View Full Version : Heckels in Canada

06-01-2006, 12:55 PM
Hello all, I was just wonering if there is a place in Canada where I could get my hands on some wild heckels, any size weither juveniles or adults. I've never even seen a wild fish in person ever, I'm in isolation:mad: I'd really love to get my hands on heckels, I've been a fan of these fish for quite some time. I am wondering if there is anyone in the Toronto area that would have these fish for sale, since I will be traveling there at the end of the month to purchase some other fish. I have always thought about buying wilds from Below Water in Montreal and getting them shipped if I can't find some in Toronto.
thanks josh

06-01-2006, 05:05 PM
heckels arent in season just yet. superior discus can get some..when they are in season. he ships. right now he has some rsg coming..wilds..in a few weeks. you can im him for a pricelist. see who has what..and prices..and compare shipping. best bet..
they are quite neat fish. i like them.

06-01-2006, 09:56 PM
Thanks for the tip April, I checked the website but it said the hatchery was in the process of moving, I think I read somewhere that Jason was moving to Vancouver, do you know when he is going to be open for business? Where abouts in Vancouver is it going to be located? josh

06-02-2006, 02:27 AM
hi there..yes he moved to vancouver..hes now open.Opened two weeks ago. other fish also..getting some cool pleccos in etc. not many discus going yet though..just the wilds coming in. he hasnt started rebreeding yet..
his fish store is right next to my shop. : ) hes near ubc.
i groom a few dogs..then go check out fish..then a few more dogs..play with fish..
if all goes well..he'll be over there grooming dogs..and ill be playing with the fish.

Kenny's Discus
06-02-2006, 03:02 AM
his fish store is right next to my shop. : ) hes near ubc.
i groom a few dogs..then go check out fish..then a few more dogs..play with fish..
if all goes well..he'll be over there grooming dogs..and ill be playing with the fish.

Sounds like fun April! I'd have to say you should have no complaint seeing them dogs and fish on a daily basis...:-) I'd love to!

Take care,

06-02-2006, 10:02 AM
I haven't been able to get any heckels in almost a year, They are in very short supply this year. Ken

06-02-2006, 11:09 AM
April, I have a very good friend that goes to UBC and lives in West Point Gray, should send him over with the digi cam. Thanks for all the info. josh

06-02-2006, 12:18 PM
Couple of places you might try.
Big Al's in Brampton sometimes has them. Give Frank a call. The other lead is Oliver at Belowwater. His price list had them about two months ago.

06-02-2006, 12:30 PM
Thanks for the tips Moon, I've seen the picture of the wilds on the Below Water site before, amazing, I've wanted to order from Oliver for quite sometime and I probably will in the not so distant future. Big Al's in brampton you say, I'll have to look into that, I've heard they have had them in the past before. Thanks josh