View Full Version : stressed discus?

05-29-2006, 10:04 AM

i just transferred my green turq pair into a 20g breeding tank. Its fully cycled w/ pH 6. Did a 25% water change.

Since they've been in there they have been swimming eratically up and down when the lights are on. When lights are off they are abit more docile. Their stress bars also seem to be abit more visible when lights are on.

any advice?

05-29-2006, 10:11 AM
I think it is just a new environment and they are just checking things out.


chris allsop
05-29-2006, 10:11 AM
mine do this since i placed some of the plants and bogwood into another tank, have they got some were that they can hide behind?

im going out to get some fake plants so mine dont get stressed.
as like yourself mine are breeding and bullying the others, got a new 110 gallon tank to move the other fish into.

05-29-2006, 10:24 AM
nah ders just a sponge filter and some gravel

a pair of pidgeon blood were their beforehand and they adapted pretty well in it after a couple of hours or so. This pair has been in there for bout 6 hours now and still look abit stressed.

p.s. i added the gravel just before. before it was just bare bottom and they kept tryin to swim sideways on the bottom floor. Once i added gravel in they stopped. I thought they had gill flukes but they dont seem to be scratchin themselves.

05-29-2006, 10:50 AM
Are they breathing rapidly?I assume this tank is cycled.They could be seeing their reflection at the bottom of the tank before you added the gravel.


05-29-2006, 07:39 PM
yeh they were breathing pretty rapid actually and swimming up and down. when i turned the lights off they calmed down a bit. New day now and still not dat much change in behaviour wif light on

quite suure the tank is fully cycled coz my 2 other discus that lived in there dint have a problem

tested for ammonia and nitrate a couple of weeks ago and they were both 0 so yeh and i do three 25% water changes a week