View Full Version : Bump on discus's belly

08-15-2006, 12:36 PM
Hi all,

I noticed one of my red turqs has a lil raised bump on the side, about the size/shape of half a grain of rice. The fish is about >2" and active and eating well in general and I've had it since it was about nickel-sized few months ago. Is it cancer? :( :( :( weeping.......It is the smallest of 4 babies I acquired.

I took a friend's advice and added two tablespoons of salt last night, another 2 tbsps this morning. Now it hides in corner and kinda dark. I keep the lights out. How long do I keep adding salt and is there any other way?

It is in a 20 gallon tank with 4 glowlight tetras, 2 red phantom tetras, a few swordtail juvies that I didn't bother to remove (hard to catch them).

Temp 84F, pH 6.6, nitrate < 20 ppm. I searched the forum and I didn't see anything similar and I didn't find what I need on the web, your help is greatly appreciated.

08-15-2006, 12:55 PM
When you added more salt was it aftewr a w/c? if not don't keep adding it and you should consider doing a water change. Salt can be useful in some cases, not sure about this one though.

Did you just move t to the 20 gal tank? if so that and the high salt concentration may well have stressed it, do a 10gallon or 50% water change on the tank and treat with a suitable dechlor if needed.

In your post you say
Is it cancer? :( :( :( weeping.......
Is that you weeping or is the lump weeping? If its the lump then the prognosis won't be good, if its you then I'm sorry:o

Some lumps appear I have a wild discus with a lump on its side, been there forever as far as I can tell, no adverse affect on the fish at all. A picture might help.

First off do the w/c and don't add any more salt this time around.

08-15-2006, 02:46 PM
Thanks. Glad to get noticed.

That fish grew up in that 20gallon, I just moved its siblings and live plants to other tanks. WC was about 20% twice a week. After the last WC I started adding salt. There's no visible skin rupture or infection, but I fear that bump gets bigger or pierces out. Only time can tell.

08-15-2006, 02:54 PM
From your 1st post, did it go dark after adding the salt, or was it dark before you added salt? Any chance of a picture of the bump?

08-16-2006, 11:23 AM
The fish appears pretty normal now, not dark, eating well.

I tried some pics last night, but you really can't see that spot from the pics. It's like a sesame seed on fish's body, slightly behind pectoral fin, imagine that.

08-16-2006, 12:16 PM
Just continue to do water changes, feed as normal,after the water change you can add some aquarium salt, keep the temp. around 85 and keep your eye on the fish. I hope everything works out.

08-16-2006, 03:24 PM
Ok I would just keep doing the w/c's and observe. Persoanlly wouldn't add salt at this time.