View Full Version : My Fishing trip

07-31-2006, 09:10 AM
OK guys, Being a teacher......really I am...I have the summer off!!! so a few fishing trips are in order. I took the camera with me (specially for Marie) to give you some idea of what it is like in one of my favorite places.

Its about a 40ft drop to the water, and catching fish here is fun!!!
This place is called 'Winspit' its on the south west coast of the UK in what is called the Jurassic Coast. Between Swanage and Weymouth. Hope you like them, I am the one in a white shirt looking at my rod tip, waiting for a monster...which never came !!


07-31-2006, 09:13 AM
next one

07-31-2006, 09:36 AM
It looks very beautiful there! Cool shots :)


07-31-2006, 09:47 AM
Thanks Amber, it is a beautiful place, so calming


07-31-2006, 10:16 AM
So you have to haul your catch up 40 feet of rock? Or are you closer to the water?
That is some rugged looking beautiful cliffs!

07-31-2006, 01:27 PM
Wow that really looks peaceful!!

07-31-2006, 03:34 PM
interesting perspective of how other's fish. I used to do cliff fishing in HI. We never had those pole holders. We used short metal spikes and stuck in the holes that formed in the lava rock. now I wanna see pics of your fish!!

08-01-2006, 03:05 AM
Looks relaxing Steve. What were you fishing for, cod or some sort of bottomfish?

08-01-2006, 10:44 AM
I took the camera with me (specially for Marie) to give you some idea of what it is like in one of my favorite places.


aww....thanks Steve! I missed this I am sorry ~ beautiful pictures....just build me a house right there man! So what did ya catch? Or did you say and I missed that part? lol!!

I bet you didnt wanna leave huh Steve? Talk about Peace Of Mind~

Thank You:)

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

08-01-2006, 11:33 AM
What a gorgeous place to fish! I can see why you like it, Steve. Is it a long drive from your home? I think I'd spend a lot of time just sitting there and enjoying the tranquility of it all.

So did you catch any fish or just look like it? :D

Thanks for the pictures. Are there more????


08-01-2006, 11:57 AM
Thanks for all the interest guys,

Wolf, yes, you have to haul them up the full 40ft, believe me it's not easy. I missed a huge Tope here last year, it was about 4-5ft long, but my line got caught in the rocks below and I had to snap it off :(

Cobalt, I was fishing for Black Bream, I have had some good specimin fish here before , about 3lb in weight, really good to eat too, I have had as I said a Tope here, some spotted rays, thornbacks and Undulate rays here too.
Last week when I took these photos I was after Bream, but never had any. I did though have a couple of huge bites that nearly took my rod in. I think that they must have been Bass (English type) as they hit so hard, but I missed them!!!:mad:

Marie, unfortunatly there is no chance of building a house here as the coast here is a world heritage site. They call it the Jurassic Coast. There is a place very near here called Bournmouth, all the filthy rich old Londoners sell up and go to live there, they push up the house prices and most property there will cost you in excess of £300,000 (not sure of how many dollars that is) not for the common people like me :D

Kathi, I guess this place is about 3/4 of an hour from where I live, on the way there is a village I have to drive through called Corfe, it has a magnificent old castle there, I'll try to find a photo of it to post, there is so much history here it would amaze you.


08-01-2006, 12:44 PM
Here is Corfe Castle I mentioned Kathi

08-01-2006, 01:21 PM
Wow, a castle AND a rainbow! More pics pls!

08-01-2006, 01:32 PM
Gorgeous! Thank you for the extra picture, Steve! I love England. First time I was there was in 1971 (I was just an infant, but I remember it well)! We spent a week in London and took trips out to Stonehedge, to see castles and cathedrals and one day our bus broke down in a town called Lower Wallop (I think). It was like from out of a storybook, so pristine and quaint and perfect. Made me want to stay forever.


08-01-2006, 01:48 PM
That is so cool Steve! I love castles!!!!


08-02-2006, 12:35 PM
Oh yes Kathi, I know roughly where Lower Wallop is, I have never heard 'StoneHenge' called Stone 'Hedge' before :D :D :D , what a laugh :D :D :D it is only 3/4 of an hour away. There are many castles in this area, as I said, lots of history.


08-02-2006, 02:26 PM
That must be nice to live in an area like that! I would love it:)

08-03-2006, 07:17 AM
TJ, it is nice, but expensive to live here in the UK, house prices are a real killer.:mad:

08-03-2006, 07:40 AM
I have never heard 'StoneHenge' called Stone 'Hedge' before :D :D :D , what a laugh :D :D :D it is only 3/4 of an hour away. There are many castles in this area, as I said, lots of history.


ah, well, that's the AMERICANIZED version of StoneHenge! :p Ok, so it's been a long time!

So you know where Lower Wallop is. Wow, how funny is that. (Almost as funny ast stonehedge, right?!)

When we were there you could walk right up to the stones. I've heard now they're roped off and you can only get so far. Is that right?

08-03-2006, 07:59 AM
Yes, :mad: you are right, they were worried that with everyone walking round them that they might decide to topple over!!:confused: I mean, they have been there for thousands of years!!!
There was also a problem with Moles, apparently there were so many of them that the fear was that they too would undermine the stones causing a fall. I guess they got a man in to get rid of them.

There is a big drive now to make a huge visitors centre there, but no-one can make their minds up on how it should be made as not to upset the look of the location.
I was also a small lad in the early seventies, and I have run around the stones before, it really is quite a place.


08-03-2006, 05:11 PM
Oh, thanks for posting the picture. Brings back lots of memories. What a really cool place.


08-03-2006, 05:17 PM
Wow great pic Steve!! Do you know the history behind StoneHedge?



08-03-2006, 05:22 PM
Looks like you missed Steve, Marie. If I remember correctly (the key word here is "correctly"), these stones were moved here hundreds of miles by some ancient civilization that they have no information on where they came from, why they did it or what happened to them. Some theorize it's a great big sundial, others say maybe some type of pagan ritual place, etc. But I don't think they've ever come up with an answer.

08-04-2006, 08:49 AM
Ok, I'm back,

I do know that the huge 'blue stones' were taken from a quarry in South Wales, I saw a programme on Discovery where they tried to follow the route over sea and land to get into the middle of no-where that is STONEHENGE..correct spelling :D :D


08-04-2006, 10:27 AM
Ok, I'm back,

I do know that the huge 'blue stones' were taken from a quarry in South Wales, I saw a programme on Discovery where they tried to follow the route over sea and land to get into the middle of no-where that is STONEHENGE..correct spelling :D :D

Do you know if they are still researching that or have they just kind of given up on trying to figure out how they got them there, who it was, etc.?

Such a mystery!

08-04-2006, 10:52 AM
Now let me seeeee..............:confused: Urmmmmmmmm ??? :D

Still a mystery, but there are always people here researching the origins of the site. There are lots of websites that explain more than I ever could.


08-04-2006, 11:01 AM
Oh, duh, sorry for my stupidity! I'll Google it and see what's the latest on research. Thanks, Steve!

08-05-2006, 07:36 AM
It's ok Kathi, I know some stuff, but I do not profess to be a walking encyclopeidia (probably spelt that wrong!!) :D
