View Full Version : Looking for Southern California Breeder

06-05-2006, 02:23 PM
The closer to San Diego, the better.

I tried DiscusFarm.us, but they seem to be out of stock until as late as next year.



06-05-2006, 03:30 PM
The closer to San Diego, the better.

I tried DiscusFarm.us, but they seem to be out of stock until as late as next year.



I'm not a breeder but live in SD.. maybe we should do a group order some time down the road to split shipping.

06-06-2006, 02:25 AM
I posted a similiar thread and had no result.........
Did a search too and not much info there either.....
Perhaps there is none in the area or ppl just wanna keep it a secret?? :P
Good luck on ur search and let me know if u do find something! :-)

06-06-2006, 09:16 PM
greyhoundfan: That sounds like a good idea. My Email is veurruckte@gmail.com. Keep in touch.

Luderule: I did find a distributor of Jack Wattley-Discus in El Segundo. Here's the link if you want more information http://www.wattleydiscus.com/Contact.htm. Good luck to you too :) .

06-07-2006, 01:34 AM
I'm actually about 10-15 minutes from el segundo. Not actually a breeder in "I know what Im doing and have many successful spawns" but rather a breeder in the "I got lucky with a pair a few times" sense.

If there is a group order, keep me in the loop. Esp. since I'm so close to the distributor. Funny, I never even heard of Z-Fish inc around here. If they're wholesalers, non of the lfs' around here are advertising any of their discus as wattley discus. There is a guy in Rosemead, that goes by "discusgalore" on aquabid that has a very nice set up for discus angelfish. The last time I visited, he had about 8-10 breeding tanks and a row full of grow outs. They did alot of angels at the time, but lately, he's been selling pairs on aquabid, so don't know how well it's going for them.

kahunabill @ aol . com

07-09-2006, 02:43 AM
I'm also in the San Diego area, so any info that you guys may come into just PM me for my email addy. Also I would be interested in maybe going in on a group by to cut down on shipping costs.

Let me know and thanks,