View Full Version : Photography

07-29-2006, 08:23 AM
You guys I am so excited! Ok so you guys can probably tell that I love photography and you all keep telling me you like my photos. Well I get that a lot from friends and family. One of my Aunts thinks I need to open up my own business for photographing peoples kids. I liked her ideas and I have been thinking about it for a while. But the fact that I have never taken any courses in photography, and the fact that I think my pictures could be better.... has prevented me from doing anything.

Well anyways.. the hubby and I have been talking and I am planning on looking into the photography courses offered at our local CC's and colleges and I'm gonna take a course.

Also.. my birthday is coming up and hubby is going to get me some camera equipement!!!! YAY! lol We are not sure yet if we are just going to get some extra stuff for my cybershot or upgrade to a more "professional" camera all together. We are researching now and found a few that are over a grand that sound awesome! I really love my cybershot tho ya know lol.

I just had to share with you guys cause I am so excited about it! :D


07-29-2006, 11:23 AM
Sounds great, Amber...you obviously love children as well as photography so that could be a good move for you. I'm sure you'll learn a lot if you take a course or two, and also it will give you the confidence to make such a big step.


07-29-2006, 12:31 PM
If it were me I would take the class(es) first and find out exactly what to look for in a camera.

07-29-2006, 01:04 PM
Good for you Amber!:D

And I go along with what Larry said, about taking the courses first before buying a camera. Plus you might be able to pick up something from someone in your class as they upgrade too.

You do take awesome pictures and I think you'll do well with a couple of courses under your belt.

07-29-2006, 03:34 PM
I know that everywhere isn't like Mobile, Alabama, but I went to our local camera store. They have a WONDERFUL reputation. I told them that I wanted to upgrade from my antique Sony Mavica. They showed me their bottom of the line digital which was a 4 megapixel. They showed me prints of the quality photograph it could take. (I must say, I was impressed) They never showed me their cameras that were over $1,000 (the 10 ,megapixil ones). But they did show me the 8 megapixil Olympus E-500. It was $899. It came with a telephoto lens AND a wide angle lens.

The shop told me that it blew away any camera in it's price range. On top of that, the shop offers photographic classes for LIFE!!!! (Yes, the calsses include a sales pitch, but I considerd it appropriate.) I just attended the first most basic one and I learned 3 things. I can't wait to get into the more advanced stuff. My point is not to brag on my camera store, but to advise you to check with your local camera stores and see what they offer.

I know that I haven't posted many pics. I've been so busy at work. When I get some spare time to sit down in front of the computer and work with pics, I will.


07-29-2006, 03:40 PM
I say go for it why not do some thing you love doing and make money at the same time.;)