View Full Version : The Last Two HORRIBLE hours of my Life

06-20-2006, 10:59 PM
I just had the worst two hours I have ever experienced in my life!

It all started with my car going in the shop and we have a rental that my daughter can not drive cuz you need to be 21years old ~ Which is BS IMO ~ So today I had to take her to work at 6AM at our local mall ~ she was to be off at 3pm ~

I was to pick her up ~ but I might not be there til 5 as I needed to get off work ~ which was a possilblility she knew ~

Now I know Amber's every move ~ she knows where I am every second ~ I will know the same from her ~ life long rule in our house ~ No if ands or buts ~ Period ~ she always calls me the min she walks out of that mall ~ always! Or i will kick her *** and she knows it ~

At 3:15 I called her cell ~ no answer ~ left a message ~ at 3:30 I called her work and she left at right at 3. She told her boss that she was being picked up by her bf ~ as she offered to give her a ride home ~ Knowing my daughter the way I do ....I know she said that as not to inconvience her boss ~

By 4:00 I had not heard from her. I was okay.. I called her bf and left a vm for him too ~ 4:30pm I was tripping ~ big time ~ I called her phone again ~ no answer ~ I remember at one point thinking of here ...of Simply and posting a thread with her pic...how crazy was THAT??

5:02PM I was like not breathing very well ~ so many scenarios were going thru my mind ~ you have no idea ~ Two hours since she was off work ~ she ALWAYS calls me straight away ~ and today she was esp tired and wanted to come home ~ as I talked to her at noon ~
5:15 I called her bosses and they went to Mall Security to file a AMBER ALERT and told me to call the police ~ I called and got her bf who had not heard from her as well ~

5:20pm I was quite hysterical ~ make no mistake about that ~ I called 911 ~ I told them the facts and they said " Well if she told her boss her bf was picking her up then perhaps she is seeing someone on the sly?" "She prolly is cheating on him "! OMG ~ I went off on the operator ~ telling her this wasnt LAW and ORDER! The operator went on to say " she is 18 and an adult she probably just ran away ".... I was like this isnt happening to me ~

My two best friends were outta of state and my other friend was on his way ~ I never felt so helpless ~ is not time of the essence when someone goes missing? The first so many hours?

You guys ....I couldnt breathe ~ I swear ~ I just knew someone took her i knew it and her purse and cell were lying on the ground somewhere!!

The police said to stay home but I wanted to go to the mall ~ I didnt know what to do ~

They sent some units to the mall ~ I had called Amber at least 22 times and left vm's! Each worst then the one before it ~

I told God that I wld never ever complain about my life again if He wld just let her call ....

By this time my house was full ~ her bf was on his way to the mall from the Capitol where he works ~ and there were units of police at the mall and Mall Security had an AMBER ( how ironic ) ALERT in every store ....they said ~

6:13Pm my phone rings and it is my daughter ~ "Mom guess what! there are cops all over the mall"

I tossed my cookies in the sink .....

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

06-20-2006, 11:25 PM
Oh, Marie, I'm glad she's okay!!!!!!!! Doesn't matter how old they get, you still worry, don't you? And today, it was definately warranted.

So glad it came out happy.:D :D :D

* Too old to ground ..........

06-20-2006, 11:50 PM
Thanks Marie, you convinced me never to have children :D

White Worm
06-21-2006, 02:26 AM
I'm thinking.....how does "GROUNDED FOR LIFE!" sound?

06-21-2006, 03:41 AM
What an ordeal to go through. Im sorry you had to experience that. But i am glad that everything is ok now. Im not looking forward to my three daughters becoming teenagers.....

06-21-2006, 03:45 AM
Marie, I know how you feel, I have 2 daughters youngest is 15. Glad it all worked out.

06-21-2006, 04:52 AM
WOW Marie, glad this had a happy ending.........I worry when one of my cats goes missing.....Phew!!

Hope you are feeling a little bit clamer now the panic is over.

What did the police say? where did she go?


Kenny's Discus
06-21-2006, 05:27 AM
Hi Marie - I'm glad everything is ok. What a relief!


06-21-2006, 05:33 AM
I couldnt sleep ~ so here I am:o

Well ~ When she called to tell me the the mall had cops walking around ~ I said: well I was pretty loud and crying when I said:

"Where in the F* have you been??" Of course she tried to talk and explain but I kept interrupting the child ~ ( of 18 )

I knew she wanted to come home so bad at noon as we both have been working so much and she wasnt feeling well either ~

She was off at three and did tell her boss that white lie so not to inconvience her ~ do I know her or what? ~ she bought a book and sat down to read ~ 20 feet from the door of the Mall Security ~

There she sat for two F* hours Steve! Waiting for me to call her ~ which I did ~ as we all know ~ and she called me numerous times as well ~
Bottom line: we had just gotten new cells ~ from METRO PCS ~ a few days earlier and I guess they needed to be REFRESHED!!


We never ever rec'vd each others calls nor did they register: missed calls or vm's either! So where did all of our vm's to each other GO? no one can answer that one ~ Amber sat there with her phone in her hand reading and calling me as I was calling her and ....wanting to come home ~ When I saw her she was so sorry and we both were like crying so much ~

Ya know I am always one ...in this SUE HAPPY WORLD to say : blow it off and get over it ~ people sue for everything these days ... well I was thinking OH HELL NO ....I will sue these clowns at METRO PCS... all the people and resources they inconvienced and not to mention...

My Heart ~

I imagine they will not forget me anytime soon ~

06-21-2006, 07:01 AM
Thats an aweful thing to go through. Glad everything is ok.:)

06-21-2006, 07:24 AM
WOW Marie! I am sorry you had to go thru all of that! And Amber sitting there reading her book having no idea it was going on. Wow. And I would be saying something to mall security too. If she was sitting right there.. I mean.. come on! NO ONE saw her?

I am glad it all turned out alright tho!


06-21-2006, 07:48 AM
Marie, OMG! That is just a horrid story. Thankfully it had a good ending. I would definitely by on the cell phone company's back -- how ridiculous that calls just don't go thru because they weren't updated!

I hope you and your daughter are both feeling better now.


06-21-2006, 07:52 AM
OHMYGOD, Marie! What an awful experience! I can't imagine how terrible it was for you.

Yes, I would get on that phone company! And I'd also have a few questions for the mall police. Are they all blind? How could they not see her sitting there? At least ask her a question, like "have you seen a girl that looks like..... or is named....?"

You deserve a good stiff drink and to lie down. Call in sick and just chill out.


06-21-2006, 08:50 AM
Hey Marie:

What a nightmare! I have a 2 1/2 yr old, I just hope they have permanantly implanted GPS locators with heart monitor before he turns 18! I couldn't handle that kinda situation and I have a family history of heart problems! Yikes! I hate cell phones! we're so dependant on them, maybe it's not a good thing!

Hope ur feeling better today! Maybe some ice cream (LARGE) will help!

take care,

06-21-2006, 10:03 AM
Nothing worse than calling someone who's overdue and there's no answer on their cell phone, and, they don't call either :mad: Usually turns out to be a bad phone, or the phone was off... never heard of needing refreshing before :confused: Can scare the bejesus out of ya though :( Glad it all turned out ok ....

Thinking back... life was so much easier when there was no such thing as a cell phone... lol

06-21-2006, 03:30 PM
Thanks Everyone! In the shower this morning I was thinking that my morning COULD have been so different ~

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_3_134.gif

06-21-2006, 04:20 PM
Wow Marie, how scary! I'm glad everything turned out OK. I can't believe what the 911 operator told you though! You should file a complaint with their supervisor! And they couldn't see her right outside the door of security? Where were they looking? Doesn't the mall have a loud speaker or intercom that they could have least said her name over and come to security? Sheesh.


06-21-2006, 05:40 PM
ah ha ....the Million Dollar Questions! Oh today I made some more calls rest assured Tina ~

There are a few that will remember me:D

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_3_134.gif

06-21-2006, 06:00 PM
How could anyone ever forget you? :D

06-21-2006, 06:33 PM
The sad thing is they still probably won't see a problem in their procedure unless something seriously DOES happen to someone and then their butts are on the line :(.


06-21-2006, 08:48 PM
Everyone else has already said it all. So I only have one thing to add....


06-21-2006, 09:02 PM
The sad thing is they still probably won't see a problem in their procedure unless something seriously DOES happen to someone and then their butts are on the line :(.


Very true.


06-21-2006, 09:17 PM
How could anyone ever forget you? :D

hmm... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_2_3.gif

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_3_134.gif