View Full Version : Photos from North Korea

07-05-2006, 06:48 PM

Scary and sad, but very interesting.

07-05-2006, 07:23 PM
What i don't get is how bush can easily take Americans into Iraq but when it comes to Nukes the worlds safe with mr North Korea trying to blow up America. Like I know he loves his oil but I think a nuke is more deadly then some barrels of oil.

Like that country is just as a mess as Iraq. What are some of the issues at hand hear? Is it because not enough military to spread around the world or what. What is some of the input from are friendly simply Americans?

07-05-2006, 09:34 PM
We already fought the North Koreans. Don't you remember the Korean War? Almost 37,000 Americans died fighting and over 100,000 were injured within 3 years.


07-05-2006, 11:28 PM
What i don't get is how bush can easily take Americans into Iraq but when it comes to Nukes the worlds safe with mr North Korea trying to blow up America. Like I know he loves his oil but I think a nuke is more deadly then some barrels of oil.

Like that country is just as a mess as Iraq. What are some of the issues at hand hear? Is it because not enough military to spread around the world or what. What is some of the input from are friendly simply Americans?

Hey let's me give you the Red pill :

The day that the missile defense shield system will be build (almost there...check the international news on this subject...testing US and Israel for missile defense system...couples of years old news) you will see that North Korea will become the talk of the day. Everyone has been very quiet about them even if they are massively building their nuclear capacity for the last 10 years.

You don't want to piss off some contry that has nuke capacity better than yours and that are 70 years late politically (talk about a late entry in the US/URSS cold war). So you build your defense system and once you got it you go knock on their door and tell them what to do.

but now the litle kiddo don'T want to be ignore anymore...so what do we do

wait for it...

you will ear a lot of talk about missile defense system (unless its almost ready..in that case they will keep it very quiet)

You also need monetary advantage to invade a country (oups did I say that out loud)

07-05-2006, 11:29 PM
We already fought the North Koreans. Don't you remember the Korean War? Almost 37,000 Americans died fighting and over 100,000 were injured within 3 years.


yes and the canadian saved the day

07-06-2006, 07:30 AM
Here's a link with very good reasons why the USA won't be bombing North Korea anytime soon.


Don't forget that nobody wants the economic burden of taking care of the North Koreans after a war is won. What do you do with 23 million starving people whose economy is ruined? The Chinese don't want them and it would destroy the South Korean economy.

07-06-2006, 11:34 AM
Excellent links Terps..

Haven't read the second one yet, so maybe this is already noted, but. In addition to "taking care" of all the destitute North Koreans, there will be hundreds of thousands of dead and millions of homeless SOUTH Koreans that will require shelter and services. The reason the little twit that runs the North can get away with what he does is because the Capitol of the prosperous South is within cannon range, and a 5 minute exchange of fire would destroy a city with the population of NY and Chicago combined.

This has nothing to do with who's afraid of who, or who has oil... jeeeezs... it's about the massive casualties our ALLIES would suffer.

Now... if little Kim Jong IL ever does get a missle that can credibly treaten the continental US... I'd hate to be living in Seoul


07-06-2006, 12:31 PM
Amen Jim.

07-06-2006, 05:45 PM
I was watching Anderson Cooper 360 last night...they did a bit on North Korea. The best way I can describe the nation....SCARY!

A nation of robots....ruled by a totalitarian wack job....:crazy:


07-06-2006, 05:58 PM

07-06-2006, 06:15 PM
Wow great links. vary interesting with the whole thing.

07-07-2006, 08:00 AM
Not a fan of CNN, but quite an extensive coverage of the loonies up North
