05-31-2006, 01:33 PM
Waste of time.

Greg Richardson
05-31-2006, 04:01 PM
Of course juvies may turn out worse.
Then again with the proper care they can turn into a AA also.

That grade AA adult u get?
Go ahead and mis treat it and it can turn into a grade A in no time.

Why do u think u or anyone else for that matter has the ability to change what breeders in Asia and else ware started?

I know some importers over here don't even like to deal with it but they have to considering the FACT the amount of money they pay is in line with the stated grade of fish thus they have to list it that way.

That's life. Deal with it.

Talk to the one u want to buy from.
Have them send pictures of the ACTUAL fish YOU will be buying along with price. After YOU grade it YOU will determine if YOU want to pay that price no matter if it's A - AA - AAA.
If not YOU move on to the next seller.
It doesn't get any SIMPLER then that!

If u consider this criticism u can deal with that also.
Tired of the whining about the grading system.

U are not in position to change it nor is the importers here who pay according to the current system.

05-31-2006, 04:53 PM
Tired of the whining about the grading system.

Really tho ~ come on Pierre ~ another thread:confused: I bet you can do some good elsewhere here yes?

Marie ~

Greg Richardson
06-03-2006, 09:12 PM
Nice edit.

Can't debate so the child in u comes out to play getting rid your original post like a little kid then writing waste of time.

It's only a waste of time when u don't hear what u want to hear.
Reality escapes some people.

06-03-2006, 09:32 PM
guess i must have missed something :confused:

06-03-2006, 09:49 PM
guess i must have missed something :confused:

you didnt miss much

06-03-2006, 11:29 PM
I missed the original post, but the final edit comment - waste of time - is correct in the fact that - it is a waste of time. Asians will dictate the grading system, the naming system, and to a lesser degree, influence the cost per fish. Good old American greed can also play a role. I tried selling quality Red Turquois and Marlboro Reds to a store at a price better than the wholesalers in this area sell their discus. Turned out, though, that this guy had an Asian connection where he was paying half of what I was going to charge for mine. He inturn sold his discus at the same price other retail stores sold their discus. Less upfront cost for him, higher profit margin than other LFS's, and for very poor quality discus. He didn't care about quality, only priofit margin.


Greg Richardson
06-04-2006, 12:42 AM
Asians will dictate the grading system, the naming system, and to a lesser degree, influence the cost per fish.

Mat. As u see in my post basically said the same thing with a way for him to deal with the situation.
That's not what he wanted to hear.
So he erased his post.

06-04-2006, 01:14 AM
As sorry as it sounds, people better be prepared to get a bad deal from time to time when buying discus sight unseen Not that its right) . He wasn't prepared for that, evedently.


06-04-2006, 01:24 AM
Waste of time.
Waste of time because this site is run by Breeder/Sponsor and they don't whant to deal with the Grade/Quality of ther fish.

Ask all of them in PM to joint a post on Grade system to explain how it work and just end up with no one can explain clearly what it is.

They can't event explain the basic rules to evaluate the Quality of a purchase. Is this normal when this is your business? The fact that you say you are not in this business for winning your life is not an excuse for lack of knowledge. And if so, you should honestly tell the buyer you just don't know. At least buyer could check out somewhere for help wihtout the risk to offence.

I know a member on this forum who buy 4 fishs by a very well know beeder on this site. End up 3 fishs has a scoliosis and the last one has a decentered fins so much that you can't miss it. How can you put 4 defect fishs that you raise by yourself in a bag without seing they have defect? Thoses fish should have been long time cull. Guy do not have refund and just drop the case. He give me the 4 and I have them long enought in my face to tell you it's true. I have veryfied myself the fish was comming from the breeder by talking with it. I have recevied a positive answer that fish was realy sold by them.

I have send many e-mail to the Sponsor and make phone call on my charge asking to help me do a good purchase. On 14 fishs I end up with:

1 Cull
1 Stunted
One A grade for a AA grade
2 Blue Diamond with stressed bar on the tail

I may discover more has time goes on.

The total amount of the purchase was 500$. I think I was ready to spend the money it take's to buy Good fish not B grade fish. I have just been badly help in my fish selection because I thrust this Amazing seller.

After that trying to ask for help in grade I have been see like trying to hunt down the seller.

What can I do? Can't help it with this attitude

This site is run by sponsor and they shure don't whant to ear about a way to verify quality of purchase. They event bring down competitor in ther comment thinking they setup me going after them. What a low life.

All breeder/sponsor may not have earn it but for a long time I will not thrust any more any breeder/Sponsor on this site. Just to verify what they sold and they are mad. No doubt in my mind trying to talk about Grade and Quality is a waste of time on this site.



I have learn more in two post you have made then with all e-mail and call I have made to the Sponsor who sold fishs to me.

I'm a bad guy I know...

I would be very impress if this post stay in place wihtout being cut or me being banned or warn.

06-04-2006, 01:34 AM
Waste of time because this site is run by Breeder/Sponsor and they don't whant to deal with the Grade/Quality of ther fish.

Ask all of them in PM to joint a post on Grade system to explain how it work and just end up with no one can explain clearly what it is.

They can't event explain the basic rules to evaluate the Quality of a purchase. Is this normal when this is your business? The fact that you say you are not in this business for winning your life is not an excuse for lack of knowledge. And if so, you should honestly tell the buyer you just don't know. At least buyer could check out somewhere for help wihtout the risk to offence.

I know a member on this forum who buy 4 fishs by a very well know beeder on this site. End up 3 fishs has a scoliosis and the last one has a decentered fins so much that you can't miss it. How can you put 4 defect fishs that you raise by yourself in a bag without seing they have defect? Thoses fish should have been long time cull. Guy do not have refund and just drop the case. He give me the 4 and I have them long enought in my face to tell you it's true. I have veryfied myself the fish was comming from the breeder by talking with it. I have recevied a positive answer that fish was realy sold by them.

I have send many e-mail to the Sponsor and make phone call on my charge asking to help me do a good purchase. On 14 fishs I end up with:

1 Cull
1 Stunted
One A grade for a AA grade
2 Blue Diamond with stressed bar on the tail

I may discover more has time goes on.

The total amount of the purchase was 500$. I think I was ready to spend the money it take's to buy Good fish not B grade fish. I have just been badly help in my fish selection because I thrust this Amazing seller.

After that trying to ask for help in grade I have been see like trying to hunt down the seller.

What can I do? Can't help it with this attitude

This site is run by sponsor and they shure don't whant to ear about a way to verify quality of purchase. They event bring down competitor in ther comment thinking they setup me going after them. What a low life.

All breeder/sponsor may not have earn it but for a long time I will not thrust any more any breeder/Sponsor on this site. Just to verify what they sold and they are mad. No doubt in my mind trying to talk about Grade and Quality is a waste of time on this site.



I have learn more in two post you have made then with all e-mail and call I have made to the Sponsor who sold fishs to me.

I'm a bad guy I know...

I would be very impress if this post stay in place wihtout being cut or me being banned or warn.
Not happy but still want to get in on next group order?

06-04-2006, 02:02 AM
I know a member on this forum who buy 4 fishs by a very well know beeder on this site. End up 3 fishs has a scoliosis and the last one has a decentered fins so much that you can't miss it. How can you put 4 defect fishs that you raise by yourself in a bag without seing they have defect? Thoses fish should have been long time cull. Guy do not have refund and just drop the case. He give me the 4 and I have them long enought in my face to tell you it's true. I have veryfied myself the fish was comming from the breeder by talking with it. I have recevied a positive answer that fish was realy sold by them.

I have send many e-mail to the Sponsor and make phone call on my charge asking to help me do a good purchase. On 14 fishs I end up with:

^^ So this is the reason you have been taking out thread after thread? You had an hidden agenda? All this time? wow~ why wld you bring it here this way?

I Should have known Pierre ~ I am disappointed in you ~ I felt there was more to it ~ no matter how anyone tired to help you and give you answers to all your threads....

It was not what you wanted to hear ~

I am sad ~ You were playing games Pierre IMO ~ There is a way to go about dealing with this ~ Al wld have helped you but instead you did it this way ~

What were you thinking? I do not know if you are right or wrong or the seller/breeder ~ but you are wrong here ~

You must not like it here very much ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

Greg Richardson
06-04-2006, 02:10 AM
Waste of time because this site is run by Breeder/Sponsor and they don't want to deal with the Grade/Quality of ther fish.

Only waste of time is you thinking the Asians and whom ever else who sells fish based on grade system is suppose to stop doing it and do it your way.

According to your line of thinking the Importers are suppose to not sell their fish on the grade system even though they paid for the fish that way.

Your original post u wiped clean said only positive posts allowed.

In other words if we don't think like u do our thoughts are not worthy of the great Pierre!

I tried to help u in my post on how to buy a discus.

Now I'll try to help u again. Just because I'm such a nice guy.


One last thing. If U bought a fish FROM a sponsor and have problems call the sponsor. Email them.

Buying second hand though eliminates any right u have imo.

U want to save the world I'm sure Green Peace has an extra raft for u.

06-04-2006, 02:33 AM
If you have a problem with a Sponsor, why don't you leave them negative feedback?

This site is NOT run by Sponsors, it is run by Al and I. I am sick and tired of people going on and on about how Simply does this and Simply does that. Or Simply doesn't do this or doesn't do that. We provide a free service to people who need information about discus. What else do you want from us? I am locking this thread because I am tired of all the complaining. If you have an issue with a Sponsor then you need to take it up with them privately, and if they don't deal with an issue to your satisfaction then you need to leave them a negative feedback and contact Al.

You cannot please everyone all the time. For instance, the fish I get from a Sponsor may be what I consider good quality, but some of the more experienced hobbyists may disagree with me. Like Larry and Greg said, the grading system is based on what the Asian exporters want it to be. If you are going to buy fish from someone you need to specify EXACTLY what you want, and what you expect from them. If you are extremely selective with your discus and you don't trust the judgement of a Sponsor, then you should try to find a local breeder where you can pick out the fish in person.

If you think you can do a better job running a discus website, by all means quit complaining and open your own. Everyone likes to complain, but no one ever wants to do anything about it. I am tired of constantly being accused of catering to this person or that person. I have a full-time job and a personal life, and I put time and money into Simply because I thought it was a site that could help people. Instead, everyone just complains because it isn't what they expect, or what they think it should be.

If you don't think Simply has anything to offer you, please visit our links page and you'll find the other discus forums listed there.



06-04-2006, 06:28 AM
I have a full-time job and a personal life, and I put time and money into Simply because I thought it was a site that could help people. Instead, everyone just complains because it isn't what they expect, or what they think it should be.

If you don't think Simply has anything to offer you, please visit our links page and you'll find the other discus forums listed there.

I agree 100 % with my partner... In 4 years this site has been a god send to thousands of members.. We have always tried to to provide you all with the best service and information... and have spent countless hours trying to do this ... If you don't like it here , get the hell off our forum and find one that you like... or start your own...I have had it with whiner and *****ers alike...This place is not perfect but we try our damned best. Show it the respect it deserves or leave.

For the record...This site is not run by sponsors.. It is run by Ryan, and I, with the help of moderators we chose.. Sponsors and banner holders help pay the Bills, Ryan and I cover the rest. Sorry but its the price we all pay for not charging anyone a membership to use our site....Sponsors are screened by me as best I can... and all sponsors know that their performance and ethics are critical to staying on as a sponsor..I have made that clear..

If someone has an issue with a sponsor, they need to talk with the sponsor...if they are not happy then, leave them negative feedback, and talk to me... If I determine that sponsors are acting improperly , they are removed...that is not common.. Not because our system doesn't work...but because we have damn good sponsors here and they do the best they can....I have personally bought from most of them either before they were a sponsor or after and I know these people and their intentions. It is not to rip anyone off...or control this forum.

Pierre, I have warned you repeatedly and my moderators have warned you repeatedly...

This site is run by sponsor and they shure don't whant to ear about a way to verify quality of purchase. They event bring down competitor in ther comment thinking they setup me going after them. What a low life.

You are Done on my forum...Good luck finding what you seek.. It doesn't exist.

I'm a bad guy I know...

I would be very impress if this post stay in place wihtout being cut or me being banned or warn. I'd have been more impressed if you had listened to our warnings and not pushed my buttons intentionally.
