View Full Version : have 2 discus, need some advice

07-27-2006, 02:08 AM
I recently got into discus keeping by rescuing 2 discus from a friend, he had them for a week but kept them with some africans, the good news is they dont seem to have any external injuries. My question is that they seem to mostly hang out towards the back of the tank and seem pretty reclusive, i know that discus do better in a group, would it be wise though to introduce more discus? these 2 dont look like they had been eating, as of now the larger one is breathing a little hard but the smaller one seems ok(aside from being skinny). I did get them to eat a little bit today, i threw in some hikari frozen blood worms and they had a couple. Would the extra company help them recover or would i just make the new guys sick? thanks for the help

07-27-2006, 10:59 AM
Can you give a little bit more info. What size tank? Any other fish in the tank with them? BB or planted tank? What type of filters? What is your temp set at? This is just a few questions that might help in getting you some answers. ;)

07-27-2006, 02:36 PM
As of now the tank is a 33 gallon long(same footprint as a 55), they are in there all alone. I have the temperature at 84, ph is 7.4, hardness is about 140 ppm. If they make it through the plan is to get a 125. I have a gravel substrate in there, and i threw in some floating plants to provide some cover. nitrates and nitrites are pretty much nonexistent.

07-27-2006, 02:48 PM
I would leave them in the 33G for just a few weeks. Treat it as if it were a quarantine tank. If they are healthy and happy after a quarantine period go ahead and get the 125 and 10 more discus.

If any of them are not adults then leave the 125 barebottom until they are all fully grown. A few floating plants should be OK and may help. Make sure you keep up with your water changes.
