View Full Version : My Fish Really Needs Help!

06-21-2006, 04:12 PM

125 gallon tank - Cycled
Fine Layer of gravel on the bottom, 2 pieces of driftwood, silk plants
6 discus ranging from 2.5"-6"
2 Bolivian Rams
2 Emporer 400 HOB filters with Bio-wheel. Will add a canister filter as my fishload increases.
Currently have the original Carbon Filter cartridges in because the filters are only 3 weeks old and came with the cartridges. They will come out today and be replaced with the regular filter sponge/floss that I usually use.
Tap water with Conditioner that removes chlorine and chloramine
Daily 25% (about 25-30 gallons) water changes and gravel thorough gravel cleaning

Food= Hikari Frozen Blood Worms and High Quality Color Flakes (recommended by a local Discus keeper)

Have had the Discus for about 4 weeks. They were in QT until a couple of days ago. The water parameters are the same in the QT and the show tank.

All of the fish have been eating as much food as I will allow them and swimming around very actively.

Last night, I noticed that the 4 discus with dark eyes (the other two are pigeons with orange eyes) seem to have a slight hazy film over the eyes. The eyes aren't white or neccesarily cloudy, but they aren't bright like they should be. They just look a little hazy.

The two smaller fish, a blue diamond and red turqouise have looked a little darker since being put into the big tank. The blue diamond's dorsal fins look a little ragged (the very tips have the white nubs showing), like he got into an altercation with another fish. I added Melafix to the tank for healing purposes.

This morning, the RT was wedged between the glass and the heater. My first thought was that he was being chased and got jammed into a spot that he couldn't get out of. I freed him and watched him for a while.

1. He looks like he was burned by the heater. The side of his body that was against the heater has white patches and the eye on that side is totally white. The other side of his body looks fine.

2. His body is pinched on both sides as if the space he was in was too small for him and pinched his body. There is no bloating.

3. He is trying to swim, but very off balance. It's almost like they act when they are bloated and need a little Epsom salt, but I do not see any of the usual bloating signs. He ends up sitting on the bottom of the tank.

I have moved him to a 12 gallon Eclipse tank for observation. I have Melafix in the tank to maybe help in healing his damaged skin.

What I am not sure of is whether the signs of illness came before or after he wedged himself into the tight spot. I don't know if being wedged next to the heater caused these symptoms or if he wedged himself there because he was feeling bad. When I went to bed, all was fine. All the fish were swimming around together and eating fine.

I noticed that the two smaller ones were a little darker than usual since adding them to this tank a few days ago, but I thought maybe it was because this tank has a black background. I have heard that Discus sometimes adjust to blend in. My heckel looks great since moving him from the QT which has a light background. He was light yellow while in that tank and now all of his color is out and he is much darker, like when I got him.

So, my questions are:

1. Are the slightly hazy eyes a symptom of anything? What should I watch for?
2. What can I do about the fish that seems to have been burned by the heater?

Thank you for any help that you can offer me.

06-21-2006, 04:54 PM
Cloudy eyes and hiding are symptome of many illnesses. Have you added any new plants or fish that could have brought in disease? Are you sure fitler is fully cycled? Cloudy eyes are a symptom of dirty water, but a fish to weak to move from a heater is very sick - prognosis is not good . . . .

06-21-2006, 06:10 PM
Thank you so much for your reply.

I am sure that the tank is cycled. Believe it or not, I test the water in all of my tanks, morning and night. Yeah, I am a little obsessed with my water quality.

Nothing new has been added to the tank. The 6 fish all came from the same QT tank where they were for a few weeks. While they were in there, I treated with Prazipro as a preventative and because one of the bigger fish was holding one of it's gills shut.

The water in the QT and show tank have the same readings and the water has always been very clean. I even bought a new set of test kits a week ago to make sure, since the kit I was using was two years old. All the readings are the same.

The RT seemed to be really jammed in the tight spot. Enough that you can see the indentation in his body, like you would if you wore pants with a really tight waistband for an hour. I just don't know if he was chased into that spot and couldn't get out or if he was sick and trying to hide. I am confused because he was fine when I turned the tank lights out and then a mess when I got up this morning.

Is there any medication that I might try since I have moved him to a hospital tank? I have Melafix in there right now.

Thank you again.

06-21-2006, 07:33 PM
My first inclination is that you have a water problem, mainly because of this

"The two smaller fish, a blue diamond and red turqouise have looked a little darker since being put into the big tank. The blue diamond's dorsal fins look a little ragged (the very tips have the white nubs showing), like he got into an altercation with another fish."

That sounds like NH3 or NO2 posioning to me. You say you tested your water though, so I guess that's out. The only other thing I can think of is a bacterial infection of some kind. I would definately continue with the Melafix, and if gets worse go to something stronger. Also I would probably remove them from that tank, if you have another one open, and treat them there. I definately agree with everything Carol said.


06-22-2006, 02:48 AM
Can you increase oxygenation ? Just use a lift tube for circulating the water, and an airline with big bubbles, to make some surface waves.

I found that too much bloodworm seemed to cause fin ray problems for my angels. At least when I quit it, the problem did not progress as it had been doing. I think the bloodworm are pretty foul or cause some reaction.


06-22-2006, 04:04 AM
1. Are the slightly hazy eyes a symptom of anything? What should I watch for?

Yes, either poor water quality (the most common cause), possible bacterial infection or nematodes. A lot depends on how it developed or how the hazyness spreads. If the body has a hazy film over it too then it is likely protozoa as the cause.

2. What can I do about the fish that seems to have been burned by the heater?

Good clean waater and maybe some support to try and avoid secondary infection. I would ensure the tank it is in now is spotless. Melafix should be a good supportive or a few drops of acriflavine. Its success will depend on the level of damage he fish has sustained.

06-22-2006, 07:34 AM
Look into purchasing your canister sooner. You can then purchase an inline heater, so the heater and controls will remain outside the tank. No worries about fish getting burned or trapped. Eheim Pro II 2126 or 2128 both have heaters built into the filter and they're excellent filters, I use the 2128.

What some people do is NOT to use the suction cup on their heaters and just leave it hanging near the bottom. This prevents any fish from getting trapped or stuck between the heater and glass.

06-22-2006, 02:39 PM
Thank you all for your advice. I appreciate it so much. As of yesterday, my tank readings were:

GH: 4
KH: 4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5

The tank is spotless, so I don't know what the problem with the water could possible be. Very confusing!

The good news is that the RT that got burned is doing very well in the 12 gallon hospital tank that I sent him to. He is swimming and eating and it looks like his skin is trying to heal. I am thinking that maybe he did just get trapped and wasn't trying to hide because he was sick. I sure hope so. He will remain in the 12 gallon for the next couple of weeks just to make sure.

Unfortunately, I have 3 fish in my 30 gallon QT that are in serious need of help (I will posting another post regarding them), so I can't transfer the Discus in the big tank back to QT. I will watch them closely for any signs of the hazy eyes getting worse. In the meantime, I have Melafix and Pimafix in there and I will keep up with their 25-30% daily water changes even though the tank is very understocked.

Has anyone heard of fish darkening to blend in with the tank background? I have heard of PBs losing their peppering when kept in a tank with a white background.

I am just wondering if that is why a couple of my fish are darkened since putting them in the big tank. They are all eating and swimming around and the water is clean, so I am looking for some other explanation.

Thanks again!

06-22-2006, 02:59 PM
Discus can and do darken in different settings, it could be that. But their eyes don't go hazy without good reason. It may be that when you netted them to move them their eys got slightly damaged, it happens.

06-22-2006, 05:39 PM
Thank you so much. I am just trying to catch problems before they become a threat to the fishes life. I will watch them closely, as usual and I will post again if anything changes.

06-23-2006, 03:17 PM
Everything still looks the same in the big tank. I am starting to become convinced that they are just darkening to blend in with the black gravel and background.

They are all out swimming and eating very aggressively. The RT that got burnt is still in the 12 gallon and seems to be healing. No signs of disease at this time, just a lot of burnt skin. His Burnt eye seems to be healing well. It was completely white when I freed him from the heater and now is almost back to it's normal color. He is eating well.

Obviously, I have removed all of the suction cups from my heaters! Live and learn........

What is it about Discus that makes me so paranoid? I have been fishkeeping for a very long time and have never been nervous about every little thing like I am with these guys.

I hope you all have a great Friday!

06-23-2006, 03:43 PM
Everything still looks the same in the big tank. I am starting to become convinced that they are just darkening to blend in with the black gravel and background.

They are all out swimming and eating very aggressively. The RT that got burnt is still in the 12 gallon and seems to be healing. No signs of disease at this time, just a lot of burnt skin. His Burnt eye seems to be healing well. It was completely white when I freed him from the heater and now is almost back to it's normal color. He is eating well.

Obviously, I have removed all of the suction cups from my heaters! Live and learn........

What is it about Discus that makes me so paranoid? I have been fishkeeping for a very long time and have never been nervous about every little thing like I am with these guys.

I hope you all have a great Friday!

Because with discus the very second you think everything is going great, no worries... BAM!
<--------- Gives his best Emeril impression

06-23-2006, 05:21 PM
No truer words were ever spoken!!!

I still love them to death, though!