles!!!! and I mean really hard! They have actually bit pieces of tentacles off.
today I put one of those jack watley cubes and the snail comes down and takes it!!!!!, I feed the snail those pleco wafers, what a hog.
So anyways, my discus crack me up when they eat, they all tail whip each other, and act like their starving. their hogs too!!.:D :D lol


05-25-2006, 10:37 PM
I hope you have enough apple snails, since they are about to be banned. I believe June 1st is when it starts.


05-25-2006, 10:44 PM
how come they are banning them?
had'nt heard that.


05-25-2006, 10:49 PM
Appearently some of them have become a nuisance, and are destroying crops, especially rice crops. The FDA is worried they will infect more rice growing regions in the US, they have been seen in the wild in FL, TX, LA and CA... all rice growing states.


05-25-2006, 11:01 PM
Hmm, interesting. If the ones here are anything like the ones in Asia, they should taste really good. Mmm, escargot.

05-26-2006, 01:58 AM
Actually some country tried just that, imported them for food (I think Malasia, but I'm not certain) and they devasted their rice crops. Most Apple Snails are now considered bad, except Pomacea bridgesii. I only know any of this because it's a hot topic just now on a plant list I subscribe to, I'm not a snail guy, but I have clown loaches that are.


05-26-2006, 09:51 AM
So your clown loaches find them tasty too:D
I actually feel bad for them. They seem to be learning to keep their tentacles curled up. The discus-they look so innocent- Then they bite the crap out of the tentacles...I should'nt laugh, but they probaly think its a worm. They actually all croud around the snail when he's on the glass, I'll try to take a pic...My fish are weird.;) I think the snail is weird too though, can't believe he'd eat watley discus cube.


05-26-2006, 01:37 PM
So your clown loaches find them tasty too:D
I actually feel bad for them. They seem to be learning to keep their tentacles curled up. The discus-they look so innocent- Then they bite the crap out of the tentacles...I should'nt laugh, but they probaly think its a worm. They actually all croud around the snail when he's on the glass, I'll try to take a pic...My fish are weird.;) I think the snail is weird too though, can't believe he'd eat watley discus cube.


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