View Full Version : I am so touched!

07-11-2006, 01:08 PM
I just got back from the doctors and my neighbor was out watering her lawn so we said hello. Well we were talking and I was telling her how we'd been at the drs all morning. (She asked if we were shopping.)

See.. Megan has had an ear infection for at least a month and a half now. We are onto our third medication and if this does not work, we have to go to a specialist.

My neighbor had to run off cause her allergies started up, but she came back a little bit later and asked me if she could pray for Megan.

She came in and put her hand on Megan and we prayed for her and it was sooooo sweet! I was crying and she was crying and it was just so touching that she did that for us. I believe greatly in the power of prayer and I just had to share that.
