View Full Version : VR & Red Turq...

05-27-2006, 11:36 AM
Well.. you guys got me. I just cleaned up and prepared the 55 for breeding and I've got the two in there. Right now they are just sitting in the corner (they just went in about 5-10 min ago.)

They look really pretty in there tho thats for sure :) So we shall see what happens. This will be my second attempt at spawning. I got free swimmers that lasted about 2 weeks the last time.. then the parents started to spawn again and I was also having pH crash problems so it didn't work too well, but since I have figured all that out.. perhaps this round shall be better.

Whole tank: I left the sand and the piece of driftwood in there. The driftwood because that anubius nana is tightly secured on there and I couldn't get it off and theres no room for the whole piece of driftwood in my other tank without making it really cluttered looking so I just left it.

05-27-2006, 11:40 AM
looks nice...very pretty fish.......good luck with the breeding!!

05-27-2006, 12:16 PM
The tank looks great to me! Just a small suggestion, take a plastic garbage bag and cut it so it wraps the tank on 3 sides. I've found that they like the security it provides them.


05-27-2006, 12:18 PM
btw those are beautiful fish!

05-27-2006, 12:25 PM
The tank looks great to me! Just a small suggestion, take a plastic garbage bag and cut it so it wraps the tank on 3 sides. I've found that they like the security it provides them.


Thanks for the suggestion Larry.. but.. I dont like to baby them and these discus are not at all shy. About two min after I took those pics.. they were swimming all across the front.. wanting food lol. I'm not too worried about it. :)


05-27-2006, 12:52 PM
Very nice, Amber :)

05-27-2006, 01:01 PM
I love the color on the red turq :)

05-27-2006, 05:07 PM
Thanks everyone :) The turq is over there cleaning the cone now :)


05-27-2006, 05:31 PM
The fish look nice but if all I had are the pots I would add a second one on top of the one in there to make it a little taller or put something under it to raise it up off the sand about 2-4 inches. I think it's too short for them to make a good run along the eggs during fertilization

05-27-2006, 05:49 PM
Nice pair of fish.Should be some nice babies from them.


05-27-2006, 07:08 PM
The fish look nice but if all I had are the pots I would add a second one on top of the one in there to make it a little taller or put something under it to raise it up off the sand about 2-4 inches. I think it's too short for them to make a good run along the eggs during fertilization

I've had another pair spawn on a regular basis on this pot :) Thanks tho! I'll keep it in mind.


05-27-2006, 07:28 PM
Wow, that's a luxuary breeding setup! Ur fish seem very pleased! :) Nice colors and pair, good luck!


05-27-2006, 07:38 PM
Is it the male or the female that's usually cleaning the cone?

05-27-2006, 08:18 PM
Is it the male or the female that's usually cleaning the cone?

With my other pair.. it was always the female. But this is only my second pair ever.. so I dont really know cause I dont know which is which with these guys yet.. hopefully I wont miss the action!

Thanks everyone!

05-27-2006, 08:27 PM
Congrats Amber. Seems like they arent gonna let you get less tanks. Now you need a baby tank too!;)

Good Luck!

05-27-2006, 08:29 PM
Congrats Amber. Seems like they arent gonna let you get less tanks. Now you need a baby tank too!;)

Good Luck!

That IS the baby tank lol. I'd not want to grow out the fry in anything less than the 55. I dont know.. I hear people do it in 29's-30's.. but .. and this is probably just me.. it just seems too small to me. So I'll be growing em in the 55.

Now.. thats if everything goes well lol.
