View Full Version : Holiday Food for Discus

08-23-2006, 06:08 AM
Hi everyone. We have a tank with 3 young discus and 6 young angels and 2 cory cats who all live very happy together as they were introduced at the same time (about 2 months ago) but we are due to go on holiday in September and we are not sure what 'holiday' food we should leave in their tank.

Any suggestions?

We have also been advised to change at least 50% of their water the day before we go, any other suggestions?

Many thanks.

PS we currently feed them frozen bloodworm, discus quintet, discus frozen blocks, tubifex, occasionally cichlid pellets.

08-23-2006, 07:21 AM
I guess the first question is for how long will you be gone. I have left my fish without food for 2-3 days a few times before (being away for the week-end) and there was no problem. I think somebody else said on this forum that they can do without food 10-14 days. The important thing is to have clean water. So, if you are not going to leave for a long period of time, you could not feed them at all, but do a serious wc before you go. That's my opinion. I hope it helps.

08-23-2006, 01:56 PM
I guess the first question is for how long will you be gone. I have left my fish without food for 2-3 days a few times before (being away for the week-end) and there was no problem. I think somebody else said on this forum that they can do without food 10-14 days. The important thing is to have clean water. So, if you are not going to leave for a long period of time, you could not feed them at all, but do a serious wc before you go. That's my opinion. I hope it helps.

Thanks that's great we are only going for a week and we have decided to put a block of holiday food in and then we have someone coming in every day who will pop a few flakes in - any suggestions on flake food? Can we use the same kind we feed our other tropical community tank i.e. King British Tropical Fish flakes? or are there certain kinds you should have. thanks

08-24-2006, 02:40 AM
I guess it would be ok, but I still want to say that clean water is more important than a full belly. I don't pretend to be an expert, but this is not only my opinoin. Many people on this forum say that.
Even if you don't feed them very much, there will still be some leftovers that might damage your water quality in a week.
Considering your situation, I see two options:
- not feed them at all while you're gone, serious wc before you go, and I think you will have no problem;
- ask the person who comes to feed them to do a little wc, as well, every day.
That's what I think, and I don't know if this is the best advice you can get, but I'm trying to help. Maybe someone more experienced on this forum could give you a better idea.
As for types of food, I use BH mix, TETRA BS, TETRA or SERA DISCUS.

08-24-2006, 03:56 AM
Fish can survive more than a week without food. All the other fish may eat the flakes, but I doubt the discus will, if they have never tried. Here are my suggestions:

Before you leave, perform a water change.
After about 2 days, have your friend feed the fish.
After about 2 days, have your friend perform a water change.

When you get home, you should be able to continue your regular regiment of feeding and water changes.

08-24-2006, 05:23 PM
Fish can survive more than a week without food. All the other fish may eat the flakes, but I doubt the discus will, if they have never tried. Here are my suggestions:

Before you leave, perform a water change.
After about 2 days, have your friend feed the fish.
After about 2 days, have your friend perform a water change.

When you get home, you should be able to continue your regular regiment of feeding and water changes.

Hi thanks for that they do eat flakes now anyway and they seem to enjoy them but I think we will do as you suggest after 2 days feed them but we will have to leave the water change till we come back as our friend won't do it but we will change it at least 50% before we go and we test it every day as well to make sure it's okay. thanks everyone.

08-24-2006, 06:45 PM
If you're talking about using those white blocks with impregnated food...I would not use them, ever. The white material is generally plaster of paris or calcium carbonate. The rate at which they dissolve totally depends on the pH of the water. The lower the pH the faster they disappear...overfeeding the tank:(

We go away for 3 weeks every winter...the babysitter is only allowed to feed every 3rd day and then he has a measured container to use. On shorter trips like long weekends or a week the fish are not fed..they will not starve.

More fish are killed by vacation blocks and babysitters that you can imagine


08-25-2006, 08:46 AM
As was said earlier, clean water is really important. My experience is this... Do a very large water change and lower your temp to about 82 degrees f. Keep the lights off and if necessary cover the tank to keep the light to a minimum. This combination helps to keep the fish metabolism slow. They enter a nearly dormant stage. Do not feed or have anyone feed for the time you are gone. If water changes are not being done then the danger of contamination is a far greater risk than the fish starving. Remember that besides the possibility of uneaten food wasting in the water, Discus are large organisms which produce enormous amounts of solid and liquid waste. This can be a very detrimental mistake. When you return do another water change and return to normal routine. I have done this with great success on several occasions for as much as 2 weeks.

08-25-2006, 09:36 PM
Ooh I'd agree with Graham...I never liked those "vacation" food blocks. They dont look normal to me. Whoever is going to check on your tank...be specific on what you want and dont want, and more importantly...what the best instructions for your fish should be.

08-26-2006, 12:34 AM
Please do not use those vacation feeders. They really know how to pollute a tank really fast. They often release too much food at once which of course will really mess with your water quality. Believe me, I have had personal experience with this and coming home to all dead fish is completely devastating not to mention very stinky.

I think your best bet is to do a large water change before you go and then do not feed the fish until you come home and have had a chance to see what is going on in the tank when you get there.

08-26-2006, 12:38 AM
Please do not use those vacation feeders. They really know how to pollute a tank really fast. They often release too much food at once which of course will really mess with your water quality. Believe me, I have had personal experience with this and coming home to all dead fish is completely devastating not to mention very stinky.

I think your best bet is to do a large water change before you go and then do not feed the fish until you come home and have had a chance to see what is going on in the tank when you get there.

Good luck and have a great time on your vacation. :)
