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View Full Version : White stringy poo, then white thick poo, what to do???

06-18-2006, 10:32 AM
I have an RM in QT since 5/13, which is when I bought the fish. I immediately noticed that it was having white, mucousy, stringy poo and decided to keep an eye on it. (Maybe I should have made the 2 hour drive right back to the breeder with it, but... I figured it was just stress induced intestinal lining). It was eating at the time, but not heartily, which did make me suspicious, and then gradually would only eat BH. It had since stopped eating, become listless and started just hanging in a top or bottom corner. Color was good and fish looked healthy.

After not eating for at least a week, and still hanging in the corner, I decided that it was perhaps time to start treating the continuing white, stringy poo. (It was 3 weeks already). On advice of the breeder, I treated with 1 tbsp. Epsom salt per day, along with General Cure according to package directions, and daily 50% WCs, tank temp 92. I replaced 50% of the Epsom after WC.

Fish began eating well, Mysis shrimp only, and right after above treatment had a normal looking Discus poo, only white with little black dots (mysis eyes). Since mysis are white, I assume that is why poo was still white. Breeder said to repeat treatment 5 days after last dosage. I thought we had rounded the corner, but... about 3 days after first round of treatment, fish started having stringy poo again, and has stopped eating again. Then poo changed from thin, stringy to thick, straight, white looking poo, but which is actually clear when removed from water.

She is still not eating, and is listless. I put a FDried Tubifex cube onto glass yesterday. She did go over to it right away to investigate, then turned away. She's now being treated with straight Metro instead of General Cure at 1/8 tsp. per 10 gals., and 50% daily WC. She still looks good, though, not getting skinny yet and with good color.

QT tank - PH 7.7, temp 92, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, 50% WCs daily, BB 10 gallon tank.

:confused: Could this be something other than hex? Should I be doing something different? Should I still be dosing with the Epsom? How many days running can the Discus take of Epsom? Thanks!

06-18-2006, 11:09 AM
IMHO you are already giving the correct treatment using Metro and high heat. If I were to change anything I might bump the heat up to 93F, only because from everything I've read 93F seems to be the "magic" temp. Actually many believe that at 93F you won't even need the Metro but I would continue with it. I'm assuming this fish is alone, if not for the feces I would be inclined to think that it was stressed, and not eating, from being alone.

06-18-2006, 11:14 AM
Connie, sounds like you've called it right. I'm not sure how long discus tolerate epsom salts, but I'm sure its in the weeks and not days bracket. But I wouldn't bother with the epsom unless she looks bloated.

06-18-2006, 12:45 PM
IMHO you are already giving the correct treatment using Metro and high heat. If I were to change anything I might bump the heat up to 93F, only because from everything I've read 93F seems to be the "magic" temp. Actually many believe that at 93F you won't even need the Metro but I would continue with it. I'm assuming this fish is alone, if not for the feces I would be inclined to think that it was stressed, and not eating, from being alone.
Hi Larry. She does look sorta lonely in there all by herself, but... I guess I can't test the theory, you know? Don't want to put her into population with this going on. And there is that poo... I just can't believe I'm checking fish poo in my hands these days... I'll try bumping temp up to 93, too.

Hi Paul. No, she's not a bit bloated. I was starting to think though that the Epsom was giving her the runs. :D I'm going to leave the Epsom out for now.

Do you guys know if Metro can cause loss of appetite? Breeder says yes, but I haven't come across that anywhere.

Thanks, guys.


06-18-2006, 01:30 PM

Yes they can go off their feed when being treated with anything, including metro.

06-18-2006, 01:43 PM
Hey Connie ~

Sorry to hear of your poor discus! I was thinking too that he may be lonely ~ when I got my new one from the lfs I only got one too ~ I took him from the happiest group of 12 I had ever seen at this lfs ~

Big mistake ~ huge ~ the third day in qt was when everything started .....he was so alone:(

And yeah ~ they didnt eat much while on Metro:( ~ Hang in there woman ~ seems like you have all basis covered:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_8_14.gif

06-18-2006, 04:45 PM
Hey Connie ~

Sorry to hear of your poor discus! I was thinking too that he may be lonely ~ when I got my new one from the lfs I only got one too ~ I took him from the happiest group of 12 I had ever seen at this lfs ~

Big mistake ~ huge ~ the third day in qt was when everything started .....he was so alone:(

And yeah ~ they didnt eat much while on Metro:( ~ Hang in there woman ~ seems like you have all basis covered:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/11/11_8_14.gif

Thanks, Marie. I'm pretty sure she'll be alright, but still, you never know with these Diva Discus! I would think it was lonely, too, but for the continuing white, stringy poo. But what can we do, you know, other than fish sandwich or convert to a community tank or Africans! :p :D :D :D :D


06-18-2006, 04:47 PM

Yes they can go off their feed when being treated with anything, including metro.
Thanks, Paul. Now I feel better.

06-23-2006, 09:53 AM
OK, today is day 5 of Metro treatment in QT tank for my RM, 1/8 tsp. per 10 gals. temp 92. She has not eaten in several days, which I expected. However, there is still that poo, saw it this a.m., whitish/clearish, and looks like real skinny airline tubing and smooth. Stomach lining???? Her color is still very good, she watches the other Discus in the main tank, so she is alert. What now? :confused:


06-23-2006, 10:03 AM
OK, today is day 5 of Metro treatment in QT tank for my RM, 1/8 tsp. per 10 gals. temp 92. She has not eaten in several days, which I expected.

5 days should be enough, keep the temp elevated for another week.

However, there is still that poo, saw it this a.m., whitish/clearish, and looks like real skinny airline tubing and smooth. Stomach lining????

Sounds like it.

Her color is still very good, she watches the other Discus in the main tank, so she is alert. What now? :confused:

Eleveated temps and daily w/c's. Maybe get some live brine shrimp or white worms. If you haven't already start to offer a little food, but don't leave it in the tank too long. You could add some vit B complex, either to the food or the water, its worked for me in the past.


06-23-2006, 11:09 AM
Eleveated temps and daily w/c's. Maybe get some live brine shrimp or white worms. If you haven't already start to offer a little food, but don't leave it in the tank too long. You could add some vit B complex, either to the food or the water, its worked for me in the past.

Thanks Paul. Will do. Believe it or not, there are no places that sell any sort of live foods where I live. The Breeder also recommended live white worms - do they last awhile? Perhaps they can be bought online or something????? Its so exasperating when I need anything for the fish, especially if I need it right away. Fish keeping is not very big in my area, that's for sure, and certainly not Discus keeping!

Will post update, when I have one.


06-23-2006, 11:16 AM
Hang in there Connie! Try this link ~ not sure if it wld be practical tho ~ Dan is in Cali ~


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

06-23-2006, 11:25 AM
Hang in there Connie! Try this link ~ not sure if it wld be practical tho ~ Dan is in Cali ~


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

Hi Marie, :wave:

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out.


06-23-2006, 11:29 AM
Connie, white worms will keep a little while, particularly if they are kept cool. They seem to be seasonal in the UK and are one of the few live foods I feed. I remember seeing somewhere you can culture them, so may have to look into that. They are however an excellent source of nutrition particularly for sick fish and for conditioning fish. They should mail order ok (provided its not too expensive!).

06-23-2006, 11:35 AM
Connie, white worms will keep a little while, particularly if they are kept cool. They seem to be seasonal in the UK and are one of the few live foods I feed. I remember seeing somewhere you can culture them, so may have to look into that. They are however an excellent source of nutrition particularly for sick fish and for conditioning fish. They should mail order ok (provided its not too expensive!).
Paul, I'm going to check around online and see what I can come up with. Thanks!

Connie :D

06-27-2006, 08:10 AM
OK, last metro treatment was Thurs., 6/23. My Red Melon still pooping clear, some parts have a little whitish poo, it has now gotten a little lumpy, whereas it had been smooth, like skinny airline tubing. Still have temp at 92, daily 50% WCs.

There is still no interest in food, i.e., frozen BW or Mysis or even BH. Haven't been able to get any live foods as yet and am awaiting vitamins. Where Garlic Guard previously seemed to help with appetite, this time it has not.

She does not appear skinny as yet, but hasn't actually eaten anything in about 2 weeks now.

While red color still looks to be nice and bright, her normally bright yellow face is a bit pale now, looking whitish around eyes and mouth.

Now I'm starting to get worried! "Double Stuff" is my pride and joy! She is still alert, watches everything, (was peeking around the corner of the tank at my company on Saturday, all night long!) and she watches the other Discus in the main tank.

I'm starting to think that I should have brought the fish back to the breeder when he offered to take her back, but... oh well...

I have never had to deal with anything like this with any of my Discus, only this new one. Should I do anything different now, or start to treat again in a few days? Maybe by the weekend I should put her back into main tank and perhaps being with her buddies, she will feel less stressed and maybe eat?

06-27-2006, 12:38 PM

Fist off 2 weeks is not a major for a fish of moderate size so no need to worry too much just yet. I would start to bring the temps down to around 84-86f over the next day or so and keep up with the wtaer changes. BTW how big is it??

Are your water params similar to the breeders?? Reason I aks is I've notied with some of mine that they go off their food after a week or so in qt when they have come from somewhere with noticably different water params to mine. It could of course be a coincidence but it is a consistent one with me, in my case it is always hard to soft water (my water is soft RO water).

I would not put her into the main tank until you are sure she won't infect them. Rather than risk the entire tank can you put your least favorite from the main tank into qt with it?

I suspect that its the stomach lining, but there could be another underlying issue maybe with a parasite like nematodes. Hopefully it is clear, metro is effective against these (not as effective as some but still works). Hopefully with the reduced temps and some live food it will start to eat again. prolonged high temps can also diminish appetites.

I would not at this time retreat, if metro hasn't got it with a 5 day treatment it probably won't. I would not even add saqlt to the tank (I class that as a med too!).

06-27-2006, 12:52 PM
Just get cbw from Dan $30 a pound, which should last you about a month. Make sure you get some "worm keepers too" at least 3.

06-27-2006, 01:41 PM
Hi Paul,

BTW how big is it??

She's about 4.5 inches

Are your water params similar to the breeders??

Water is almost identical to breeders, I contacted him to find out his params several weeks before going to purchase her; my PH is 0.1 higher than his.

Rather than risk the entire tank can you put your least favorite from the main tank into qt with it?

Paul, I just don't have the heart to do it. I have a baby w/swimbladder problem that has done remarkable things to adapt for eating, swimming, etc. When necessary, he goes completely horizontal and zooms around like a flounder; he's such a plucky little guy. He'd be the candidate, but I just can't do it. (He came to me that way from an online breeder).

I would not at this time retreat, if metro hasn't got it with a 5 day treatment it probably won't. I would not even add saqlt to the tank (I class that as a med too!).

It does look more clear to me than white. From certain angles, it looks like mucus. I too still think it may be stomach lining. I'll start slowly reducing temp in tank. I had stopped adding salt, too. My husband was able to locate CBWs while on his lunch hour today. I will try some tonight.

If by the weekend its still a no go, maybe something like General Cure or Parasite Clear? I'm told they're both gentler than straight Metro.

Thanks, Connie

06-27-2006, 01:49 PM
Just get cbw from Dan $30 a pound, which should last you about a month. Make sure you get some "worm keepers too" at least 3.
Larry, thank goodness for my hubby - he went, on his lunch hour, to look for worms for me... well, for my fish.

He found CBWs and also live BS (of course, in NYC they do have this stuff). I will try tonight and see what happens. I'm hoping that the live food will kick off the feeding instinct.

BTW, how's your head? ;)


06-27-2006, 03:57 PM
Larry, thank goodness for my hubby - he went, on his lunch hour, to look for worms for me... well, for my fish.

He found CBWs and also live BS (of course, in NYC they do have this stuff). I will try tonight and see what happens. I'm hoping that the live food will kick off the feeding instinct.

BTW, how's your head? ;)


Still sore, thank you :-p

06-27-2006, 04:43 PM
Hi Paul,

BTW how big is it??

She's about 4.5 inches

Thats a good size and gives us plenty of time.

Are your water params similar to the breeders??

Water is almost identical to breeders, I contacted him to find out his params several weeks before going to purchase her; my PH is 0.1 higher than his.

Ok that rules that out.

Rather than risk the entire tank can you put your least favorite from the main tank into qt with it?

Paul, I just don't have the heart to do it. I have a baby w/swimbladder problem that has done remarkable things to adapt for eating, swimming, etc. When necessary, he goes completely horizontal and zooms around like a flounder; he's such a plucky little guy. He'd be the candidate, but I just can't do it. (He came to me that way from an online breeder).

Softy :)

I would not at this time retreat, if metro hasn't got it with a 5 day treatment it probably won't. I would not even add saqlt to the tank (I class that as a med too!).

It does look more clear to me than white. From certain angles, it looks like mucus. I too still think it may be stomach lining. I'll start slowly reducing temp in tank. I had stopped adding salt, too. My husband was able to locate CBWs while on his lunch hour today. I will try some tonight.

If by the weekend its still a no go, maybe something like General Cure or Parasite Clear? I'm told they're both gentler than straight Metro.

Thanks, Connie
Connie, let me know how you get on. From what I read cbw are like a magic bullet. Some people don't like using them, but as I've said before we don't get 'em in the UK so I cannot form an opinion until I know more about them.

As for meds, well lets see what happens first. Good luck :)

06-27-2006, 09:37 PM
Connie, let me know how you get on. From what I read cbw are like a magic bullet. Some people don't like using them, but as I've said before we don't get 'em in the UK so I cannot form an opinion until I know more about them.

As for meds, well lets see what happens first. Good luck :)

Paul, some good news. Put some CBW in the RM's tank tonight. She didn't touch them... UNTIL I left the room. When no one was around, I could see her from another room attacking those worms! She's a sneaky thing... When I came back to the tank, she started to come up, looking for more food.

I'm not thrilled that I had to use the CBW, it scares me a little. Years ago, I bought 2 adult Discus which were being fed Tubifex that developed HITH. Got that under control no problem, but still... And I just read your post about what happened to you, so I know you know what I mean. That had to be horrible for you, I was sorry to read that.

I have lowered tank temp; it is now 90. Will lower a bit more tomorrow and will post with updates.

And, BTW, I am a big softy! :D

Thanks, Connie

06-27-2006, 10:03 PM
Connie, let me know how you get on. From what I read cbw are like a magic bullet. Some people don't like using them, but as I've said before we don't get 'em in the UK so I cannot form an opinion until I know more about them.

As for meds, well lets see what happens first. Good luck :)

Paul, some good news. Put some CBW in the RM's tank tonight. She didn't touch them... UNTIL I left the room. When no one was around, I could see her from another room attacking those worms! She's a sneaky thing... When I came back to the tank, she started to come up, looking for more food.

I'm not thrilled that I had to use the CBW, it scares me a little. Years ago, I bought 2 adult Discus which were being fed Tubifex that developed HITH. Got that under control no problem, but still... And I just read your post about what happened to you, so I know you know what I mean. That had to be horrible for you, I was sorry to read that.

I have lowered tank temp; it is now 90. Will lower a bit more tomorrow and will post with updates.

And, BTW, I am a big softy! :D

Thanks, Connie

<sigh> Read this...

06-28-2006, 09:24 AM
<sigh> Read this...
:p :p Okay, okay, so I read the posts at your link. <sheesh, MEN... nag, nag, nag>. :rolleyes: :D :D LOL.

Seriously, Larry, are they hard to keep at all? I have NO spare time for caring for worms. Up at 4 a.m., commute to work in NYC, home around 8 p.m. (work just changed my hours, it stinks!), bed by 10 p.m. Have just enough time to give a night feeding to fish, and me, too!

Would white worms be easier, do ya think??

Thanks for the worm info, BTW. How's your head today? I'll be chatting w/Marie later!

06-28-2006, 09:47 AM
:p :p Okay, okay, so I read the posts at your link. <sheesh, MEN... nag, nag, nag>. :rolleyes: :D :D LOL.

Seriously, Larry, are they hard to keep at all? I have NO spare time for caring for worms. Up at 4 a.m., commute to work in NYC, home around 8 p.m. (work just changed my hours, it stinks!), bed by 10 p.m. Have just enough time to give a night feeding to fish, and me, too!

Would white worms be easier, do ya think??

Thanks for the worm info, BTW. How's your head today? I'll be chatting w/Marie later!

Buy a worm keeper(s), they will last two weeks refrigerated, actually if good stock they have lasted me a month. MUCH easier to keep than white worms IMHO. If you want to try culturing them a 10 gallon tank works well, leave it a room temp with about an inch of water in the tank, add an airstone. This works well for me but I have had bacterial problems a couple of times (not to the fish but the worms all died, I think due to me over feeding) If you buy a pound you will need 3 worm keepers (don't keep them over 1/2" deep). Not sure how hubby will like worms in the fridge, Ingrid let me get a little fridge just for this reason. This works extremely well for me since the fridge has a tiny freezer where I can put frozen foods.
Keeping them simply means changing their water once a day (with a worm keeper this takes about 10 seconds). Most places tell you to only use aged water but I have always used cold tap and have never had a problem.
I do believe April is about to join your "club", like my head isn't sore enough already.
<grumbles> Evil damn women...

06-28-2006, 10:05 AM
Connie, let me know how you get on. From what I read cbw are like a magic bullet. Some people don't like using them, but as I've said before we don't get 'em in the UK so I cannot form an opinion until I know more about them.

As for meds, well lets see what happens first. Good luck :)

Paul, some good news. Put some CBW in the RM's tank tonight. She didn't touch them... UNTIL I left the room. When no one was around, I could see her from another room attacking those worms! She's a sneaky thing... When I came back to the tank, she started to come up, looking for more food.

I'm not thrilled that I had to use the CBW, it scares me a little. Years ago, I bought 2 adult Discus which were being fed Tubifex that developed HITH. Got that under control no problem, but still... And I just read your post about what happened to you, so I know you know what I mean. That had to be horrible for you, I was sorry to read that.

I have lowered tank temp; it is now 90. Will lower a bit more tomorrow and will post with updates.

And, BTW, I am a big softy! :D

Thanks, Connie
Connie, glad to hear its eating at least something. From the reading I have done CBW are very nutritous. There is a belief that they carry pathogens too but I don't know if that is fact or fiction. Some people believe it more strongly than others! I cannot comment one way or the other though on CBW, but I can on live blood worm.

Good luck, softy :)

06-28-2006, 12:06 PM
Connie, glad to hear its eating at least something. From the reading I have done CBW are very nutritous. There is a belief that they carry pathogens too but I don't know if that is fact or fiction. Some people believe it more strongly than others! I cannot comment one way or the other though on CBW, but I can on live blood worm.

Good luck, softy :)

Paul, look at Larry's post below to me, beginning with <sigh> ? Now you understand why you need to stay away from Steve, and Larry too, in case Marie or I miss with the anvil... really, he begins with <sigh> ???? Of all the ******!!!!! :D Take that, Larry... :smash:
Signed, Softy

Originally Posted by lhforbes12
<sigh> Read this...

06-28-2006, 12:59 PM

Warning headed, I'm out of the way now! :)

06-28-2006, 01:09 PM
Gee... thanks there buddy

You missed :p

06-28-2006, 03:11 PM
Gee... thanks there buddy

You missed :p
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA! Don't worry, I'll have plenty other opportunities, as will Marie....

:p :p

07-01-2006, 07:39 AM
Another update - my RM is eating just fine now and her color is back 100%. Of course, now HRH only wants CBW or live Brine Shrimp. I'm figuring on building her up some more then trying to get her onto other foods.

Her poo, though, is still not normal. It is not white or stringy, but long, smooth and brown, since she's eating the worms, and the brown looks like its in a sausage casing. It will hang on for quite awhile, until its about 3/4 inch long.

Looks to me like the poo is wrapped in stomach lining. What's up with this stomach lining thing? Will it ever stop? Think I can put her back into the main tank with that poo? :confused:


07-01-2006, 08:04 AM
Another update - my RM is eating just fine now and her color is back 100%. Of course, now HRH only wants CBW or live Brine Shrimp. I'm figuring on building her up some more then trying to get her onto other foods.
I thought you are HRH? You don't want CBW and Live BS do you? I am obvisously VERY confuesded... and running away fast.

Her poo, though, is still not normal. It is not white or stringy, but long, smooth and brown, since she's eating the worms, and the brown looks like its in a sausage casing. It will hang on for quite awhile, until its about 3/4 inch long.

That sounds better to me than white. Maybe it's just what she's been eating.

Looks to me like the poo is wrapped in stomach lining. What's up with this stomach lining thing? Will it ever stop? Think I can put her back into the main tank with that poo? :confused:

I'm sure it's not stomach lining. I would leave her in QT just to be absolutely sure that she is all better.


07-01-2006, 08:39 AM
I thought you are HRH? You don't want CBW and Live BS do you? I am obvisously VERY confuesded... and running away fast.

Well, I am a meat eater, but I have handed off the crown... :p
Larry, can you even hear me... you've gone very far, must have really been running... :D

07-01-2006, 08:52 AM
Also, I am sick of looking at poo.... :vomit:

07-01-2006, 08:57 AM
I would think that by feeding her BS she would be very regular, which is why I would keep her QT'd. I'm actually beginning to suspect worms.

07-01-2006, 09:30 AM
I would think that by feeding her BS she would be very regular, which is why I would keep her QT'd. I'm actually beginning to suspect worms.
Larry, I've been wondering about that myself. Have you ever read hex info at Rocky Mountain Discus? He says that after treating for Hex, you should also deworm.

Quote from Rocky Mountain Website: Frequently discus hobbyists treat discus fish for internal ailments with metro. Later they see a relapse. A major reason for this is the discus fish have flagellates and worms at the same time. Treating with metro eliminates the flagellates and the discus fish show signs of improvement. Later, as the existing worms multiply due to absence of flagellates, a relapse occurs. The hobbyist again treats with metro but this time does not see results because the problem is an increased load of worms. To prevent this, always follow up with a deworming treatment immediately after treating the discus fish with metronidazole.

She did respond to the first course of treatment with General Cure, and had normal lumpy poo, only white b/c of Mysis. Then a few days later, she relapsed. She only had the LBS 2x, though, so maybe not enough to have made a difference. They are all gone and she doesn't want the Hikari Frozen ones. Since she's been off Metro since 6/23, I was thinking about doing a treatment of Prazi Pro, but since it is only good for Tape and Flat worms is there something better? What other worms can they harbor, anyway? Of course, HRH will not eat the dewormer food.


07-01-2006, 09:47 AM
You might try soaking the worms in metro laced water for awhile before feeding to your fish. I've never done it personaly but have read that it lowers the chance of them passing on pathogens to your fish. Just a thought.


07-02-2006, 05:40 AM
You might try soaking the worms in metro laced water for awhile before feeding to your fish. I've never done it personaly but have read that it lowers the chance of them passing on pathogens to your fish. Just a thought.

Hi, Kacey, yes, I was thinking of doing that, or I've read to put a drop of meth blue in water that worms are kept in. Both seem like a good idea. Thanks for the thought! :)


07-02-2006, 05:48 AM
Larry, I've been wondering about that myself. Have you ever read hex info at Rocky Mountain Discus? He says that after treating for Hex, you should also deworm.

Quote from Rocky Mountain Website: Frequently discus hobbyists treat discus fish for internal ailments with metro. Later they see a relapse. A major reason for this is the discus fish have flagellates and worms at the same time. Treating with metro eliminates the flagellates and the discus fish show signs of improvement. Later, as the existing worms multiply due to absence of flagellates, a relapse occurs. The hobbyist again treats with metro but this time does not see results because the problem is an increased load of worms. To prevent this, always follow up with a deworming treatment immediately after treating the discus fish with metronidazole.

She did respond to the first course of treatment with General Cure, and had normal lumpy poo, only white b/c of Mysis. Then a few days later, she relapsed. She only had the LBS 2x, though, so maybe not enough to have made a difference. They are all gone and she doesn't want the Hikari Frozen ones. Since she's been off Metro since 6/23, I was thinking about doing a treatment of Prazi Pro, but since it is only good for Tape and Flat worms is there something better? What other worms can they harbor, anyway? Of course, HRH will not eat the dewormer food.

Since I posted the above yesterday, the RM began eating frozen BS and then, Tetra Bits, but the poo is still a long, brown, little thicker thread that looks like its in a thin sausage casing. Or actually, the BS poo is light brown, clear, light brown, clear. I can hardly wait to see the Tetra Bits poo!

07-02-2006, 08:00 AM
Prazi, Levamisole, or Piperzine are all effective against worms. Prazi only kills tapeworms I think. You can purchase these and other meds here; http://foyspigeonsupplies.com/catalo...ers/index.html
They have Metro, Dimetro etc.


07-02-2006, 08:52 AM
Prazi, Levamisole, or Piperzine are all effective against worms. Prazi only kills tapeworms I think. You can purchase these and other meds here; http://foyspigeonsupplies.com/catalo...ers/index.html
They have Metro, Dimetro etc.

Thanks, Larry. Prazi Pro bottle says tape and flat worms, that's it. Now I think I will hold off a bit, b/c poo is looking lumpy brown but still a little long. I think Tetra Bits are now starting their exit. Fed Bits again this a.m. so I'll see how it looks next time, it should be lumpy reddish/brown. If its still not right, hopefully I can get her to eat the dewormer food I have, since she's accepting the Bits, finally. I also wonder if part of this is b/c all she would eat, prior to her "illness" was BH, FBW or Mysis. I've read that excess of those foods, especially BH & FBW can cause sort of diarrhea. Boy, I can't handle this excitement, sheesh! :D


07-03-2006, 07:08 AM
RM continues to eat very well now. She has finally decided to eat flakes, Tetra Bits, Granules. Now, after having 2 poos that were brown, solid and lumpy, but slightly long, she has had another brown lumpy connected to stringy clear/white connected to brown lumpy. Something's still not right, but what?? Worms?? She is now eating dewormer bits.


07-03-2006, 12:18 PM
Any body out there?

RM continues to eat very well now. She has finally decided to eat flakes, Tetra Bits, Granules. Now, after having 2 poos that were brown, solid and lumpy, but slightly long, she has had another brown lumpy connected to stringy clear/white connected to brown lumpy. Something's still not right, but what?? Worms?? She is now eating dewormer bits.


07-03-2006, 12:24 PM
Sounds more and more like flagellates to me (read hex). Go ahead and use some Metro on her after a waiting/watching period. For now I would just let her continue to recuperate though.

btw for some reason I wasn't seeing your new posts until just now, perhaps that's why you weren't getting any replies?


07-03-2006, 12:37 PM
Sounds more and more like flagellates to me (read hex). Go ahead and use some Metro on her after a waiting/watching period. For now I would just let her continue to recuperate though.

btw for some reason I wasn't seeing your new posts until just now, perhaps that's why you weren't getting any replies?

Hmmmm... I wonder why the Metro treatment didn't work the first time? (if its still hex).

The good thing now is that she's eating everything I put in the tank. I think I'll finish the 5 days of dewormer food, then switch her to metro food if it still seems necessary. I always think getting the meds inside is better than just in the water.

Wonder where my posts were, Larry? Were you having a blonde moment? ;)


07-03-2006, 12:40 PM
<--------- Not blonde :p

07-03-2006, 12:45 PM
<--------- Not blonde :p
Black, Brunette, Red, Bald ?????

07-03-2006, 02:30 PM
Black, Brunette, Red, Bald ?????

Erm... that would be mostly bald

07-03-2006, 08:38 PM
Wow woman! Looks like this Thread is a conversation between just you and yourself!! What happened? I wonder.....Whatever it was or is I am sure that some how some time some where ..........


Everything better?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_14_8.gif

07-03-2006, 09:37 PM
Wow woman! Looks like this Thread is a conversation between just you and yourself!! What happened? I wonder.....Whatever it was or is I am sure that some how some time some where ..........


Everything better?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_14_8.gif
Hi Marie. I'm sure you are right. . .


Whatever it is. . .

Anyway, we think the fish might still have hex... sigh... but at least she's eating really well now.

07-03-2006, 11:02 PM
Hex isn't usually much of a problem with older discus. They almost all have some hex, it's usually only fry or young juveniles that succumb to it.

"Whatever "IT" is"? Now I'm an eBay commercial?

07-04-2006, 08:40 AM
Hex isn't usually much of a problem with older discus. They almost all have some hex, it's usually only fry or young juveniles that succumb to it.

"Whatever "IT" is"? Now I'm an eBay commercial?

So Larry, RM is about 6 mos. old. Is that still considered a juvenile? I thought so, but may not a young juvi, right?

Now she is ravenous. She is incessantly looking for food, non-stop, doesn't even care about her neighboring Discus 6 inches away, just scours the bottom, picking up the smallest bite, all day long. My others don't do this except for about 1/2 hour or so after being fed. Maybe its my black background/gravel, keeps them in a stupor LOL...

What do you make of this? Doesn't seem right to me :confused: unless she's making up for the 2 weeks she did not eat...

07-04-2006, 09:41 AM
Could be that it is just hungry!

Although it could also be worms/nematodes. As it is eating well feed itt some food treated with panacur granules, or fenbendazole which is the main ingedient in panacur. This treats all worms as against just tapeworms. This is one of those that you are best placed to make the call on. This med is reasonably safe to administer and very effective too.

07-04-2006, 10:26 AM
Could be that it is just hungry!

Although it could also be worms/nematodes. As it is eating well feed itt some food treated with panacur granules, or fenbendazole which is the main ingedient in panacur. This treats all worms as against just tapeworms. This is one of those that you are best placed to make the call on. This med is reasonably safe to administer and very effective too.
Hi Paul,

I've begun feeding her dewormer bits that I had purchased from Rocky Mountain Discus, because I was wondering if this ravenous appetite is due to worms. I also have meds for water - piperazine, also from Rocky Mountain. I believe the bits also have this med. Recommended treatment is for 5 days. Then if poo is still not right, I am thinking of feeding 5 days of Metro bits, since she will now eat anything I put in the tank, and I feel that internal treatment is better anyway.

BTW, have you seen Larry around? Teresa is looking for him with her whip :whip: LOL


07-04-2006, 10:33 AM
It sounds to me that you are already doing all of the correct things. Just keep up the good work. As far as her eating like a piggy goes, I tend to agree with Paul, she is probably making up for lost time. The fact that she is ravenous is a good thing to my mind.

07-04-2006, 10:38 AM
It sounds to me that you are already doing all of the correct things. Just keep up the good work. As far as her eating like a piggy goes, I tend to agree with Paul, she is probably making up for lost time. The fact that she is ravenous is a good thing to my mind.
Absolutely, I agree... as long as a fish is eating, that's always better. I'm actually very happy about her wanting to eat anything and everything, because at the beginning she would not touch anything but BH, BH, BH, so I fed her that just to keep her eating, after trying different food. I was bored with her diet, myself... :D

Did Teresa find you yet??? LOL :D :D :D

07-04-2006, 10:43 AM
Tell me what? That her fish are getting better? Yes

07-04-2006, 10:46 AM
Tell me what? That her fish are getting better? Yes
Yes, her fish are getting better, but she PMd me this a.m. that her littlest baby died, but rest are doing very well. She was looking for your because I clued her into your post "Meeting Discus Folks" where you thought you could sneak in about Marie and I with our hammers! Thought you'd get away with it, did you??? HAHAHAHA!

Have a Happy 4th!


07-04-2006, 06:12 PM
I clued her into your post "Meeting Discus Folks" where you thought you could sneak in about Marie and I with our hammers!

Am I missing something here? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_11_29.gif

M ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

07-04-2006, 06:58 PM
Am I missing something here? http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_11_29.gif

M ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

I'm not touching that one... too easy

q~ Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmm q~

07-05-2006, 07:58 AM
I'm not touching that one... too easy

q~ Hmmmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmm q~
Uh oh, I sensed another blonde joke was about to erupt, then you thought better of it... guess Teresa's whip really works :D

07-05-2006, 12:36 PM
:wave: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: That's right, take that & that & that!!!:whip: and then that.:D :D ;)

07-05-2006, 01:26 PM
:wave: :whip: :whip: :whip: :whip: That's right, take that & that & that!!!:whip: and then that.:D :D ;)

AHEM! You missed :-p

07-05-2006, 01:30 PM
AHEM! You missed :-p
Getting daring, aren't you? :D

07-05-2006, 01:35 PM
Getting daring, aren't you? :D

<----- Not known for dazzling intelligence

07-07-2006, 05:57 AM
Hi guys - Another update... after several days of feeding deworm bits to the RM (and I saw no worms whatsoever) poo was still looking like it had a sausage casing of mucus, and some strings, not really "solid" looking. I decided to switch her food to Metro bits. This is day 2, and her poo looks normal now. I guess the 5 day Metro treatment didn't get the job done 100%, but the Metro internally seems to be doing the trick.


07-07-2006, 07:35 AM
That's very good news Connie

07-07-2006, 09:45 AM
That's very good news Connie
Larry, it sure is! Now, on to my BD...

I got home last night, BD is hiding from me, a little dark. She usually is the one to greet me first! She was fine the night before and at 4:30 a.m., I can't even see them in the tank. :D

I think she looks bloated, but I can't see enough to be 100% sure. She probably ate the Pleco's algae wafers when she was supposed to be sleeping! She is a very aggressive, greedy eater, and last time she got bloated, she ate the Zucchini that I put in before I went to sleep. I saw her, in the dark, munching away... tsk, tsk, tsk.

I know the drill, if she's not better by tonight, I plan on putting in 2 tbsp. epsom into the tank, but does it affect other fish, i.e., Tetras, Cories, or the Plecos? I don't think so, but want to be sure. Otherwise the 2nd 10 gallon gets set up... sigh... :(

Thanks, Connie

07-07-2006, 02:16 PM
If you find it necessary to give her Epsom I would just give her a "dip" in a bucket with the Epsom salt for 20-30 minutes. Much easier in the long run.
If she is swimming normally (not floating) I personally wouldn't worry about too much.