View Full Version : im building racks : )

08-07-2006, 06:21 PM
ok..so im attempting building my own racks..in my kitchen. the stove goes. forget cooking..im building it 8 feet long on one wall..convenient that i chose blue wallpaper..i had a dream..lol. i have two 60 gallon plexis and one 55. and..one 40 gallon plexi for a sump type filter the 55 has an overflow box that will go down into that.
i still have two 100 plexis..with stands.
so..wish me luck..got the materials..im ready to cut. : )
if i look pathetic..maybe ill get some help..from Jason. lol. in the meantime.im copying his racks. so far his havent sank through the floor..so this is a good sign..as we have the same floors in the same building. maybe one whole end of the commercial building will sag..or plummet into the ground like the titanic. its about 90 years old this building..lol.
i have to get this built as my new fish are coming. : )

08-07-2006, 06:39 PM
i have to get this built as my new fish are coming. : )

HTB April! New fish? From? What kind and how many and when! Any Pink Bulldogs? Racks for how many tanks ...? How exciting!


Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

08-07-2006, 07:02 PM
4 tanks for now. three for fish..and one for water coming from the overflow and back up.
i dont know what im getting..and how many..think i ordered 16 . and..maybe more..hmmm..thinking..7 more..and maybe some tiny fry if im lucky.
boring colours..like rt, cobalt, scorpion pigeon, red fineline snakeskin and dont remember. oh red diamond turqs.

08-07-2006, 07:14 PM
then..after that..im building a puppy pen around it..for puppies. oh i also took a kitchen cabinet out. cut the counter on the end..now i have another wall for the fridge and water cooler. :)
as long as i have my toaster..microwave and a convection oven on the counter..im set. as some know..theres only one food needed to survive..tomato on toast. : )

08-07-2006, 07:16 PM
4 tanks for now. three for fish..and one for water coming from the overflow and back up.
i dont know what im getting..and how many..think i ordered 16 . and..maybe more..hmmm..thinking..7 more..and maybe some tiny fry if im lucky.

...and some fry? Do take some pictures April!

boring colours..like rt, cobalt, scorpion pigeon, red fineline snakeskin and dont remember. oh red diamond turqs.

uh huh ~ I'm not seeing a Pink Bulldog in there April....

08-07-2006, 07:33 PM
ok..so im attempting building my own racks..in my kitchen. the stove goes. forget cooking..

oh i also took a kitchen cabinet out. cut the counter on the end..now i have another wall for the fridge and water cooler. :)
as long as i have my toaster..microwave and a convection oven on the counter..im set. as some know..theres only one food needed to survive..tomato on toast.

HOLY CRAP PRILLY!!:D LMAO!!:D Only you would tear out a perfectly good kitchen to set up a fishroom!!

Sweet jesus....Beth just read this, and as she was reading....she just kept glancing over into the kitchen...and then walked away grinning...:D

Damn you Prilly...:(


08-07-2006, 08:12 PM
HOLY CRAP PRILLY!!:D LMAO!!:D Only you would tear out a perfectly good kitchen to set up a fishroom!!

Sweet jesus....Beth just read this, and as she was reading....she just kept glancing over into the kitchen...and then walked away grinning...:D

Damn you Prilly...:(


Ahem! I do believe you meant "Heavens To Betsy Prilly", yes Tony?

Let's see the plans for your rack. Also do you know which way the floor joists run under that wall?

08-07-2006, 11:03 PM
yes i do know which way they run larry..its hardwood flooring..which runs the same way as the wall..so the joists go the opposite way. : ) its old flooring..so its thick..i was told by a flooring man..that its all good as long as against a wall..and running the same way as the floor boards.
besides..1000 pounds is no different than 5 ..200 pound people admiring a painting on a wall..all in a tight group. : )
besides..jason built long ones..and his floors still standing. : )
i want pics tony..of your kitchen before and after..theres reasons theres walls...get rid of the crap and run racks. : )

08-07-2006, 11:57 PM
Yep! As long as the rack is going across the joists, no problems. Looks like you have it all figured out :-)

08-08-2006, 01:15 AM
Hello April, Good luck with your project.


08-08-2006, 09:49 AM
Hi April,
That sounds like my place. I have one kitchen counter taken up completely with two tanks, and 5 more tanks line the livingroom walls. I like to keep my fish where I can watch them all day long.
I do have plans for a fishroom in a second bedroom but I don't know if I'll like not being surrounded by discus. I'll have to keep a few faves out here with me, lol. Good luck with your rack.


08-08-2006, 10:44 AM
Sounds like you are in for a fun time :) Makes perfect sense to me, so long as you have a ketle, fridge and microwave what else do you need?? Perfect use for a kitchen imo :D

Hope it all goes well,

08-08-2006, 12:35 PM
Sounds like fun April. I'm not for sure on the tomato and toast thing but how about avocado and toast. (thats what Andrew likes) Have fun with your project. Got any pics of the new area under construction?

08-08-2006, 01:06 PM
Good luck April. I like toast, Canadian Cheddar and tomato. In that order.

08-08-2006, 04:53 PM
Good luck April. I like toast, Canadian Cheddar and tomato. In that order.
Yup, gotta be better than avocado yuk!:vomit:

08-08-2006, 07:17 PM
HTB April!

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_4_11.gif

It actually took me 10 seconds to figure out what that meant!

<------------- Senility is a terrible thing to see

... did I just say something?

08-08-2006, 07:22 PM
Hi April,
That sounds like my place. I have one kitchen counter taken up completely with two tanks, and 5 more tanks line the livingroom walls. I like to keep my fish where I can watch them all day long.
I do have plans for a fishroom in a second bedroom but I don't know if I'll like not being surrounded by discus. I'll have to keep a few faves out here with me, lol. Good luck with your rack.


I agree Kacey!!! HTB! A fishroom wld be nice but then what .....sit in there all day? I like fish tanks throught the house ~ I have three in my face in my office here....and a big one in the family room!

How are your discus?

Marie ~ http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/29/29_2_15.gif

08-08-2006, 07:22 PM
Sounds like fun April. I'm not for sure on the tomato and toast thing but how about avocado and toast. (thats what Andrew likes) Have fun with your project. Got any pics of the new area under construction?

I knew there was a reason I like Andrew!

<------ LOVES Haas avacados

Paul you need new taste buds, or to try California avacados

08-08-2006, 09:14 PM
i like avacados..but not sure on toast..just in the peel with salt.
i wouldnt like a fishroom or shed..id never want to go out there..my "kitchen" is in the back of my shop. i also have two tanks in the shop where i work and customers see them swimming about. the other ones..wag their tails at me when i go by to the washroom or putting dogs out. but all on one neat wall will be a treat for me..i used to have some upstairs..some down..spread about..hard to do more than one at a time..due to major floods..this way i can move along..and do it all in one shot. : )
i may even redo my plumbing..to my kitchen sink and drain..so its permanent.
i tried to eliminate one dog tub..already..and make a wall..but i came to the conclusion..i need my washer and dryer..and it had to be there. those..i couldnt sacrifice. cabinets..and stoves i can.