View Full Version : I'm Disappointed

08-13-2006, 11:17 AM
Hi Everyone.....

For those of you that know me........ I've been here for as long as this forum has existed, was a moderator at one time as well...... I even met the love of my life here and married him. It's always been a FAMILY ORIENTED FORUM...... The forum here has always banned people that were here just to stir ******!....... Yeah.... I said it.... *******! :p

Getting to the point here .... I've noticed one member here being gradually forced out by quite a few people.... I think for those of you that this pertains to "you all know who you are" should quit being so petty......

I hope you don't treat all of your "FAMILY MEMBERS" that way...... if you do..... shame on you :p

Mrs Tony_S .... aka Beth .... aka Beth_A .... aka Beth_S

08-13-2006, 11:49 AM
YOU GO, Girl! I, too, am disappointed in what appears to have become something akin to a "police state" around here. Good grief. I've seen other people use words that KIDS also use, too -- crap, for one. Why are you singling out ONE person? What is your agenda here? To alienate a lot of people? Because if you that is your goal, you're achieving it quite quickly.

Ok, so now I suppose I'm banned, too.

So much for a free country.


08-13-2006, 12:29 PM
First off I have no clue who you are talking about, but to make one observation.

Since when was this a 'family site' and we have to treat all of the members here like 'family'? If one person feels ostracized that is most likely the result of THEIR behavior and THEY should correct THEIR behavior NOT the other way around.
Personally I don’t see how taking 2min to register on SD.com should automatically make them a member of my ‘family’, or even a distant relative that needs to be treated differently than anyone else.

If someone is being a jerk (or whatever) why should the majority be forced to accept them because they are ‘family’?

That aside I really don’t see what you are talking about. I read the majority of the threads here and don’t see anyone being treated with less respect than the next, maybe you have some insight/communication with the person, or perhaps your ‘family’ member is being overly sensitive to his/her situation.

08-13-2006, 12:35 PM
I just read this thread, turned to John and said, "There's a fight on Simply". He said, "Between you and who?". For once I was able to answer honestly that not only am I not involved, I have no idea of what is going on. What a relief.

What ever it is guys, I do hope it is resolved happily. This is a nice place. Yeah, there are a couple of people who are banned here who I wish weren't. (And one of them IS a shittums stirrer) But oh well, on the whole this place does a lot more good than harm so lets not screw up a good thing.

Roger Huey
08-13-2006, 12:39 PM
Hi Liz, Glad to see that you are still out there.You probably dont remember me but I have purchased great discus from you when you were in MS.We never met because they were shipped.If you get into breeding again or have somethings available let me know

Roher Huey in Tupelo MS

08-13-2006, 12:42 PM
Oh well, I checked the other threads and at least know now what's going on. I don't remember ever having read the thread in question so actually I'm not much more enlightened that I was before.

08-13-2006, 12:55 PM
First off I have no clue who you are talking about, but to make one observation.

Since when was this a 'family site' and we have to treat all of the members here like 'family'? If one person feels ostracized that is most likely the result of THEIR behavior and THEY should correct THEIR behavior NOT the other way around.
Personally I don’t see how taking 2min to register on SD.com should automatically make them a member of my ‘family’, or even a distant relative that needs to be treated differently than anyone else.

If someone is being a jerk (or whatever) why should the majority be forced to accept them because they are ‘family’?

That aside I really don’t see what you are talking about. I read the majority of the threads here and don’t see anyone being treated with less respect than the next, maybe you have some insight/communication with the person, or perhaps your ‘family’ member is being overly sensitive to his/her situation.

First off ....... this site has strived from the very beginning to be a FAMILY ORIENTED SITE........ They're are young and old alike that frequent this site because of it......... look at the membership numbers here.... you don't have to treat every member here like your own family but respecting one another is just COMMON COURTESY.....

like I said before.... It's always been a FAMILY ORIENTED FORUM...... The forum here has always banned people that were here just to stir Shittums!....... Yeah.... I said it.... *******!

maybe you have some insight/communication with the person
some insight yes....... direct communication... no


08-13-2006, 01:01 PM
Ok, I was never a fan of "*****-footing around." I don't want to talk around an issue, I want it out in the open. So here it is.

SOME people here are complaining about the use of certain words to display frustration. SOME moderators are jumping at their complaints and threatening them with being banned.

The word(s) used is an adaptation of a real word used by many people and also one that offends many people. However, I would also add that any kid that can type on a computer has probably used this word (or much worse) MANY TIMES.

Now I can name names, but I won't. But why must we be so scrutinizing about the use of one stinkin word???? If you're offended by it, don't read that person's post!

08-13-2006, 01:02 PM
EXCUSE ME, profanity editor, but the word I used was not profanity. The word I referred to was a form of the word "cat" and in the context I used it, it meant side stepping the issue, NOT PROFANITY!!!


08-13-2006, 01:09 PM
I agree that to keep this place somewhere I want to visit, keeping the vulgar language to a minimum is necessary for me. That said, shitttums is not one of them!! I have seen folks use F****** a bit, and if it bothered me, I posted that I thought it wasnt called for. But more than vulgar words... I think disrespect is more of a forum killer than anything!!!

Sure, there have been those that fight a bit. But some topics get hot and ruffled feathers are expected. When it gets too bad for too long, a mod steps in and threatens to lock the thread or DOES lock it. And life goes on. That is what makes this place so great!!!

I expect different opinions here to be voiced. If everyone thought the same then why have the forum? I havent found anything obnoxious here.

Most kids that are here, (I think 14 is the youngest?) have heard alot of words worse than those typed here. It isnt often at all we get the 4 letter words. We ARE talking fish here. Not politics or Religion or sex.

Why not PM the person if you cant take it? Why involve a mod? why go after a person you dont like? why not just NOT READ their thread or comments? Maybe we should be able to BLOCK a typist we dont like?

I have been running a chat room on a server since 1998 and I have seen it all. The complainers are MUCH worse than the abusers in cases like this.

There is an answer to all this. If you dont like certain folks that much, just hit


ANd that is my 2 cents. If it offends you, then tuff.

08-13-2006, 01:17 PM
Hi Liz, Glad to see that you are still out there.You probably dont remember me but I have purchased great discus from you when you were in MS.We never met because they were shipped.If you get into breeding again or have somethings available let me know

Roher Huey in Tupelo MS

Roger, How cool for you to pop up in the middle of a fight and say "Hi" to me! Yes, I rememeber you. I always thought that it was too bad that you weren't able to come pick out your own fish. I didn't know that you were so happy with what you got that you noticed me here! I'll PM you.

08-13-2006, 01:19 PM
Hi Everyone.....

For those of you that know me........ I've been here for as long as this forum has existed, was a moderator at one time as well...... I even met the love of my life here and married him. It's always been a FAMILY ORIENTED FORUM...... The forum here has always banned people that were here just to stir *******!....... Yeah.... I said it.... *******! :p

Getting to the point here .... I've noticed one member here being gradually forced out by quite a few people.... I think for those of you that this pertains to "you all know who you are" should quit being so petty......

I hope you don't treat all of your "FAMILY MEMBERS" that way...... if you do..... shame on you :p

Mrs Tony_S .... aka Beth .... aka Beth_A .... aka Beth_S

Well said Beth! And I agree with you 100%

08-13-2006, 01:19 PM
Beth - ****** - Really???

Now that word should really cause someone to be banned. ;)

Seriously, it actually should. I find it more offensive than dayum, and way worse than F***ing.


ps - who are we talking about here?

08-13-2006, 01:24 PM
Wait a minute. For one thing, this post does not belong on the General board, it belongs in "You Talking to Me." That's where it will be moved.

People should really get a whole story before they start jumping to their conclusions.

I activated the censor here on the board because of an argument that Tony and a newbie got into last week. Several cuss words were thrown around. Tony knows that this isn't appreciated but no matter how many times he gets a PM about language he will continue to use it. That's because he's Tony and it's what he does. I am sick and tired of watching people here throw around profanity. If you cannot discuss a fish hobby without using colorful language, you really do need some help. There are thousands and thousands of words in the English language. If you have to resort to swear words, you should probably spend a little time brushing up on your vocabulary.

When I started adding words to the censor list, I decided that it would have to include everything I could think of. So I just put in the words that I personally don't want to see here. I might have overlooked a few and left some out. Trust me, as people use them and I see that they're not on the censor list, I will be adding them.

Sh*tums was added to that list because it's obviously a form of sh*t... and if I'm not going to let Tony say sh*t, then I'm not going to let people say sh*tums. That wouldn't be fair. Anyone can tack a few extra letters onto a cuss word to get past the censor, but anyone with half a brain knows what that word is MEANT to be and then we're right back where we started on the whole profanity issue.

This is nothing new. Moderators are here to censor things that get out of line. They may not tackle every post, but they call them where they see them. People have been complaining that the editing of bad words here is inconsistent. I am sick of hearing, "You edited this person, but not this person." So to make it fair across the board, I will let the censorship option of the forum do it for me. The board cannot pick favorites and the board treats everyone equally.

For those that have concerns, you are free to contact me. It's funny, though... none of you have. You should never assume anything. No one here is being singled out, at least not by the mods and admins.

As far as what goes on between regular posters on this board, that is not my concern. With 7,000 members, everyone isn't going to love everyone else. You will have conflicting personalities and people who do not get along. This is nothing new.

My suggestion is that if you do not care for someone, you add them to your Ignore list. It's a very easy thing to do, it's reversible, and it's the quickest and most effective solution to a problem with a poster here. By adding a person to your Ignore list, it makes all of their posts and PMs invisible. In essence, it's like they're not even here. Rather than trying to "run" someone off the forum, just add them to your Ignore list and they will disappear.

To do this:

1. Click on USER CP.
2. Scroll down to BUDDY / IGNORE LISTS
3. Add the person's username to the IGNORE LIST.
4. Click the "UPDATE IGNORE LIST" button.

That's all there is to it. You can remove them at a later date if you want to. I have suggested this to multiple people, but I see that no one is using it. Why not? If you dislike a person so much, why do you want to continue reading their posts and watching their every move? It tells me that a lot of people here are just anxious to stir the pot.

I don't want any more discussion on the board about this crap. And no, crap is not a traditional swear word, so the censor isn't going to catch it. If people have a concern, you can send me a message.


08-13-2006, 01:24 PM
First off I have no clue who you are talking about, but to make one observation.

Since when was this a 'family site' and we have to treat all of the members here like 'family'? If one person feels ostracized that is most likely the result of THEIR behavior and THEY should correct THEIR behavior NOT the other way around.
Personally I don’t see how taking 2min to register on SD.com should automatically make them a member of my ‘family’, or even a distant relative that needs to be treated differently than anyone else.

If someone is being a jerk (or whatever) why should the majority be forced to accept them because they are ‘family’?

That aside I really don’t see what you are talking about. I read the majority of the threads here and don’t see anyone being treated with less respect than the next, maybe you have some insight/communication with the person, or perhaps your ‘family’ member is being overly sensitive to his/her situation.

Come to my house and I'll give you a dollar, perhaps you can buy a clue with it.


08-13-2006, 01:25 PM
Final Word on this Ladies and Gents:

We do strive to keep this a family oriented site. Plain and simple. That means if people are offended by the use of what can be construed as profanity it will be removed and the offender(s) warned then banned if it continues.

As far as forcing people off the board, it will never happen unless that person is violating site policy and continuing to do so after being warned about it. As long as members are posting within site policy, they are and always will be, welcome members of our community.

As far as I am aware there are no "Plots" against anyone here. I understand from others that there is some sort of friction between members here. To the people involved: Take it to PM or Off the Board Completely. We don't want it here, period. If we have to, you'll be gone. We'd regret doing it, but we will if we have to keep the peace.

As far as the rest of this goes, I'd also appreciate someone taking the time to PM me and give me an update as to who is messing with who or whatever the nonsense is so the appropriate steps can be taken. I personally am not interested in reading about it on a thread. This is a Discus site...

Thank you,
The Simply Discus.com Team

PS: Allow me to take off my Moderator hat for a moment here;
I'd really appreciate everyone taking a step back from their agendas and take the time to look at what they are doing and why. I'd personally appreciate a little more fish talk and a little less nonsense. Especially with things about Al being the way they are. Give the Boss and the rest of us a break will you? It would really be tragic to loose people around here because we can't act like grownups who share a common interest/love/obsession.
Thanks- RandalB

08-13-2006, 01:30 PM
EXCUSE ME, profanity editor, but the word I used was not profanity. The word I referred to was a form of the word "cat" and in the context I used it, it meant side stepping the issue, NOT PROFANITY!!!


It is not getting out of hand. Like I said in my previous post, I put in a list of words that could potentially be used in a derogatory way, and the board censors them out of every post. This is not done manually by anyone, it's done automatically by the software here. The board does not pick and choose what gets allowed, it doesn't go by context clues to determine whether or not the word is being used in an acceptable way or a derogatory way. So the best thing to do is just avoid using words that the board may flag as inappropriate.

Simply has been around for 5 years and I have never used the Censor feature. It's always been a part of the board, but I always disabled it. In the last few weeks, I've seen a lot of colorful language being thrown around. People have repeatedly been asked to cool it and stop with the language, but we were ignored. I was sick of watching mods have to lock threads because people couldn't follow a simple set of rules. After Tony and that newbie tied into it a week or two ago, I decided that I was sick and tired of dealing with those threads on an almost daily basis, and I enabled the Censorship filter.

People are quick to complain about something, but everyone quickly forgets that it wouldn't be an issue if everyone could just follow simple rules in the first place.


08-13-2006, 01:32 PM

If you can't abide by the rules set by admin and moderators then you should be banned! Just because you have racked up 4000+ posts in <12 months and there are a handful of people that agree should not make you immune to the rules.

Fine just give one ‘special’ person a free pass to break these rules, is that fair. I have plenty of adjectives that I can use to represent frustration, surprise, amazement, etc with out having to resort to profanity or making up a word that is the same.

I personally am not offended with profanity, I have one of the dirtiest mouths you will ever know. However I can refrain from resorting to that in public settings like everyone here should be expected to. If people are being offended then moderators SHOULD step in and ask that person to refrain, is the person does not wish to comply then go find the ban button and let them know you are serious.

Any the analogy of a "police state", get real. The admin and mods here are not the Gestapo like you want people to think so you can get sympathy to support your side of the argument. Just because kids use some of the words you mention does that make them appropriate for these forums?

As far as one person being singled out I will go back to my original statement:

If one person feels ostracized that is most likely the result of THEIR behavior and THEY should correct THEIR behavior NOT the other way around.

Are there other people using profane words on a regular basis and moderators are looking the other way? So the only reason one person is being “singled out” is because they are the only person who feels that they have the right to ignore the rules set up to make this more of a ‘Family Site’.

White Worm
08-13-2006, 01:40 PM
Very cool Ryan. I think it is fair. Why allow one or two people to go around the rule. Their are plenty of words that can be used instead of the bad ones. Easy solution...Go to another site if ya dont like the rules here, lol. Just because you add #&^**** or a couple letters to a word, it is still the word we know. Admin and the mods have been chosen to do their job and they are directed by the almight Al and if ya cant follow the rules, there is always other discus forums that allow that stuff. I've been guilty at times and I've received a couple warnings but as long as you heed the warnings, you shouldnt have any problems (its not rocket science). Do you use that mouth around your kids and parents? I think not because it is disrespectful, right? JMO
Diss...I agree.

08-13-2006, 01:42 PM
Beth - *******- Really???

Now that word should really cause someone to be banned. ;)

Seriously, it actually should. I find it more offensive than dayum, and way worse than F***ing.


Mat, You are my "wittisism hero". (everyone has one, you know) If I could be half as witty as you I'd be my own hero. Liz

08-13-2006, 02:08 PM
OK guys........

let me clarify a little better....... this thread was not about profanity.

It's about a handful of members here singling out one person and forcing them out or away simply because they don't care for her or the way she posts.......

like Ryan said....

My suggestion is that if you do not care for someone, you add them to your Ignore list. It's a very easy thing to do, it's reversible, and it's the quickest and most effective solution to a problem with a poster here. By adding a person to your Ignore list, it makes all of their posts and PMs invisible. In essence, it's like they're not even here. Rather than trying to "run" someone off the forum, just add them to your Ignore list and they will disappear.

To do this:

1. Click on USER CP.
2. Scroll down to BUDDY / IGNORE LISTS
3. Add the person's username to the IGNORE LIST.
4. Click the "UPDATE IGNORE LIST" button.

That's all there is to it.


08-13-2006, 02:09 PM
Not that I owe anyone an explanation, but I'm going to go ahead and show you all what led to the censorship filter.


8/04/2006, 7:34AM

I beg to differ....an nice public *** whipping is always refreshing!:D

Anyone for a game of 'Whip the *******'?? :crazy: :whip:


8/04/2006, 9:26AM

this place is meen, you should not please vitors to post ask questions if they will ridiculed.
all fish are fine thanks for the man that help me. when I at home I post pictures you can count or eat pig ****.

8/04/2006, 9:29AM

I've seen enough. This thread is locked.

Then, in the Moderator/Admin board, RyanH posts this:

8/04/2006, 9:34AM

Profanities were starting to get thrown around. I locked the thread.

And I reply...

8/04/2006, 10:05AM

Okay, so I'm adding a censored words list on the forum. People like Tony get warned all the time and they repeatedly do it, so we'll just allow the board to censor everyone automatically. If you see a word that you think should be censored but isn't, please let me know and I'll add it to the list. I'm allowing "damn" and "hell" because I don't see them as being anything terribly bad.


08-13-2006, 02:19 PM
Come to my house and I'll give you a dollar, perhaps you can buy a clue with it.


Thanks you made an exelecent job proving my point Larry, looks like I owe you a dollar. So I guess we are even now :p
Anyways it's your turn to come up here.

08-13-2006, 03:37 PM
Wait a minute. Ryan and Randal B just get done explaining the position of the SD team and this is posted:

Originally Posted by ShinShin
Beth - Shittums - Really???

Now that word should really cause someone to be banned.

Seriously, it actually should. I find it more offensive than dayum, and way worse than F***ing.


Mat, You are my "wittisism hero". (everyone has one, you know) If I could be half as witty as you I'd be my own hero. Liz

What's up with that? Isn't that kind of an "in your face" thing?

08-13-2006, 04:00 PM
Wait a minute. Ryan and Randal B just get done explaining the position of the SD team and this is posted:

Originally Posted by ShinShin
Beth - Shittums - Really???

Now that word should really cause someone to be banned.

Seriously, it actually should. I find it more offensive than dayum, and way worse than F***ing.


Mat, You are my "wittisism hero". (everyone has one, you know) If I could be half as witty as you I'd be my own hero. Liz

What's up with that? Isn't that kind of an "in your face" thing?

Oh well, I've done it again...oh well...The truth of the matter is that I read Mat's post before I read Randal's. But I still consider Mat to have a very dry and refined humor. I admire it.

08-13-2006, 04:51 PM
Pick a side, no longer bubbles. First you're "Go girling" Beth, then slamming Liz and me for posting the same word.

There was no "in your face" to Ryan or Randal by my post. I had no idea what Beth was even eluding to in her post when she said shittums. It was only after she PM'd me that I knew what was happening.

Post your post, then mind your own business. You'll stay out of trouble that way.


08-13-2006, 04:56 PM
Good enough for me... Ryan Explained it just fine for everybody.

Thread Locked.