View Full Version : Question about sand???

08-06-2006, 10:42 AM
Hello everyone,
Ooh & hi Marie, I never spoke to you personally but I alway's read all of your threads. You come up with some of the most interesting topics. You are the one that brings up the topics most of us are thinking about, but afraid to ask;) I look every day to see what you are going to post today:D :D .
So here goes a question to all. I currently have a 55 gallon tank with very small white rocks on the bottom. Like larry and paul say I should take out the rocks and make it BB. I am in the process right now of setting up a 46 gallon to put my juvies in by themselves that will BB only. I will put a few plants for them but that is about it. I plan to just feed the heck out of them and do massive water changes everyday. That will leave 3 discus in my 55 gallon 2 of them are about 5 inches and the other is about 7.5 to 8 inches. I am not exactly sure. Still do 50% water changes everyday or every other day. I figure with the bigger discus in this tank I can manage it better especially without the babies in there. I really want to keep the 55 as my show tank but I want to take out the rocks and put white freshwater safe sand in. How do you vacuem sand with out it going into the tube and especially in my filter? I see people here talking about different types of substrate. Planted tanks, Marie you just got some type of sand I am not sure of. SO how are you all doing this? Thanks, sorry for the long winded thread!!:o :o

08-06-2006, 11:43 AM
Hello everyone,
Ooh & hi Marie, I never spoke to you personally but I alway's read all of your threads. You come up with some of the most interesting topics. You are the one that brings up the topics most of us are thinking about, but afraid to ask;) I look every day to see what you are going to post today:D :D .

Wow ~ umm... If I have a question I just put it out there if it bugs you skip it IMO ~ but I am glad to hear that some of what I post helps others as so many have been here to help me ~

Thank you for your words! I so forgot your name ~ forgive me:o I wanna say Liz but....at any rate ~ I have always wanted really really white sand in my tanks with some sea shells sprinkled all over ~ So I did ~ and I loved it!

For about a month:( Cuz It made all my discus appear washed out! They tend to pick up the color of their surroundings and I swear they all turned pastel! It was a trip! I did not like it ~ So I went to the typical beach sand which I loved! I am so fickle tho as I just changed again to the Soil Master ~ I am sure you have seen THAT thread? lol!!! I love that most and will stick with that....

for today:)

I love that 'red' look in the tanks ~ I will post some pics soon as my work slows down a bit ~ When I used sand of any type make sure it is Silica Sand I think...find my thread on it ~ and I only used like an inch or a little more due to the worry of aerobic pockets that can happen under the sand ~ there are some that just skim the surface when doing a wc and then stir up the sand more so once a week to do a more thorough job ~ but I stirred it up at every wc as it wld bug me if I didnt ~ the more you use the more you must take out when you change your mind:D It really is easy to clean IMO ~ I just skim the surface and get all that first and then swirl some in the syphon and shake it back out ~ if you actually suck some up ~ no matter ...unless you plug up the plumbing ...well then ya got a prob! oops! lol!!

How many juvies are going to go in your 46gal? Have we seen YOUR pictures yet?? Would love to when you get a chance!

I hope I helped you a little bit ~ let me know!!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_1_18.gif

08-06-2006, 11:50 AM
Marie actually answered your question pretty well IMO. While I am not a big fan of sand, for me it's mainly because I'm also a plant geek so the neccessary thin layer just doesn't work well for me. Yes, use only silica sand, since it is basically inert in water. Some people have problems with it in their filters and sucking it up during wc's, some don't. <shrug>

btw do NOT use Heavens To Betsy shells in your discus aquarium

08-06-2006, 12:28 PM
Hi Marie & Hi Larry:)
Thanks for the reply;). Quick question, Will the discus eat the sand since they like to blow on the bottom to pick up there food? I am going to definitely switch to the sand though, I made up my mind. I think I know what you are talking about as far as skimming the top first. I will get the silica like you suggest. I have 4 Juvies to put in the 46 gallon. So 7 total in my 55 gallon right now is way to much. I also have 2 baby german blue rams & 2 bottom feeders. The juvies are pigglets and pooping machines. So I need to get them out. Thanks to Larry & Paul they helped me get all my fish back to amazing health. Marie, I have a thread regarding white stuff in the nostrals from I think June. Also, I posted my Leopard in the discus university. These are the only pictures I have posted for now. When I get the sand in I will post some pictures again. Only be ready, I do not have a typical discus looking tank. Ask Larry, he will tell you:D :D. My tank is set up to look like a saltwater tank. I know, don't ask. I plan to change it again real soon. I just need to save some more funds. I want a nice piece of driftwood in the middle with the sand on the bottom and a few plants and thats about it.
Thanks fo reading and the reply. I look forward to reading more of your threads. Ok wait one picture from a few weeks ago;)


08-06-2006, 12:32 PM
Sorry guy's I dont know what I did to that picture YUK!!! I will post some again when get the sand in.
Larry, I just got what you meant about the heavens to betsy shells......LOL LOL. You have to admit marie he is funny!!!


08-06-2006, 12:40 PM
Itz just like King Kong Size thatz all!! No big deal Teresa!! All in good time;) I do remember talking with you re your ill discus! Yes!! Thanks for that memory kicker ~ I am old:o So they are doing better and all made it? HTB I hope so!

I think I have that same coral as you have in your tank woman! I have so much extra sand....I got it at Home Depot for like 2.99 a bag Teresa ~ it said Monterey Beach Sand ~ you shld check out that Soil Master tho ....

Ya might like it better............ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/23/23_29_121.gif

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

08-06-2006, 12:48 PM
All my fish are doing great!!! I am extremely happy at the moment. We will see what happens when I take out the babies and put them in a new tank.
Where do you get the soil master? Home Depot as well? Thats funny you have some of the same coral as me. Are you still using it?

08-06-2006, 04:34 PM
I made your photo a bit smaller and more to the point

08-06-2006, 08:20 PM
Thanks Larry :) Will the sand with silica in it make it easier to vacuem? Is that why you say to use that kind?

08-06-2006, 08:29 PM
Thanks Larry :) Will the sand with silica in it make it easier to vacuem? Is that why you say to use that kind?

No, I said to use silica sand because it's inert and wont change your already hard water into even harder water. As far as vacuuming it, as I said, some people have no problems, some people do.

08-06-2006, 08:41 PM
OOooop's sorry Larry, I missed that in the previous message:o .

08-07-2006, 06:52 PM
How is it going Teresa? Did ya get your sand yet?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/16/16_4_10.gif

White Worm
08-07-2006, 09:22 PM
I did!!!! Love it!!

08-07-2006, 09:26 PM
You did.......what? Oh..add sand? oops......long last four days:o Well letz see pics somewhere soon!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

08-14-2006, 02:56 PM
I have sand in all of my tanks. I used to like the black sand, but it was so fine it vacuumed up too easily, but it does look great. I switched to the pool filter sand at Home Depot, which is a courser grain. It is white and easy to clean, plus it does show off the colors of the fish best. My advice as stated earlier is to find a courser grained, silica sand and you'll be happy.

08-14-2006, 06:10 PM
Hi Marie,

No, I did not get sand as of yet. It is a project I am about to do. I just put all my Juvies in a 46 gallon tank and got that set up. I have been concentrating on that for right now. Last time I moved my fish I had one problem after another as some of you might remember. So far all fish are doing great!!! I think my bigger ones kind of miss the little guy's. I have 3, 5 to 6 inch and one 8 inch in the 55 with two rams and two bottom feeders. I am ready to put the sand in now:D :D I will look for the sand you all suggested. I will keep you all posted

