View Full Version : Meeting Discus Folks

07-02-2006, 08:23 AM
I had the extreme pleasure of meeting 3 Simply people yesterday. First I went down to get some fish and supplies from Bill Egan, I was very impressed with Bill and his operation. While at Bill's I had the pleasure of meeting CrazyEddie, who is a very nice guy. Once I got home Dissident showed up and he and I hit off very nicely. Dis and I are also both aquatic plant people so we had much to talk about. All in all a very fullfilling and exciting day for me THANKS GUYS!

btw, yes I did get some new fish from Bill. (3) discus, (2) L18 Gold Nugget Plecos, (30+) Cardinal Tetras all of them are doing very well, eating like pigs. My wife absolutely loves the L18's (who knew she was going to become a pleco person?)

07-02-2006, 08:35 AM
Very cool Larry!


07-02-2006, 09:52 AM

Just not good enough I'm afraid!! You can't post things like this without pics!! Especially of those plecs!!

Glad you had a good day :)

07-02-2006, 10:37 AM
Paul, Ask and you shall recieve my son

07-02-2006, 10:40 AM
Here is the other pleco with my 2 new Cobalts (their eyes are not really that big, it's just the angle of the camera)

07-02-2006, 10:53 AM
btw, as I have said many times, I am NOT a good photographer. The plecos in real life are VERY black with VERY yellow spots. They really are gorgeous. We also got an orange discus with blue on it's dorsal, it looks like crap at the moment, I think mainly because the QT has a black bottom and three black sides, so it wants to be very dark. It is eating and swimming perfectly and is in fact "king o' the tank" but I wont be posting pictures of her (oh yeah, I probably should have said "Queen o' the tank") until I move her to a different tank once she's out of quartantine. She is truly a beautiful fish.
(Tony S- before you even start, no I don't like Cobalts or orange fish but Ingrid does, and it always pays to keep the better half (in our case the MUCH better half) happy :-p )


07-02-2006, 11:57 AM
It was a lot of fun, next time we have to resist bucketing up the fish so soon so we can chill around a bit more. It was great meeting someone in the 'area' who also enjoys plants and discus (and puppies). Although I don't think yours would like my puppy too much. My pup was all over me when I got home, smelling like two new dogs he was all hopeing they were comming over to play.

07-02-2006, 12:27 PM
and it always pays to keep the better half (in our case the MUCH better half) happy :-p )

Ya aint gotta tell me that Larry.....why do you think Ive got those Red Whites??......It aint cause I like em!!;)


07-02-2006, 03:15 PM

It was a pleasure to meet you. Everyone looks great...


07-02-2006, 05:26 PM
Larry, the plecs look great thanks for the pic. I've seen some spectacular gold nuggets and yours look like they could be real winners. Very nice. The cobalts look fine to me too, they look more like Blue Diamonds at the moment, had to look twice!! but will take your word for it :)

07-02-2006, 07:29 PM
LoL they look like BD's to me too but Bill caled them Cobalts, at least I think he did <g>

I agree. Maybe next time you could bring your GF along and the girls could talk about whatever while we do the "man stuff"
<-------- Looks around for Connie and Marie with their hammers
I was looking a lot more closely at the plants you brought and I want you to know that I really appreciate them. I'm still not certain where to put them but the are all gorgeous.

I'll probably post this elsewhere but I wanted you to know the the fbw I got from you is being taken eagerly by all of my fish. It's much finer and with almost no "trash" unlike San Francisco Bay Brand. I was amazed when I saw how much the discus like this stuff. Oddly they are not as enthusiastic about the mysis shrimp, they seem to like the SFBB better in that instance. Just thought I'd let you know. As I said in another post "I'm sure we will be doing a lot more business".


07-02-2006, 11:47 PM

Good to hear. let me know your opinion on the Brine shrimp as far as water content stacked next to the name brand stuff.


07-03-2006, 02:11 AM
Oh, if I could only afford to have discus friends!!!

BTW, it could be the pic but it looks more like L-177 than L-18

07-03-2006, 09:46 AM
Oh, if I could only afford to have discus friends!!!

BTW, it could be the pic but it looks more like L-177 than L-18

Were they already bagged when you got there? They are definately L-18's but I am a horrid photographer so if you are going by the posted pictures they are not very good. The fish in real life are a very dark chocolate brown under pretty intense light, and are close to being black, with bright yellow spots and yellow fringes on the dorsal and caudal fins. They don't have lines or red eyes like a L-177. The unfortunate thing is they will be going into the 125 which is a community tank that is heavily planted, I don't expect to see them very often. I wanted them becuase, after doing some research, they enjoy discus temps. They are extremely territorial, especially among themselves, but also even with other bottom feeders, from what I've read. This doesn't bother me since they are going into a fairly large tank.
We'll have to get the discus people together in the area one of these days, the way they are doing back "Home" with Kenny's Magic Garage.
It really was very nice to meet you the other day, but next time I want to spend more time discussing fish with you.


07-03-2006, 09:58 AM
The fbs is great. It is actually very much the same as San Francisco Bay Brand to me. My fish like it as well and there is no garbage in it at all. If there is any difference that I can see it's that the stuff you sell seems to be more whole when thawed that the SFBB. Now if you could get some that is spirulina enriched, that would make me very happy. I must say that I am extremely pleased with all of the foods I got from you, although I haven't tried the catfish food or the freeze-dried stuff that you gave me yet, so I can't comment on them.


07-04-2006, 01:21 AM
Were they already bagged when you got there?

It really was very nice to meet you the other day, but next time I want to spend more time discussing fish with you.


Not only bagged but, shipped!!!!

I think the big diff between L-177 and l-18(besides river) is the spots and the yellow bands on the fins will be both bigger and a brighter yellow in L-177
and the fact that true L-177 will remain around 8" while l-18 reaches 12"-14" or more.. Either, way two adults in 6 feet tank will kill each other really fast(at least males will), but they are slow growers so not too much worry there...

Nice adcquisitions....Keep the pics coming, I enjoy them very much.

07-04-2006, 08:20 AM
. . . Maybe next time you could bring your GF along and the girls could talk about whatever while we do the "man stuff"
<-------- Looks around for Connie and Marie with their hammers

Larry, you thought you could sneak this in and be safe... uh... uh... uh...

---------> here I come with my hammer... :smash:

-------------> here's Teresa with her whip... :whip:

<----------------- and I'm going to get Marie RIGHT NOW.

Be afraid, be very afraid, <this is Larry now :scared: :waaa: >

cause you can't hide from us :vanish: no matter the day, no matter the thread....


07-04-2006, 10:50 AM
Not only bagged but, shipped!!!!

I think the big diff between L-177 and l-18(besides river) is the spots and the yellow bands on the fins will be both bigger and a brighter yellow in L-177
and the fact that true L-177 will remain around 8" while l-18 reaches 12"-14" or more.. Either, way two adults in 6 feet tank will kill each other really fast(at least males will), but they are slow growers so not too much worry there...

Nice adcquisitions....Keep the pics coming, I enjoy them very much.

That's good to know. I guess I'll have to get a 1000 gallon tank next...
(Yeah right, Island would KILL me)

07-04-2006, 10:53 AM
That's good to know. I guess I'll have to get a 1000 gallon tank next...
(Yeah right, Island would KILL me)
Hey, blondie, who the heck is Island? Island???? Did you mean your better half, INGRID? :D

07-04-2006, 10:53 AM
Hey, blondie, who the heck is Island? Island???? Did you mean your better half, INGRID? :D

That would be her

07-04-2006, 10:56 AM
That would be her
Well, I wonder what you were thinking about... how the heck did you come up with Island? (Probably dreaming of a vacation in Hawaii). And how long are you married, that you can't remember your wife's name... boy would you be in trouble is she sees that. Don't worry, we won't tell on you... ;)

07-04-2006, 06:28 PM
Don't worry, we won't tell on you... ;)

I will http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_2_21.gif ( <.......guess who? )

07-04-2006, 06:56 PM
Island is Ingrid's name on here, and Marie you already know that.
Silly women
q~ Hmmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmmm q~

07-04-2006, 09:18 PM
Island is Ingrid's name on here, and Marie you already know that.
Silly women
q~ Hmmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmmm q~
I think this is one for Teresa to handle... :whip:

07-05-2006, 09:53 PM
Island is Ingrid's name on here, and Marie you already know that.
Silly women
q~ Hmmmmm Hmmmmmm Hmmmm q~

Oh, I thought you were bringing her to Puerto Rico for a vacation!!!

07-05-2006, 10:06 PM
Oh, I thought you were bringing her to Puerto Rico for a vacation!!!

Amazingly enough she was just in Puerto Rico not that long ago. She loved it there.


07-06-2006, 04:09 PM
Good to hear that she had a great time.. After all there is allways a party on the island....

07-06-2006, 06:23 PM
I took this a few minutes ago.
Paul btw the Cobalts are showing a lot of red in their dorsal and anal fins now, I guess Bill was right <grin> Even though she has a very beaky mouth, weak chin, poor body shape, and horrid colors, this little girl is beginning to "grow" on me.

07-06-2006, 10:48 PM
I took this a few minutes ago.
Paul btw the Cobalts are showing a lot of red in their dorsal and anal fins now, I guess Bill was right <grin> Even though she has a very beaky mouth, weak chin, poor body shape, and horrid colors, this little girl is beginning to "grow" on me.


Don't pick on your wife's fish =) What did she name it? BTW, the mutts usually get graded on a curve =)

07-06-2006, 10:58 PM
LoL, Like I said. I am actually beginning to like her. Fish are not allowed to have names in this house (shhhhhhhhhh don't tell Ingrid that). She really does have "personality" and is definately the alpha of the tank she's in (probably the main reason I like her). All in all I'm pleased that Ingrid chose her. Now if I can only get rid of some of her peppering... <grin>
btw the two Cobalts are looking nicer and nicer every day, and the red is really beginning to show in their fins. I love their deep red eyes, which the "mutt" also has. I should be back late this month or early next month, hopefully this time I wont forget to pick up a least a couple of Ocean Greens from you.


07-10-2006, 01:01 PM
If the Chicago folks, esp plant folks get together, I'd love to join you! I'm in Evanston....I've been on simply for years but have never posted an actual pic...I am a neanderthall in the camera dept., but my 180 planted keeps me happy and busy! (Along with the rest of the tanks, blablabla)
Best regards,

Is there a specific plan for meeting up at ACA?

07-10-2006, 01:30 PM
No plan that I am aware of but I think it's a great idea!


07-13-2006, 01:15 PM
Me too--any of you Chicago locals interested in hooking up to say hi?