View Full Version : Mystery Of The Week

06-29-2006, 12:27 AM
I get to do all the dirty jobs and get blamed for all that goes wrong. Today was non the worse. I have a liquor store being reroofed. Neither the owner nor the roofer have it in their contract to remove the roof signage. So, it falls on me. I get up there. Open the sign, its 4x4x1 ft. Steel frame and plastic illuminated signage (*****!) I unbolt it from the wall. Its about 250 lbs. and I aint getting it off this roof alone. I call for back up, he's an hour out so I leave for lunch. Then the phone rings that the sign fell. I jet back there and this is what I found. See pic below. Albeit, on the other side of the building. I had to move it anyway. So-

1. A 250 lb. sign toppled off the building and landed 16ft. below undamaged.
2. Look, not a dent.
3. The fraggin' plastic is intact.
4. Not a lightbulb broken.

I get it, somebody, the sign ferry did it but, when I get back to the office its like,"Well, there was a minor quake."
"Maybe a big rig convoy went by."
"That area isn't on stable ground."

No mystery, sometimes I hate people.