View Full Version : What the heck are these WORMS???

05-26-2006, 10:41 AM
Here's the scenario ... I moved a pair of would-be lovebirds out of the 75g community tank and into a brand new 29, so they could be alone. Wink, wink.

I took an extra aquaclear 50 I had running on the 75, and put it on the 29, so it was cycled from the get-go.

After 3-4 days, the lovebirds were just REALLY stressed out. They hated the 29 and they hated ME, panicking and thrashing around every time I got near them.

I was afraid they'd soon make themselves sick at that rate, so I moved them back into the 75, where they felt at home again within hours.

NOW: There are WORMS wriggling around on the bottom of the 29!!!

They look a lot like blackworms, just a little smaller.

Could they have been pooped out by the stressed fish?

I find their presence intriguing more than disturbing, but I'd love to know what they are and how they got there!


05-26-2006, 12:20 PM
How long? how round? What color? Need Pics to even hazard a guess! Put'm under a scope or magnifying glass! TAKE PICS!!! Then maybe you should worm your fish--panacur!! JMO

05-26-2006, 02:29 PM
Pics coming ...

05-26-2006, 02:44 PM
Here goes ...

05-26-2006, 02:56 PM
I have no clue what they are but well done on the pic! I am sure someone will know what they are!


05-26-2006, 03:12 PM
I would say that your fish have Nematodes, which is what I believe this picture to be of. I would now reccomend you treat with some kind of dewormer. You may want to look into these meds to deworm your fish Niclosamide, Levamisole, Mebendazole, Flubendazole?, also I've heard that Fluke tabs(Thrichorfon) may also treat Capillaria if you feel you have this. You may have introduced these worms by using live foods do you? Check the feces for eggs. Fish can re-infest themselves easily so keep your tank clean. Always read and do your homework before using any med but I hope this helps you out. Was the fish having white stringy feces? Dark body color? Shaking? Is it eating? Getting thin? Many times fish carry of variety of things which only pose a problem when the fish is very stressed do to a lack of immune system to be able to keep things in check.

05-26-2006, 04:51 PM
Could be a round worm (nematode). I'd treat with panacur in food, or flubenol in the water. Both effective and safe ime.

05-27-2006, 10:23 PM
Well, here's the $64 dollar question:

Are these nematodes(?) one of those things discus just carry around - but cause no problems unles they're stressed?

And if so, should I really treat for them anyway?

Because none of my fish have any symptoms of any problems whatsoever.

The two lovebirds just hated the 29g condo I put them up in, so I moved them back into the 75 with the others BEFORE they could develop any stress-related illnesses. I figured I'd give them a few days to unwind before putting them back into their 29g love nest.

(Naturally, they PROMPTLY spawned again in the 75 ...:angry: )

05-27-2006, 10:29 PM
I think that if all discus cary worm around...you would still have to try to fix that once you get them, and not wait and hope that they will never develop.

Worm are parasite for all animal, including human.
We get nothing good about carrying thses in our body...neither your fish.

Something is going to happen at some point that is going to stress one of your fish.

If you cure your fish of all parasite, we can assume that down the road they are going to leave heltier and longer.

The only issue is, are you ready to put some money in meds, knowing that you will never be totaly sure that they are toatly clear and sterile of any parasite.

ps. Keep these speciment you have alive, and once you put med into your tank, take some of that tank water and put the worm in a botle with it...to see if its killing it and how fast. and plz post what you do so we can follow up and learn from this.


05-28-2006, 08:56 AM

tubifex worms ........

Beth ;)

05-28-2006, 09:47 AM

tubifex worms ........

Beth ;)

Those are my worms, for sure!

Where'd you get that image?

What's the recommended treatment?



05-28-2006, 11:11 AM
try any dewormer (liken dog dewormer form vet or petshop)
that has piperazine as ingredient to start with, they are not to expensive and are a good starting point.

They don't look to much like internal worm to me. but hard to tell chineese from chineese when your Irish

05-28-2006, 11:16 AM
Hi Gene....

This is the pic link.....


This is a little reading material for ya....


What's the recommended treatment?

nothing ...... just let the fish eat them.... or.... remove them manually ;) Some people choose to feed their fish live tubifex, some choose freeze dried........ and some choose to stay a million miles away from them, because they can harbor nasty parasites and some nasty bacterias....

IMO........ I'd just remove them manually.....

As for where they came from..... hmmmmm...... they're not parasitic so they didn't come from your fish. Have you in the past ever fed live black worms ?? I've had several come in that way. How long has your 75 gal been up and running ?? and how did you cycle it ?? if you started out with bio from someone elses tank a friend or maybe a lfs ....it could have come in that way.....

I took an extra aquaclear 50 I had running on the 75, and put it on the 29, so it was cycled from the get-go. Is your comunity tank bb or gravel ?? Is it planted ?? It's possible they could have also come in that way...


05-28-2006, 11:31 AM
ya....what she(:whip: the boss) said!:D


05-28-2006, 06:55 PM
They had to have come in with some CBW's from the LFS.

Then they must have wriggled under the spawning cone and survived several days. I didn't see them till I removed the two lovebirds - and their cone - from the 29.

Both tanks are BB, unplanted and clear-ammonia cycled last summer.

Oh well. Since these worms aren't parasitic I suppose I have no further need for concern.

Thanks for that pic of the tubifexes. That is definitely my mystery worm!

05-28-2006, 07:48 PM

tubifex worms ........

Beth ;)
I forgot to think of that, damn your good. Thats why I always reccomend to not just medicate until your sure. I didn't think to ask that question but good thing you did as medication is not needed. Those things are loved by my discus but I hate rinsing them all the time to prevent areas within them that lack oxygen. But they are good for the fish though.