View Full Version : Well that was fast! VR and RT spawned this morning!

05-28-2006, 08:09 AM
Well you guys know I set up the breeding tank yesterday and put the violet reflection and the red turq in there. Well a little while ago.. I found some eggs that weren't there this morning lol.

I missed it but the red turq still has her ovipositor down so thats the female.. and shes gaurding the eggs. The violet reflection has "parts" down too and its much smaller than the turq who is most definitely female so I am assuming he male. The turq is gaurding the eggs.

Hopefully they are fertilized. We shall see :)


I sure wasn't expecting them to spawn so quick!
Thanks for looking.. guess I'd better get to the store for a cover for my filter intake! (just in case!)

Kenny's Discus
05-28-2006, 08:16 AM
Amber - congrats and nice close-up pics. Good luck and wishing them success this very first time!


05-28-2006, 08:21 AM
Awww :( I spoke too soon cause the VR is over there eating the eggs right now. Most likely he does not really like the turq. Because he was paired with a PB in the girls tank who I bought them from, but I didn't get the pb.

My fish.. I have one male paired with two females and with one of the females he eats teh eggs as soon as they lay and with the other.. he keeps them till free swimming and its because he likes one female better than the other.

Oh well. Maybe after QT he will like someone in my community better.

05-28-2006, 08:33 AM
Don't give up on them just yet Amber. Sometimes it take a couple spawns for a new pair like this or a young pair as well. Give them a couple more chances if you really want to breed those two together. ;)

06-02-2006, 08:36 PM
What a coincidence!

I put a pair of red turks in a 29g this morning (ten hours or so ago), and they're spawning as I type this!

This particular pair has had several batches of eggs in the community tank, but no wrigglers as yet.

06-02-2006, 09:48 PM
You already know that Amgie's right so I won't even go there. The important thing is THEY SPAWNED!!!! Congrats to you!


06-03-2006, 06:49 AM
lol.. Thanks you guys :) Spawning takes place in my community tank on a regular basis lol

I dont want to deal with raising discus fry right now though. I am setting the 55 up as an african tank. I have been debating for a couple weeks on african, salt or just a different kind of american.

Salt will be very expensive so I chose African as I've never kept them and I will be having the 125 be a frontosa tank when I'm done with discus :)


06-03-2006, 08:05 AM
when I'm done with discus :)

Blasphemy! :)

06-03-2006, 08:08 AM
Well.. by then I'll probably have another big tank lol.. you guys know I'll never be completely done with discus lol


Kenny's Discus
06-03-2006, 08:12 AM
Amber, if one day you know how you can "be done with discus", I'll buy that special recipe from you! lol
