View Full Version : eggs

08-08-2006, 09:24 PM
:confused: My female lays eggs and the male just eats the eggs. He neve fertlisez them?

08-08-2006, 10:56 PM
Join the club ......... lol

Im chalking mine up to young inexperienced pairs going through the motions till they get it right ........... which is pretty much what it is im sure.

I have another pair out of the same group i grew out that did look like the male made runs to fertilize but all eggs turned white and then they both ate them.

If the female is only dropping a couple eggs on each run i would assume thats due to being young. They will drop more eggs each time they lay and then the male will fertilize ..... or at least make his runs.

At least thats my theory at the moment ....... lol.

Keep us updated so us new to having eggs in the tank can learn together.

Heres my thread on my turks entire history.


And here is my thread i posted a week or so ago when they 1st started laying.


08-09-2006, 09:48 PM
she lays alot of eggs. the male just eats them as fast as thay cum out. maybey he is not a male, onley time will tell...