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View Full Version : finally free swimmers

06-29-2006, 06:23 PM
hi all they finally did it i got free swimmers attaching to parent,i moved the female because last time they spawned in less than a week, and eat all the fry, so i only have the male in the tank they (fry) seemed to attach to him better, is this a good move or not???seem to be doing great they are about three days free swimming now, trying to introduce some baby brine shrimp. how long before i can seperate them from parents all together think i read 2 weeks on here. not a big spawn but i think i have about ten fry left.here is a pic!!!!

06-29-2006, 07:40 PM
Congratulations! You can move them when they are eating good. If you aren't home all day to feed them I'd wait until 14 - 21 days. One parent is enough with a small spawn like this.

06-29-2006, 07:52 PM
thanks Carol, 14-21 days is cool, i do work alot but my wife works opposite shifts than me, so some one is almost always home to feed them, i'm breaking her in on the brine shrimp now lol!! i also have some hikari first bites any info on this dry food good or bad???
