View Full Version : Effectiveness of PraziPro

07-17-2006, 06:59 PM
Has anyone treated internal worms with PraziPro (liquid) treatment?

I have used it before and never had a fish pass worms. Not that they had worms that I knew of, but it doesn't mean that they didn't have worms either.
I have heard mixed reviews on PraziPro for treatments other than flukes.

Does anyone have first-hand experience with it (and how you administered the treatment)?

No one around here has powdered form of Praziquantrel, so I am more or less curious if PraziPro is a subitable replacement to have on-hand.

07-17-2006, 07:25 PM
I have used it before and never had a fish pass worms. Not that they had worms that I knew of, but it doesn't mean that they didn't have worms either

I also tried once with dosing Prazi-Pro to my discus and had the same outcome as you. Not even sure they had worms to begin with. My results don't help you much, do they Diss?:p

07-17-2006, 09:47 PM
Has anyone treated internal worms with PraziPro (liquid) treatment?

I have used it before and never had a fish pass worms. Not that they had worms that I knew of, but it doesn't mean that they didn't have worms either.
I have heard mixed reviews on PraziPro for treatments other than flukes.

Does anyone have first-hand experience with it (and how you administered the treatment)?

No one around here has powdered form of Praziquantrel, so I am more or less curious if PraziPro is a subitable replacement to have on-hand.
Diss, I guess if the fish don't have either tape or flat worms, Prazi Pro will not work and you won't see any worms passed. I think those are the only type of worms it treats. For others, such as round worms, piperazine, levamisole, or I think Paul said panacur is what's needed.


07-18-2006, 12:57 AM
Diss, I guess if the fish don't have either tape or flat worms, Prazi Pro will not work and you won't see any worms passed. I think those are the only type of worms it treats. For others, such as round worms, piperazine, levamisole, or I think Paul said panacur is what's needed.


But has anyone sucessfully treated Tape/Flat worms with Prazi Pro?

07-18-2006, 03:34 AM
Diss, can't help on the prazipro, we don't get it over in the UK.

Just picking up on what Connie said, panacur contains Fenbendazole which will effectively treat tape, flat and round worms. Provided the fish are eating it is easy to administer, just mix the granules in some food like bh or fbw and feed.

07-18-2006, 07:32 AM
But has anyone sucessfully treated Tape/Flat worms with Prazi Pro?
Diss, I remember reading here on Simply some posts from people who said their fish expelled tape worms while using Prazi Pro. I also remember someone saying their fish expelled a whole lot of them! They were keeping a running tally... Gross! :(


07-18-2006, 08:50 PM
There was a post here with a picture of two of the worms being passed.

It might be a candidate for a sticky? If I recall it was a pretty good thread.


07-18-2006, 09:42 PM
There were one or two threads. In the medications sections they talk about using prazi but not the prazipro. That was a good article.

It would be nice to be able to test it, do a treatment a fish that is known to have worms then treat with PPro and see how effective it is compared to pure prazi.

I'll probably just stick with PPro since a few ppl have been sucessful with it. It is nice and mild and good for proactive/prevenititive treatments.

07-19-2006, 08:31 AM
01-03-2006, 10:00 PM

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Re: Prazi Pro and tapeworms..experiences

I tried the prazi pro from Hikari and some off my discus were expelling some really long white worms ,not sure if they were tape worms.I also tried the metro plus and i really liked the results from that brought a couple off fish back frorm the brink and they are doing great know.

02-04-2006, 09:31 AM

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Re: Prazi Pro and tapeworms..experiences

Well after a 95% WC last night i gave them the praziPro and within 4 hours i saw a long white thing in the bottom of the tank.

I dont think its a tapeworm tho cause it wasnt segmented like the pics of them ive seen.

It looks more like a roundworm to me from pics ive looked up but not totally sure.

It was about 2 inches long i guess and bright white and slimy!!
I pulled it out with a fish net and used my 10X loop to look at it closer and still didnt notice any segments.

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02-25-2006, 12:55 PM

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Used PRAZI Pro *gross alert*

I posted twice. Admin please remove.

Our discus seemed to be eating well and seemed to be happy but a few of them had stringy poop. We decided to treat with PRAZI Pro Liquid and were surprised at what we saw this morning:

Oooooooooo, Yuk!

02-25-2006, 01:09 PM

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Re: Used PRAZI Pro *gross alert*

Roundworms or tapeworms...hmm, I'm not positive. They are really white, but seem more smooth than segmented. Kind of hard to tell though.

He is still passing more worms, so we'll have to keep an eye on him

Diss, these are some posts directly relating to liquid Prazi Pro. Sounds like it does work. (Sorry, I don't know how to send a link to a particular thread/post. I think it can be done, though).


07-19-2006, 09:44 AM

To post a link to a thread go onto the thread, then click into the web browsers address bar and copy the url (the bit that looks like http://www.simpl.... etc) copy the whole lot, if you clickinto it once then it shold select all of it anywya. To copy press and hold the control key and then press the "C" key (Ctrl+C) then go onto your reply and paste the copied link into the reply either by right clicking and choosing paste or by pressing Ctrl+V.

Not the best explanation but hope you get the idea.

07-19-2006, 09:54 AM

To post a link to a thread go onto the thread, then click into the web browsers address bar and copy the url (the bit that looks like http://www.simpl.... etc) copy the whole lot, if you clickinto it once then it shold select all of it anywya. To copy press and hold the control key and then press the "C" key (Ctrl+C) then go onto your reply and paste the copied link into the reply either by right clicking and choosing paste or by pressing Ctrl+V.

Not the best explanation but hope you get the idea.
Thanks, Paul. Will try it. Hope Larry doesn't see this though, else he'll have a blonde joke to share and I will have to get my hammer.... :smash: :D :D


07-19-2006, 10:57 AM
Add me to the list of having good experience with PraziPro, I agree it'll only work on tape and flat worms though. I got some fish from the LFS at one time and when I used Prazi within 24 hours they were expelling tapeworms! gross!

I also know it doesn't work on round worms or those red worms. I had to go to a feed mill to get a sheep dewormer with levamisole to get rid of that :( (had some experience with some bristlenoses a year or so back having them).


07-19-2006, 12:16 PM
Thanks, Paul. Will try it. Hope Larry doesn't see this though, else he'll have a blonde joke to share and I will have to get my hammer.... :smash: :D :D


How EVER did you guess that Connie?

q~ Hmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmm Hmmmmm q~

07-19-2006, 12:34 PM
How EVER did you guess that Connie?

q~ Hmmmmmmm Hmmmmmmm Hmmmmm q~
Just BRILLIANT deduction! Where are youuuuuu.... :smash: LOL

07-19-2006, 12:36 PM
Add me to the list of having good experience with PraziPro, I agree it'll only work on tape and flat worms though. I got some fish from the LFS at one time and when I used Prazi within 24 hours they were expelling tapeworms! gross!

I also know it doesn't work on round worms or those red worms. I had to go to a feed mill to get a sheep dewormer with levamisole to get rid of that :( (had some experience with some bristlenoses a year or so back having them).

Tina, those red worms - was it Camallanus? Yuck!!!!
