View Full Version : I need advice, please

06-15-2006, 11:31 AM
Hi, I have 2 3.5" discus in a 30-gallon tank

1. problems with your fish/when and how they started: Two days ago I added 2 very small longfin plecostamus to help keep the tank clean. Prior to that time I had been feeding them a chicken breast/shrimp frozen mixture 1x every other day, which caused the tank to get a little slimey.

2. Symptoms : I've noticed "threads" of slime floating in the water, even before adding the catfish. I thought it most likely was from the chicken/shrimp mixture. Since I added the catfish, the tank has become much clearer, in spite of my daily wcs (prior to the addition of catfish).

3. What medications/ treatments that you have already tried and results: None. I don't know if this is really a problem or not.

4. Tank size and age, number and size of fish: 30 gal, 1 year old, 2 discus, 2 plecos.

5. Water change regime: Daily wcs of 30% or more, if needed
how long has tank been running: one year
bare bottom or gravel: bare
do you age your water? YES

6 Parameters and water source;
- temp 84-86
- ph 8.4
- ammonia reading 0
- nitrite reading 0
- nitrate reading 10
- well water yes, through the city

7. Any new fishadded recently: 2 young plecos 2 days ago

I am wondering if the "threads" (I haven't a better word for them) of slime are due to the plecos cleaning the sides of the tank. Since the plecos have been added, there are much less of them.

My biggest concern is that:
a) the discus aren't shedding slime
b) the plecos aren't occasionally attaching themselves to the discus. I haven't seen them do this, and every time I observe them, they are going to town on the glass.

I'm just concerned, because I had an instance in which a pleco attached itself to a severum and I don't want that with my discus. Nor do I want my discus sluffing slime.

Anybody have any suggestions?

Many thanks,

06-15-2006, 12:07 PM

06-15-2006, 01:06 PM
It sounds like thread algae but without a picture it's just about impossible to tell for sure.

06-15-2006, 01:49 PM
I'm pretty sure it's not algae; it's transparent and is kind of like a patch of slime. Hard to describe and I think probably impossible to photograph.

I'm hoping it is from the plecos eating the slimey coating that had formed on the back of my tank (where I couldn't reach to clean as well). I've fed them a frozen mixture of raw chicken breast and shrimp and other foods, and once it hits the water, it gets slimey. The discus love it (it has garlic in it, too). But I think maybe I will stop feeding them that for a while and see if the amount of this stuff trickles down to nothing.

I know this is very hard to determine with a poor description and no picture. But thanks for your help.

06-15-2006, 04:59 PM
How much slime is it? During water changes it is common for bubbles in the water to attach to the discus and small amounts of the slime coat to come off...this is normal and if the discus seem fine I wouldn't worry about it...like you said, it could be from the food as well...slimy ingredients=slimy tank. Often enough we get more upset about conditions than necessary (if the fish doesn't mind we shouldn't)...if the discus appear healthy I wouldn't worry about it!

06-15-2006, 08:41 PM
You're right, Joe. I know I shouldn't get all bent out of shape about this, but I hate to be one of those they ask when the fish dies, "Why didn't you same something in the beginning?"

It's good to know that some sluffing of slime is normal. I'll be curious to see after I do my wc in just a few minutes if conditions are different. I think they will be just because the food was so dang slimey! (Isn't that always the way? The stuff they like the best is the yuckiest in the tank.)

Thanks, Joe.


06-15-2006, 09:10 PM
Hey You!

How are things now? I hope okay ~ I know how you feel Kathi ever since my took ill on a dime ....talk about paranoid!

Hang in there woman!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_5_33.gif

06-15-2006, 09:25 PM
Thanks, Marie. :) I still haven't done tonight's wc, but I see a few more slime patches. And my plecos are having a feast! I've never seen their little mouthes go so fast.

Oh, I just thought of a better way to describe this "stuff:" it looks like cob webs floating in the water.

Thanks for asking. I'll post when I have something to report rather than just babble on and on....

06-15-2006, 09:34 PM
It probably is the food you're feeding and with the plecos eating and stirring things up all over the place, it is free floating. Maybe do a big water change, wiping down the walls, etc...(we all know the routine:p ) and if that was the problem, it should clear it up in a couple of days, I'm thinking.

06-15-2006, 10:05 PM
Barb, I'm thinking so, too. I did an 80% last night and will prob again tonight. Hopefully in a few days it'll be clear.


06-15-2006, 11:00 PM
Plecos are most active at night
Discus are least active at night

Are the fish under any stress? How do they look?

I would try a different food for a few days, or stop feedings for a few days and see if it clears up before you star dumping meds in the tank for an unknown.

06-15-2006, 11:46 PM
Thanks, Dissident, I will do that. I did an 80% wc tonight, and while I was doing it noticed some small patches of slime in the water coming from near the discus. . . .

The discus were very stressed the first day I put the plecos in; I put a tiny terra cotta pot and a rock to stop it from rolling in the tank and they tried to hide all day behind the sponge filter.

The next day they were fine; their usual friendly selves...ate well, and I thought, great. Now today they ate ok this morning, but this evening they wouldn't touch the food. Could be because they're fussy.

Oh, and they are the same sex. They fight occasionally during the day, but nothing like tearing each other up; they usually lip lock (sort of).

I will continue large wcs and observation for a while. No more messy foods until I know what's what.

Thanks for your input.

06-15-2006, 11:49 PM
They really are little princesses sometimes aren't they? I try not to get too stressed anymore if one decides to have a freak out.

Probably the adding of the new plecos threw them into a tizzy. Plus you're doing big water changes right now. A lot more action the last couple of days in their tank.

06-15-2006, 11:54 PM
They really are little princesses sometimes aren't they?

Actually,Barb, I think they are spoiled little boys because they fight, so they are now Frick and Frack, the two Swedes!

Disclaimer: this reference to Swedish people is not intended to discredit or defame anyone with Swedish descent. But if it does, oh well.

06-16-2006, 12:48 AM
How much slime is it? During water changes it is common for bubbles in the water to attach to the discus and small amounts of the slime coat to come off...this is normal and if the discus seem fine I wouldn't worry about it...like you said, it could be from the food as well...slimy ingredients=slimy tank. Often enough we get more upset about conditions than necessary (if the fish doesn't mind we shouldn't)...if the discus appear healthy I wouldn't worry about it!

This sounds like your answer to me, and is also correct.

06-16-2006, 09:23 AM
You should get some algae wafers, or some other type of vegie for them to eat. They don't do well on a high protien diet (some other types plecos do, though).

Are you adding the shrimp/chicken at night? Is it all being consumed?


06-16-2006, 09:27 AM
I have some algae wafers, but they wouldn't eat them when they were in another tank. I'll try again.

No, I've quit the shrimp/chicken stuff for a while to see if everything clears up. It is messy stuff, even though they like it. When I did feed it, there would always be some left, so I would siphon it out.

Thanks, Tina!

06-16-2006, 09:48 AM
Hey Woman~

Things are not better? Hey Kathi try and get a camera and take some pics? No? Yes? Maybe so? lol!!

Hang in there;)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

06-16-2006, 10:00 AM
Hey, Marie! Well, things seem to be improving....I'd try to take a picture of this stuff but it's transparent. It's like cob webs....I really have to look to see it. I think it's getting better.

Thanks for asking and...caring! :)

06-16-2006, 12:24 PM
Do you do w/c straight from the tap? If so that could be the ause and provided you dose the right amount of dechlor, wouldn't be anything to worry over. Sometimes the co2 bubbles cause a ittle slime to slough off.

06-16-2006, 12:30 PM
Thanks for your response, Paul. No, I age my water. The pH is unstable.

I did another 80% wc last night. This morning the tank was sparkling. I've been watching them for a while and I noticed a small patch of slime float away from one of the discus. Could this be a slime disease? I sure hope not.


06-16-2006, 12:45 PM
Kathi, I doubt its a slime disease. Shedding small amounts of slime hapen with discus. They may be being irritated by a parasite or two, normally their immune system deals with it (by creating more slime is one way). As you recently added some new fish, that may just have increased their stress levels for a while which will reduce their immune system a bit. Couple of things to watch for, look head on and see if the slime on the fish has a colour or you can see like a velvety coating (I doubt you'll see either). Look for grey patches on the discus (again doubt you will). Keep up with the w/c and watching. If they start to darken and clamp fins, flash etc... then repost. At the mo' I think they sound fine.

BTW, try the plecs on sliced tomato or cucumber ~ wash them first, the toms and cucumber that is not your fish :)

06-16-2006, 12:51 PM
Whew! Thanks, Paul, I feel better after reading your post.

I will continue with the wcs and observing. I'll try a little tomato--straight from the garden--for the plecos. And I'll be sure to wash the tomato, NOT the plecos!!! :)

Thanks for telling me what to watch for. So often I don't know what it is that should throw up a red flag. In this case, I'll know.


06-18-2006, 12:51 AM
Thanks everybody who has posted on this thread, advising me that they didn't think this was slime disease. I'm happy to report that after several days of 80% wcs, the slime is gone! YEAH!!!! I've added another sponge filter that has more bubbling at the top and these guys have gone wild for it. They swim over the bubbles and have been moving around the tank more than ever before. In fact, they're doing it in unison, which makes me wonder what's up here.....I'm keeping a mental picture of "the dance" just in case I notice any separation from this currently inseparable couple!

Never a dull moment with discus, huh???

06-18-2006, 08:26 AM

06-18-2006, 12:21 PM
Oh, and I just found out that they could be two females that just became friends! That's ok, too. Just as long as they stay that way. (Yea, right, they'll stay that way!) :(

06-18-2006, 12:41 PM
Kathi, did I ever tell you about the PB I bought convinced it was a female?? Or about how I came by a pair of Ocean Greens. The person bought the OG's because they were definitely same sex and he didn't want any hanky panky, turned out one is male and the other is a female - his loss, my gain :) btw the PB is a male too!

But I'm sure your will be same sex ~ honest :)

06-18-2006, 12:46 PM
Thanks, Paul. This is still all new to me, having only owned discus since last October.

But that's ok if these two aren't a pair; they both are close to blind, so I wouldn't want them to breed anyway. I just hope they stay friends for a long time. Much calmer that way!