View Full Version : cycled tank

06-29-2006, 12:44 AM
Hey if you set up a new tank, add a bowl of gravel from a tank that has been running for a year place in some new sponge filters and add some bio spiral. How long should you wait before adding discus?

06-29-2006, 04:10 AM
when testing shows that ammonia is kept at 0 and nitrate is produced. You need to feed the bacteria some ammonia or put a fish in there. Total cycling time for BioSpira is less than a week, usually ammonia is eaten by the filter right from the first day or so, I understand - never having had any BioSpira, but having seen test results.

06-29-2006, 07:45 AM
Seachem's "Stability" also takes about a week to establish a bio-filter. I would NOT put gravel from a different tank into a discus tank. Too high of a chance for nasties to be introduced. Using Stability or BioSpira is all you need do.


06-29-2006, 11:55 AM
It's all about the numbers. Whatever you add to jump start the cycling (Stability, Biospira, etc) you need to check the ammonia, nitrites daily and when your numbers are in the safety range for a couple days, it's ok to add fish. A reasonable test is when you think the tank is cycled, pour in a few mls of ammonia (no other addatives, just pure ammonia) and test to see how fast the tank breaks it down to safe levels. Should be back to good readings in 12 hours or so. Don't rush it--if it's not completely cycled, the fish waste load will surpass the tank's ability to break down the toxins and you'll have stressed fish. It's not worth the risk.