View Full Version : Craziest Thing On The Freeway??

06-19-2006, 03:58 PM
What is the craziest thing you ever have seen on the freeway/highway/road?

In the past few months I have seen:

*a toilet ~ I swear! the whole dayum thing too ~ right in the middle lane:confused: :confused:

* A large bedpost ~ just one ~

* hundred squashed tomatoes ~ gross!

* Today I saw a three drawer filing cabinet ( wow )

* a mattress

* boxes upon boxes of DONUTS ~ the powered ones at that!:)

I wonder sometimes if people even realize that these items have left their vehicle?

Go figure!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

06-19-2006, 04:18 PM
other drivers!!:bandana:

06-19-2006, 04:49 PM
A guy passed me on a wheelie. Me at 80mph and him going. He brought it down about a quarter mile ahead and goes into a tankslapper, where your slow moving tire hits the 120mph highway and the bike tries to spit you off, as it did him. He hit the guardrail, veered into a car but, kept it up even with plastic flying off. Freeway went from 80 to 20 almost instantly. I never found out if he crapped himself but, I'm sure he did....

06-19-2006, 05:10 PM
I work for a police department and we got a call last week of Santa Clause riding a bicycle down the highway. I didn't see it but officers had to go get him. lol I bet it looked pretty funny since it is only June.

06-19-2006, 05:27 PM
Houses.... Boats........ a few Casinos.... entire insides of department stores.... baby beds and toys....... you name it...... it was out here on the streets and highways......... :(

06-19-2006, 06:36 PM
What is the craziest thing you ever have seen on the freeway/highway/road?

In the past few months I have seen:

*a toilet ~ I swear! the whole dayum thing too ~ right in the middle lane:confused: :confused:

* A large bedpost ~ just one ~

* hundred squashed tomatoes ~ gross!

* Today I saw a three drawer filing cabinet ( wow )

* a mattress

* boxes upon boxes of DONUTS ~ the powered ones at that!:)

I wonder sometimes if people even realize that these items have left their vehicle?

Go figure!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

Mmmmmmmmmmm doughnuts....
I do hope you stopped Marie.

You DO live by Rio Linda, don't you?

I once saw an old woman come to a dead stop in the fast lane of the freeway while directly in front of San Francisco International Airport (since almost none of you are familiar, the freeway there is 10 lanes and traffic travels around 70-75 mph) she then tried to get into a slower lane while still barely moving. I only mention this because if it had happened here in Chicago there would have been a 20 car pile-up, and people say we Californians can't drive. We are the only ones who actually know how to drive!

06-19-2006, 09:30 PM
We are the only ones who actually know how to drive!

Thatz right Larry!! omg we agree??? shh...... I learned how to drive in the City ~ San Francisco:D ~


06-20-2006, 01:52 AM
Funny story about the city. I went to the mac expo back when I owned one. took BART to beat traffic and it lets you off right there. So, I'm walking cross the street and SLAM! I'm on the hood of a car with some dude looking at me and were still going till he hits the brakes and I go flying. Actually landed on my feet. Then head, then feet...
I just remember hopping up, guys driving by me and I jump forward, grab him by the neck and screaming,"Give me your wallet! Give me your wallet!" Cuz I wanted his ID, ya know? So he punches the accelerator. I held on for like a block before I tumbled again. No ID. not even a license plate number. Just two blocks of people looking at some enraged idiot in ripped dockers and wearing one shoe. Damn SF drivers!

06-20-2006, 04:52 AM
One thing you tend to see that I always think is funny/strange....is one shoe........where the hell is the other one???:confused:
I spend a lot of time at the beach, and again.....what floats by?.....one shoe!!

I cant explain it..can you ? :confused:


06-20-2006, 08:29 AM
Westie you are a trip!! That really happened? Only to you and only in the city babe!

Steve ~ that is soooooooo true ~ one shoe....wonder why? Except we see TWO hanging from the power lines out here! And itz usually around a school so I'm thinkin that kids are throwing each other's shoes up there ~ but they are hanging everywhere!

Now if I was their mom I wld think 'where are your shoes?'

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

06-20-2006, 09:12 AM
Thatz right Larry!! omg we agree??? shh...... I learned how to drive in the City ~ San Francisco:D ~


Me too, and it was a "stick". (People wonder how I can possibly be that good driving a stick shift, there's the answer)

06-20-2006, 09:28 AM
Funny story about the city. I went to the mac expo back when I owned one. took BART to beat traffic and it lets you off right there. So, I'm walking cross the street and SLAM! I'm on the hood of a car with some dude looking at me and were still going till he hits the brakes and I go flying. Actually landed on my feet. Then head, then feet...
I just remember hopping up, guys driving by me and I jump forward, grab him by the neck and screaming,"Give me your wallet! Give me your wallet!" Cuz I wanted his ID, ya know? So he punches the accelerator. I held on for like a block before I tumbled again. No ID. not even a license plate number. Just two blocks of people looking at some enraged idiot in ripped dockers and wearing one shoe. Damn SF drivers!

My guess would be that you were hit by a non-San Franciscan, if only because natives really don't drive on Market Street (I know I always use either Howard or Folsom (depending on which way I'm going) and avoid Market like the plague. I can certainly see something like that happening though.

<--------- Getting a little home sick


06-20-2006, 11:47 AM
Ahh....San Francisco...

One second you can see nothing but sky...and the next, you're looking at a 200 foot vertical drop to the next intersection....

Have to wonder what idiot sat down on a stump one day and thought...

"this would be a great place to build a city..."


06-20-2006, 11:52 AM
a billboard that says" I Pooted."

06-20-2006, 04:51 PM
Ahh....San Francisco...

One second you can see nothing but sky...and the next, you're looking at a 200 foot vertical drop to the next intersection....

Have to wonder what idiot sat down on a stump one day and thought...

"this would be a great place to build a city..."


Only a flatlander would even think of such a thing. We LOVE our hills :-)


06-20-2006, 05:18 PM
Yeah MON! LOL! When I take people to the city they are amazed at all the hills! Cld you imagine a FLAT City Larry? A FLAT San Francisco??

umm....no ~ I.....do.....not......think......so!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

( I so wanna go this weekend as it is gonna be 104 by Sat:mad: :( :mad: )

06-20-2006, 05:25 PM

Its not hard to understand why people ~leave their hearts in San Francisco~......Mine had to be replaced after trying to walk up a few sidewalks in ChinaTown....

06-20-2006, 06:42 PM
Yeah, San Francisco must be the only city in the US that has sidewalks that are stairs too.

Nope, can't imagine The City flat, if would be awful... the fog would just float over to Oakland

06-20-2006, 08:17 PM
oh yeah!!!! Horses too..... mine :shocked2:

a billboard that says" I Pooted."

That's too funny..... :spit: :spit: :spit:


06-20-2006, 08:48 PM
:D Funny Post!!!!

Squiggy, even Larry should be able to relate to that! Last time we were there I was there for a conference and unfortunately we picked a restaurant down hill from our hotel. Getting there was no problem trying to get up the street/hill/mountain after dinner was. I think we took turns pushing each other up the street/hill/mountain keeping our fingers crossed that we would not roll back down to the restaurant since neither of us had room for desert should we end up back there again. ;)

Marie!!! OMG did you have to mention donuts on the freeway? I can picture now every time Larry and I go for a drive Larry looking around for the elusive freeway powdered donuts and heaven forbid if he ever spots one, my heart would probably stop as he screams "STOP! MINE! MINE! MINE!!!!!" :p

Westie, wow what a story! I can just imagine his/her story that they tell everyone. "Here I was driving in SF when suddenly out of no where someone jumped on my hood to get me to stop then ran up and grabbed me by my neck screaming 'Give me your wallet! Give me your wallet!' I tell you SF is a ruthless city give me Chicago any day."

I am just glad Westie that you were not seriously hurt!!!

Now I do have a theory on the single shoe incident because that has puzzled me as well and the occasional spotting of "a cap, a T-shirt, single socks, shorts and even yes once or twice an "under" garment." Sooooo I am thinking there is a group of drivers out there unbeknownst to the rest of us who usually on a Friday or Saturday since the spotting of such items are usually on Sunday or Monday engage in a game of "Vehicular Strip Poker". Considering shoes are usually the first thing to go dependant on the luck of the player as well as the speed of the car it may be miles before they loose the other shoe! :D

Now for me one of the more unusual happenings on a freeway was a full blown party with frisbee and volley ball played by players from many different states as well as our neighbors to the north (no not Wisconsinites for you living in Illinois) Canadians. It was driving back from New Hampshire through the mountains in Pennsylvania when both freeway lanes going west bound came to a sudden and screeching halt!! After a few minutes word came from truckers with CB's that it would be a several hour wait since a semi had jack knifed 10 miles down the road and there was no way any of us could get by or exit. Everyone who had not already done so turned of their vehicles. Out came blankets, frisbees, volley balls, coolers and the party started. People got to know each other as well as share what ever food or drinks they had. There were some bushes off by the side of the road and every once in a while you would hear a young voice saying "But Mommy I can't go THERE!" :o

Ahhh the days before road rage!!!! :argue:


06-20-2006, 09:59 PM
Do I know you?


06-20-2006, 10:35 PM
Marie!!! OMG did you have to mention donuts on the freeway? I can picture now every time Larry and I go for a drive Larry looking around for the elusive freeway powdered donuts and heaven forbid if he ever spots one, my heart would probably stop as he screams "STOP! MINE! MINE! MINE!!!!!" :p

That is Hilarious!!

Well it is good to see you Ingrid! Larry's significant other ~ do you know he is mean to me and picks on me a lot? Well the Gentleman does! lol!

Now if i see anymore donuts I shall think of you two:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

06-20-2006, 10:37 PM
<---------- Looking for doughnuts

06-21-2006, 11:19 PM
Westie you are a trip!! That really happened? Only to you and only in the city babe!

Steve ~ that is soooooooo true ~ one shoe....wonder why? Except we see TWO hanging from the power lines out here! And itz usually around a school so I'm thinkin that kids are throwing each other's shoes up there ~ but they are hanging everywhere!

Now if I was their mom I wld think 'where are your shoes?'

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif


Two shoes on a telephone wire, espescially arround a school or bad neighborhood is a sign of some poor kids disgrace by venturing into the wrong neighborhood or schoolyard, being beaten up, usually by a gang of kids, shoes stolen and anything else and hung on a wire as a sign of disgrace.

06-23-2006, 06:20 AM
Well ~ I see where you are coming from I do ~ but these are really crappy looking shoes! Old and torn ~ I mean they are not like Jordans hanging up there ~ I think every pair i have ever seen look like sh!t Wes!

Personally when I see this it always comes to mind that they did it themselves! Or walking with a friend home from school as I see them walking every day ~ and this area is a pretty prominent area ~ not ghetto at all ~

But ya just never know about these things now do ya? Thanks for that lil tid bit tho ~ I work with kids in the system and I must admit that is one I had never heard;)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

06-23-2006, 07:03 AM

Two shoes on a telephone wire, espescially arround a school or bad neighborhood is a sign of some poor kids disgrace by venturing into the wrong neighborhood or schoolyard, being beaten up, usually by a gang of kids, shoes stolen and anything else and hung on a wire as a sign of disgrace.

The truth is a bit more ominous than that. They are gang signs marking territory, not simple childhood pranks.

06-23-2006, 07:05 AM
Yeah MON! LOL! When I take people to the city they are amazed at all the hills! Cld you imagine a FLAT City Larry? A FLAT San Francisco??

umm....no ~ I.....do.....not......think......so!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

( I so wanna go this weekend as it is gonna be 104 by Sat:mad: :( :mad: )

Jeeze Marie The City just aint that far from you. Say "Hi" to Kenny for me while you're there.

06-23-2006, 11:05 AM
I know I know ~ 87 miles to be exact! I wanna go this weekend and bring the pups to the ocean as they love it ~ and i need to go ~ I grew up on that ocean and it offers a peace to me I can not find any where else~

But I am working Saturday! When we do go I shall tell Kenny hello for you Larry!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_14_27.gif

karl wagner
06-23-2006, 03:31 PM
A funny answer would be my wife,

but I actually hit a boat with my car once. True story.

I was backing out of a bait shop, and someone had pulled up behind me with a fishing boat atop their vehicle. I never saw up that high in my side mirror,
and as I was backing up, the corner of the boat barely scratched my driver's window.

If you're going to hit a boat with your car, that's the way I suggest you do it!!!

karl wagner
06-23-2006, 03:36 PM

Except we see TWO hanging from the power lines out here! And itz usually around a school so I'm thinkin that kids are throwing each other's shoes up there ~ but they are hanging everywhere!

That usually means that a child died in that intersection. Sad to say..

06-23-2006, 05:02 PM
*a toilet ~ I swear! the whole dayum thing too ~ right in the middle lane:confused: :confused:

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

me too

But the strangest has to be 500 feeder goldfish. Don't ask how I know the exact number

The shoe thing: All of the above apply

06-23-2006, 06:29 PM

Except we see TWO hanging from the power lines out here! And itz usually around a school so I'm thinkin that kids are throwing each other's shoes up there ~ but they are hanging everywhere!

That usually means that a child died in that intersection. Sad to say..

No ~ :confused: ...well as horrible as it sounds then quite a few rug rats have bit the dust then ~ at quite of few intersections!

Out here in LA LA Land ( well, the other end ) you can tell accident locations by lots of flowers and stuffed animals and whatnot ~ sometimes a flowered cross or a pic of the person that died ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

06-23-2006, 09:01 PM
Two shoes on a telephone wire, espescially arround a school or bad neighborhood is a sign of some poor kids disgrace by venturing into the wrong neighborhood or schoolyard, being beaten up, usually by a gang of kids, shoes stolen and anything else and hung on a wire as a sign of disgrace.

In my neck of the woods...... shoes hanging from phone or power lines means drugs available in the area :thumbsdown:


06-23-2006, 09:34 PM
Really Beth? wow ~ very interesting to say the least~

Anyone else?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_2_8.gif